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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. I think it was stated in a series of essays from various authors about their early experiences and impressions reading Tolkien's work that Tolkien viewed Gondor in the Fourth Age as something like medieval Byzantium:  technologically and culturally advanced, preserving the grandeur of the past, but slowly declining, both to internal decay and from external forces from abroad.

    Mae Govannen and welcome to the TLA forums Taron! :)

    it is good to have you onboard :D if you want, you can better introduce yourself to the community in the Introduction Forum.


    and yes - that is the commonly accepted theme for the "Reunited Kingdom" in the Fourth Age. well said.

    i think Tolkien wanted to depict the natural human trend to grow restless of bliss and peace over time.

    but see for yourself *cough* here *cough*



  2. Ah, good. You see, I'd been toying with the idea of writing a fan story in which one of the other wizards plays a role. It was gonna include a hobbit, a young man, a dwarf, and two Elves. And I'd thought of having Radagast advise them. Of course, if the books said Radagast failed in his purpose, he obviously couldn't advise the characters in fighting the Enemy.  :)

    well Radagast did not really fail in a sense he became evil - but he failed his original mission in aiding the peoples of middle-earth against Sauron. he was just so enamored in his studies of the flora and fauna of middle-earth that he barely took part in the greater events of the late third age (this could be worthy of a discussion - because without Radagast there would have been no eagle to fetch Gandalf from Orthanc and no eagles to rescue Frodo & Sam from the slopes of Orodruin)

    anyway - i think you COULD use the character of Radagast in your fan-fiction, albeit don't let him "pull a Gandalf" :D



  3. @ matteo: LOL

    seems like i jumped a whole page in this thread ... cursed be the automatic-jump-to-last-message ... cursed be it, my precious :)

    the last post i saw was frumpus' question about 1150 whether normal TA or Shire Reckoning. mea culpa

    matteo was awfully close w/ his last post - but we saw no nasssty easterlingsss we did not, my preciousss. but blaming it on the necromancer is ... ssssss .... a good idea ... yes it isss.

    because around TA 1000 a shadow fell on the southern reaches of Greenwood the Great ... the rest you will know :D

    ok matteo - your turn :D

  4. @matteo :) our roles are pretty flexible here, they evolve alongside the project - i didn't think i'll "mutate" into a game designer when i signed up back in oct. 2002.


    another thought about the movies ... i think PJ pretty much made it difficult (if not impossible) for himself to reasonably portray the events of RotK (the book) truthfully in the movie. for one he enlarged the Battle of Helms Deep to almost 45 mins of screentime (w/ intercutting) whereas in the book its just a few pages. also he wasted time on "Aragorn goes cliff-diving" and the Warg-attack (another 10 mins minium). in the same space he decides to have Frodo & Sam being taken to Osgiliath and move their way towards Minas Morgul and the stairs of Cirith Ungol as well as Shelobs' Lair and The Choices of Master Samwise into the third movie.

    this maybe was a good idea for the second movie - if you view it alone and out of context of the whole story - but it gets you into deep water when you have to tie up all the loose ends in the next movie.

    if PJ had stuck to the narrative of the books, had included the Voice of Saruman and the later part of Frodo & Sam's journey towards Cirith Ungol in the second movie - we might have witnessed a far more complete, rounder and better RotK (the movie). And what is wrong with the cliff-hanger originally used by the Professor himself ? there is no better ending to TTT (the book) than Sam discovering that Frodo is still alive ... instead we got the semi-happy-ending ("The Battle of Helms Deep is over - the Battle for Middle-earth has just begun") and Gollum's vague threats and his plans that involve "her" - whoa - i'm pumped :D

    and yes - i've listened to the Director's commentary on the TTT:EE ... but still - i think it is a poor choice and the consequences seem to have haunted them well into the third movie.

    and once more - i'm think the movies are an outstanding accomplishment - pure genius in certain aspects. my (purist) problem is that - when they try to tamper with the original material it often works good (i.e. shifting lines from one character to another, ...) but sometimes its just awkward and disenchanting and sometimes just ruins a scene for me.



  5. Such claims delivered steeped in lore

    To halls of BLACK and WHITE bethroned

    Of seed begun ere Valinor

    And blood that flows within the Stone.

    That blade and clearest threat he bore

    A mere caretaker - I - in his eyes.

    It rent the pride of ages before

    And bent hot passion to demise.

    Then cometh fell deeds done - afore

    The conquerer could usurp the shore.

    Dare ye to see with longest sight?

