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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. @Silent-Thunder

    all the Artwork will be of course original - this includes Maps, Pictures and whatnot. This is the way we must take to keep the Nazgûl from the Estate off our backs - because the instant you use copyrighted material you are *busted*.

    and we've not seen your P.S. no - we don't see it - we don't smell it - we don't say it - say that the civs will do the Professor's texts justice - no we won't tell him. its our secret. not the for the nosey one. :P

  2. yes yes ... the Hobbits (especially the most noble Puddifoots of Midgetwater Wood) gladly join the ferocious Rohirrim and seat themselves - one Hobbit warrior each (armed w/ bows and slings) behind the grim Men. after a few miles the first complaints are heard especially of bruised buttocks, spilled 5'o clock tea and crumbs on the horses.

    nevertheless the journey towards Black Ops camp goes smoothly - apart from some minor nuisance by Mithrandil's forces. arriving at Black Ops former Dark Tower the combined Forces of Hobbits and Rohirrim find that Black Op has smoked himself into oblivion and left behind his physical self and broods as a Dark Cloud over his tower. Must have been pretty strong weed, that :P

  3. The Hobbits awake from slumber, finding all their precious Weed gone.

    "Arrgh - curse the Black Op, the thief, the sneak - may his toenails rot and all his teeth fall out!"

    The Hobbits decide it is time to return to the international meddling and decide to get their revenge on all the evil-doers.

    *plotting* :P

  4. ah yes - the beard question ... this always reminds of me of Monty Python's 'The Life of Brian' where all the women buy fake beards to go to the stoning

    "Jehova" - "Jehova" ... *ouch* /me gets stoned as well

    hilarious stuff that :P

    but seriously - this "problem" can be adressed (as adam said) w/ using textures - so no big deal


  5. Azaghâl - the Dwarven Lord of Belegost hurt Glaurung with his knife during the events of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. The Dragon didn't like this at all and left the scene, taking along all other beasts of Angband.

    alrighty ... my turn ... its got to be tricksy, its got to be hard ... naw - on a second thought - lets ask a humorous question

    "What is the common theme in both 'Lord of the Rings' and 'Beren & Lúthien' ?"

    hint: 3 words - one is 'and'

    :P ... the one who guesses gets a rep up


  6. @Adam

    The Matrix is based on the 1968 East German play Wirklichkeit ist eine Illusion, also lassen Sie uns sprechen Rätsel, Eintragfaden-Polizei und Tanzkampf ("Reality is an Illusion, so Let Us Speak Riddles, Shoot Police and Dancefight").

    ok - this is garbled german alright - and the "Eintragfaden-Polizei" is pure gibberish - there is NO word "Eintragfaden" ...

    Eintrag means Entry (like in a log book or something)

    Faden is a Thread (of Wool, string, yarn whatever)

    when i take the english sentence "Reality is an Illusion, so Let Us Speak Riddles, Shoot Police and Dancefight"

    it would be translated correctly into

    "Die Realität ist eine Illusion, also lasst uns in Rätsel sprechen, auf die Polizei schiessen und Tanzkampf machen"

    whereas "Tanzkampf" isn't correct german either - as its english counterpart

    so - this is partly :P so please bear with me


  7. thats one of the mysteries i guess :P

    atleast what i could gather from that source is the following:

    Durin (the Deathless) awoke alone in Mount Gundabad - henceforth a holy place. and a meeting-place for all dwarven-fathers from all seven houses. now it is unclear if Durin ventured forth alone (which can be found in the texts - he wandered southward alongside the Hithaeglir until he came upon Mirrowmere (or Kheled-zâram). after that experience it is said that he founded Khazad-dûm ... but i'm unsure if we are to believe the had a go at that alone.

    my (personal) guess is that he was so enamored by Kheled-zâram that he returned to Mt. Gundabad or sought out the other Dwarven Houses, had a meeting @ Mt. Gundabad and again ventured south with his (then) followers to delve out the ancient city of Khazad-dûm. i dimly remember that the other houses provided him w/ his needed companions - but i need to check my HoME.12 for that ...


