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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. my take on this would be that Sauron foremost wanted to bring the Elves under his direct control:

    Bear in mind that Sauron himself (under the guise of Annatar) surveyed the peoples of Middle-earth and deemed the humans too weak and only the Noldor were "worthy" of his special attention. In Lindon he was refused but he had success in Eregion where he played on the desires of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain to achieve a small "copy" of the Blessed Lands in Middle-earth itself (and to stop the passing of time).

    He fooled the Elves into working together to find means of preserving Middle-earth. What the Elves of the Mírdain didn't realize, that Sauron knew all the secrets of the forging of the rings, since they made all save the Three and the One right there in Ost-in-Edhil.

    And the reason why he so adamantly was pursuing the bearers of the Three has IMO two reasons:

    * Celebrimbor made them alone - but still w/ the same "recipe" that made all Rings of Power subject to the One - thus (if Sauron could regain them) he could "taint" them afterwards (same as he did when he recovered the Seven and the Nine) and give them to more "cooperating" Elves which would then fall under the control of the One Ring.

    * The Bearers of the Three became aware of Sauron, the moment he put on the One and tried to master their will, and put them off and hid them - thus his plan of "secretly" controlling the Lords of the Eldar failed and thats why he started his invasion of Eriador in SA 1697. He ultimately destroyed Ost-in-Edhil and gained the Seven and the Nine - which he gave out to the unsuspecting victims (rumor has it that the Dwarven Ring of the House of Durin was not touched by Sauron at all ... but that Celebrimbor directly gave it to Durin III)

    hope that answers your question



  2. @Klaas

    I adapted your code Curufinwe, just made a few little changes to it. Don't have a clue how to get rid of those white borders, I'm not used anymore to this misuse of html

    you'd need to set Cellspacing='1' to '0' :muaha:

    <table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='100%' style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px; border-width:1px;bordercolor:black;border-style:solid;'>

    cheers (beer.gif


  3. errm ... people ... please don't take the url.com link seriously - it was just a generic adress that klaas put into the "test posting" ...

    and this was no "regular news posting" - merely a short sign that the news posting script is working now

    look out for the first "official" TLA news post (in months) very soon



  4. Thanks Enarwaen.  You preempted my response to Klaas in the staff lounge :muaha:

    /me bows - "At your service, and your family's"

    i've sent Klaas a PM as well - just to be sure (beer.gif:D


  5. just had 5 minutes and whipped up a more TLA-ized styling for them news

    <table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='1' width='100%' style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;

    <td background="images/tla_stone_back.jpg" width="25"><img src="images/newsicon.gif" width="25" height="25"></td>
    <td background="images/tla_stone_back.jpg" align='left'><b>Title: testing news</b><br>
    Posted By: <b><a href='http://forums.wildfiregames.com/tla/index.php?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID=8'>Klaas</a></b>, on:

    Mar 15 2004, 06:39 PM</td>
    <td align='left' colspan=2> testing news<br /> <!--emo&B-)--><img

    src='http://forums.wildfiregames.com/tla/html/emoticons/cool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'

    alt='cool.gif' /><!--endemo--> <br /><a href='http://url.com' target='_blank'>url test</a><br /><b>formatting

     <br><br>Comments: 3 :: <a href='http://forums.wildfiregames.com/tla/index.php?act=ST&f=32&t=445'>View


    @Klaas - maybe you can insert/adapt this w/ your current script

    pieces i changed in bold


    Title: testing news


    testing news


    hope this is of some use


  6. for me the biggest blunder was ... Orcs vs. Isildur's Dúnedain TA 2

    they virtually had the One Ring in their grasp. all they needed to was strike down that Tarkil and claim the Ring. Their Master would have been pleased beyond reckoning.

    As the events turned out - those bungling fools were lucky they were not alive when Sauron came back out of the East in TA 1000. Oh my - imagine the fun he'd had with them :muaha:

    ok seriously - for me it's the Valar forgiving Melkor and letting him abide amongst them in Valinor as the "least of the free people". bad bad mistake.

  7. @Tim

    originally i had a seperate webpage in mind - not a forum by itself (beer.gif;)

    a webpage more like the wall in an office where all the past "Employees of the Month" frames are collected. for WFG it might have both categories: GotM and MotM on two different pages ... nothing too fancy but a neat bit of WFG-history :)


  8. @Tim

    neat idea - you could style it like those framed "resumes" in offices for the "Employee of the Month" - then maybe make make a .jpg/png or whatever and host it on the wfg-server so that the MotM/GotM could link their "resume" in their .sig ...

    also a hall-of-fame for past MotM/GotM might be nice?


  9. In any case he would have objected had it been someone ELSE proposing the names, not himself.

    (beer.gif well then, good thing he came up w/ all those "translations" himself - isn't it. plus this must have been pretty late in his life, since the german translation didn't come out before the early seventies ...


  10. my native language is german - so i've read the trilogy in german first - some 17 years ago (bleh - i'm feeling old now :brow: )

    the rohirric language was not changed, neither the names (i.e. some mountains like Dwimmorberg, Starkhorn work as german names too - in fact they ARE german names :brow: )

    what was obviously changed - and also in accordance with the Professor himself were most of the Hobbit and Shire-specific names and some locations and other names. the translater mrs. margarete carroux had some correspondence with Tolkien himself and he suggested some unique "German" names:

    Baggins -> Beutlin

    Samwise Gamgee -> Samweis Gamdschie

    The Shire -> Auenland

    Brandywine -> Brandywein

    Took -> Tuk

    Old Gaffer -> Alter Ohm

    Hobbiton -> Hobbingen

    Crickhollow -> Krickloch

    and some other names

    Rivendell -> Bruchtal

    Shelob -> Kankra

    and probably more which i don't remember ATM. in the last years (6+) i've only read Tolkien's works in their original language - so some names might have slipped my mind.


  11. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/internation...1153513,00.html

    please read that and post your thoughts ...

    i live in central europe (austria to be precise) and i've witnessed a certain change of climate even here. summers and winters are getting more extreme - whereas spring and autumn get shorter and shorter.

    excessive rainfall causes more floods (esp. the floods of september 2002) and the heat-wave over europe last august does speak for itself.

    what are your experiences with extreme climate over the past few years?




    p.s. found another link ...


  12. having 6 year old twins myself (boy and girl btw) i think i've already reached the desired amount of kids ;)

    and to quote my fav. little green man: "always two there are, no more no less ..." :blush:

    but if you'd asked me the question 10 years ago i'd probably answered zero, because i was not in the situation when i met my future-wife-to-be ... and if you find that special someone you know it's the perfect time to have children ... no matter how many. :(

  13. ok - then i'll hope they'll make it available to you one day :P

    i've only read the disturbing reports from the mass-scale test in germany - where the german energy-giant E.ON kicked the plans for implementing a mass PLC-network into the bin :P

    although there's another reason - the DSL-market in germany is very competetive and so the prices way down for a DSL-connection - maybe the PLC-model couldn't compete (cost-wise) ... so who knows what the 'real' reason behind their decision was ...


  14. thats pretty old news around here - some big service providers in germany already gave up on the project last year - due to increasing interference and packet losses with increasing user-numbers.

    the local service provider i work for DOES have a commercial solution called Speedweb.

    it's currently in restricted test drive - but due to their business model it's too expensive and not flexible enough - so i'll stick to my cable modem :P (1mbit down 256kbit up)


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