    Espie through MY HANDS BURNING BRIGHT!

    must be Denethor II

    halls of black and white (marble) = throne room in Minas Tirith

    seed begun ere valinor = play on Melian's part in Aragorn's ancestry

    that blade and clearest threat he bore = narsil reforged is the ultimate symbol of authority

    a mere caretaker - i - in his eyes = play on the role of the Steward of Gondor

    Dare ye to see with longest sight? = play on the Palantír

    Espie through MY HANDS BURNING BRIGHT! = the only image the Palantír of Minas Tirith ever showed again - Denethor's burning hands

  6. @ Matteo

    i feel your pain, brother :) thats why i only watched RoTK twice so far - and i'll vouch to never watch the theatrical cut again.

    yes - they butchered the Denethor scenes - there's no how and why - he's just minimized to a defeatistic madmen with bad eating habits.

    and his fiery "run" from Rath Dínen all the way to the edge of the escarpment is ludricous (i was tempted to shout "Run Forrest - Run !)" :D

    and i'm not even starting on Gandalf bashing the Ruling Steward with his staff ... i almost jumped up and wanted to leave the cinema (yes at the premiere on dec 16th)

    and thats just 2 nits i have to pick :D

    as i said before - its chilling and heart-warming in the same second when PJ gets something right - but utterly devastating when he messes up - so bad that i get thrown out of the story.



  7. @sukkit

    why don't you try the current sale @ amazon.co.uk - they have the book for GBP 6.99 (thats roughly 10,- or 11,- EUR)

    try this link

    you'd need a credit card though - and i'm unsure of the service & postage fee (since i always order from germany - they don't charge service and postage fee when ordering above EUR 20,-)



  8. hmm - tricksy he is - asks us tricksy questions ... :D

    1) Ecthelion of the Fountain (FA Noldor in Gondolin)

    2) Ecthelion I (Steward of Gondor - (re)built the White Tower)

    2a) the "Tower of Ecthelion"

    3) Ecthelion II (also Steward of Gondor - father of Denethor II)

    so i'd say 3 and a half :o

    edit: Black Op was faster than us - but we managed to guess his next question, we did my precious :)

    our turns now!

    why did the Stoors leave their "ancestral home" near the Gladden Fields ? (around TA 1150 ? hint hint :D )

  9. yes Black Op has got it right - Tolkien deliberately leaves us with anachronisms and enigmas in his works - esp. in the literal persons of Tom B. and Goldberry.

    he never intended to clear up their background - so i've long ago given up musing about them

    Goldberry about Tom Bombadil: "He just is" ... and so is she :)

  10. i'll give it a shot on this one

    They were the first; now I am the last

    Sundered were we - far in the past

    Learned in smithcraft, stone and ore

    Bold and proud, and strong what's more

    Seven stars on banner raised

    Red crown on the throne those days

    From Master of earth-roots Fathers learned

    But to more hearty roots I returned

    What becomes of me of late?

    No tale tells my ending fate

    It's about dwarves ... "Sundered were we - far in the past" - that refers to the awakening of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves - all in different places

    "Seven stars on banner raised" - must be house of Durin :)

    "From Master of earth-roots Fathers learned" - thats Aulë

    "What becomes of me of late? No tale tells my ending fate" and "They were the first; now I am the last" makes me guess it's about Durin VII ?

  11. I agree, it's her body, but the ramifications of her decision cause ripple effects that go far beyond her.  I know that if I found out that one of my ex's had aborted a child that was mine, I think I would be extremely angry.  Never having been in that situation, I couldn't say for sure,  but I can't even imagine the emotions that would involve.  I would absolutely love to have a child.  I'm not going to go out and do it on purpose, but, if the chance presented itself, I'd be 100% against abortion.

    ah yes ... that point slipped my mind - thanks for catching me!

    yes you are right - but i'd limit this to an ongoing relationship. i think it would make matters worse if you'd force your ex-gf/wife to keep the embryo just to fulfill 'your' personal wish for a child. for one i'm unsure if it would work out - and the child would only be torn between mother and father - OTOH you can never be sure if your ex-gf/wife sticks to the deal or would abort just in spite.

    i agree with you that the father-to-be should have a say in it but not on an equal basis as the mother-to-be.

    thats what makes it of paramount importance to find the right special-someone with whom you'll stick the rest of your life (call me old-fashioned - don't care :P ) and provide the child(ren) with a stable family and a secure social enviroment.