  8. @Curufinwe

    lol ... not quite that ... in HoME vol.12 (Of Dwarves and Men) it is stated that each of the other 6 fathers had companions - and that only Durin of the Longbeards awoke alone ...

    he must have been quite ... errm ... lonely when he finally found his bethren *ahem* :P

  9. well this is one of the complicated topics - one reason for this are the partially contradicting texts the Professor wrote during his lifetime.

    personally i tend to accept rather his late writings as canon (i.e. the later parts of the HoME series cover that creative period) - but thats just a personal preference that i don't want to force on anyone.

    again (personally) i've learned to accept the accounts in the Silmarillion not always on their (textual) face value - but merely Christopher Tolkien's feverish attempt to "wring" a semi-coherent narrative from his father's multiple textual sources.

    (if you want more on that - don't hesitate to contact me via MSN (-> check my profile) and i'll gladly explain - if i have time :P )

    regarding dragons - in his late writings the Dragons are beasts (or animals) that have been terribly corrupted, changed and empowered by Morgoth's inherent spiriutal force to be molded into the terrible beasts that we know from the texts. they procreate, have different variants (winged / unwinged, fiery or cold-breath). you must understand that Morgoth had "invested" so much of his inherent power into this very Middle-earth - in order to gain control of it (hence the "Morgoth-element" in all of Arda -> c.f. the term "Arda Marred") that he in time was unable to alter his form, or even contest with the Valar at the end of the First Age. He has become so earth-bound by his intrusion of the "Morgoth-element" in the soil of Arda - that one could call "Arda Marred" under the artificial term of "Morgoth's Ring" (this term is from an actual text-passage in HoME vol.10 "Morgoth's Ring") - and Tolkien goes on to say that Sauron (with the Ruling Ring) during the Second Age was more "powerful" than Morgoth at the end of the First Age - in the light of Sauron being able to benefit from Morgoth's tampering with Arda AND not having dispersed himself like his former master did.

    so this is sort of off topic now - see what you've done now.


    again the Silmarillion deceives you - there is ample evidence in Tolkien's late writings that he meant to change the "History" of the world ...

    * having Sun and Moon exist BEFORE the Two Trees

    * having Man awaken much earlier - to allow Morgoth to capture some, corrupt and twist them into the vile race of Orcs - which are now mortal but multiplies like other mortal races (far quicker than Elves could and would)

    * changing the various dates in the First Age to better reflect this change

    alas his changes only went so far, as to introduce the "new" world-view ... the rest are just several notes and scribblings on the side of other texts :P



  10. Turgon, Son of Fingolfin - built the fairest city to ever grace Middle-earth, posessed Glamdring, was father to Idril Celebrindal and grandfather to Eärendil (well same could be said for Fingolfin - only one generation further removed :P) but still Turgon rulez :P that's why i'm carrying the Emblem of the House of the Swan Wing (Tuor's House) as my forum avatar.



  11. Enarwaen's hobbits peer out of the smoke that constantly surrounds them ... "Did someone just say Pipeweed ???"

    they assail Silent-Thunder's pipeweed fields, confiscate all the weed and return safely home where they happily convert all the booty into smoke-rings :)

  12. UT: Aldarion and Erendis : The Mariner's Wife

    next ...

    The night had been overcast and dark, but now the waxing moon began to

    glimmer through drifting cloud. A wind was moving from the East: the forerunner of the great storm that when day came would pass over Rohan and burst over Helm's Deep the next night. Grimbold was aware suddenly that most of the torches had been extinguished and the fury of the assault had abated.

  13. Indeed, in one corner some of the young Tooks and Brandybucks, supposing Uncle Bilbo to have finished (since he had plainly said all that was necessary), now got up an impromptu orchestra, and began a merry dance-tune. Master Everard Took and Miss Melilot Brandybuck got on a table and with bells in their hands began to dance the Springle-ring: a pretty dance, but rather vigorous.

    next question:

    What was Mount Gundabad famous for - originally, before it became the capital of the Mountain Orcs ?

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