    That must be awesome, as well as a headache, to have twins :P

    yes its awesome - and i'm glad that they are twins - that way they occupy themselves almost all of the time - when i think of my niece (a sole child) when she was that age ... cute but she'd pester you w/ everything all day long :P

  12. @Joseph

    whoa - hold your horses ... that wasn't an announcement of planned campaigns/scenarios ... just a short list that came to my head when thinking about the Second Age ... there's plenty more we could do

    i.e. Sauron's actions in the East, Finding the Nazgûl :D, the adventures of Amdir, Oropher and Thranduil :)

    its easy to muse about stuff like that - but very hard and mucho trabajo to realize it :D

  13. i must agree w/ Klaas.

    in my eyes abortion IS always a question of emotion and not rational logics. you will not see a single pregnant woman contemplating if the embryo inside her is cognitive aware or not - its much more a question if she wants the baby or not. simple as that.

    all this overanalyzing, categorizing and getting the religious cudgel will not help in such a situation.

    if you will - you can also put me in the "pro-choice" league - but i don't like to be labeled in such a way - it's too easy to shelf opinions and people (common trend though nowadays) - anyway ... i think it should always be the primary right of the pregnant woman to decide what is going to happen with her body or not. if you take away that right and "criminalize" this, you are only opening the door for some "back-alley" abortions with the famous "clothes-hook" (sorry for the cliché) which are not only "illegal" then but also dangerous for both mother and embryo.

    i'd also take into account all those "teenage moms" (here responsibility and early "sexual" education and information kicks in) who have to either give their children to their own parents or quit school and more or less can forget about their education and finding a decent job later on. this was a big problem here (still is - but has decreased a bit lately) in Austria and the government did the right thing - not banning abortion but making an information campaign for all teens which would hammer some responsibility into them :P

    getting back to abortion - it is unharmfull for the body of the pregnant woman up to 3 months. in the 4th month it can get dangerous (due to excessive bleeding in the uterus) and i would advise against it from the 5th month onward. and no doctor here would agree to a abortion past the 4 month date. and i think this is good - but not to restrict abortion - but to minimize the potential injuries of both mother and fetus.

    as some of you might know - i'm myself father of twins (boy and girl - both 6 years old). i've been present during the birth - sustained my wife as good as i could. for us abortion never was an issue because at that time (1997) we felt that we wanted to have kids. so no regrets. but i know of many cases in our surrounding of relatives, friends and aquaintances where things were not that harmonic.

    some pregnancies just happened - ergo there's some resentment against the "unwanted" offspring, some are desperately trying to conceive but won't work, some have had one or two miscarriages ... all very tragic stuff.

    in conclusion you can define my opinion the following way

    * the woman shall be able to choose by herself - but it should be chosen in a calm - sensible way. hysterical decisions are not always the best ones. very often its also the fear of the unknown, the social and monetarian insecurity which leads to rash decisions. this is a very vital situation and should not be taken lightly.

    * the process of abortion shall always be done by a professional doctor

    * before the abortion there should be (in Austria there are) counseling hours with both a doctor and a social expert

    * no institution - be it either church or government should interfere with the basic right to choose

    * inform and educate the youngsters (11 yrs ++) on the possible consequences of premature pregnancies, anticonception, sexual deseases, social responsibilities

    again - these are my views on the topic and are not meant to be the universal truth :P i've witnessed some tragic moments (read above) in my social neighborhood - and in some cases i dare to predict - things would have worked out better if they had chosen differently (not meaning abortion per se - but been aware of certain facts that come along w/ a pregnancy)

    so - this has been long enough ...



  14. some more stuff: http://ringil.cis.ksu.edu/Tolkien/Humor/MIM/index.html

    Arguments AGAINST the Palantir being a Microsoft[tm] product:

    1) The moral authority to use it came from the heirs of Elendil. If it were a Microsoft product, doubtless the authority to use it would have come from either Morgoth, Sauron, or their respective lawyers.

    2) By all accounts, the Palantiri were useful.

    3) By all accounts, the Palantiri actually _worked_.

    Arguments in FAVOR of the Palantir being a Microsoft[tm] product:

    1) Denethor used a Palantir for an extended period of time, went crazy, and killed himself. :)

    2) Denethor's Palantir froze up afterwards, only showing his burning hands, and couldn't be reset; that sounds like an MS product to me.

    also quite fun - the 101 Things to do in Aman

    * In the Second and Third Ages: taking a ferry to Tol Eressea and trekking up to Avallone to give Sauron the finger through the Masterstone


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