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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. i have to agree and compliment Howard Shore on his outstanding work. to me the music sometimes outshines the movie itself :muaha: but then there are some cues that i don't like - esp. the "Mordor Theme" can get on my nerves pretty quickly - i'd have prefered something more dark, brooding and unwholesome - not such a repetitive annoying cue - but thats just me. Also the "Fellowship-Theme" is quite a bit overused - heh - but thats the Wagnerian "Leitmotiv" :P of the movie

    my absolute favorites are the Rohan Theme :D - the opening music of TTT (w/ the flight over the Hithaeglir), Farewell to Lórien (from FotR). i also really like the more silent parts - mood music if you like - the eerie background-music in Moria :S and the tear-provoking crescendo when Gandalf falls into the chasm (sniff).

    but all in all a great score - currently my all time favorite movie score - replacing Star Wars - Original Trilogy ... and that from someone who grew up w/ John Williams' works :P



  2. @Matteo: LOL - we've got a similiar problem - but not with our bed but with the living room couch - our cat kindly allows us to use it from time to time :D


    yeah - same situation as matteo - woke up next to my wifey - so i voted for the gf-bed ...

    the only thing that is unfair - i usually have a light sleep in the morning hours so i'm by default the chosen one to start preparing breakfast (only weekdays though) - so my wifey can linger some precious minutes longer in bed *sigh*



  3. @Halmirion

    Well, that's all true; but Sauron couldn't have known that, right? If he knew that the maintenance of Imladris and Rivendell was connected to the Rings, then surely he would have surmised that two at least were held by Elrond and Galadriel, rulers of those realms, and among the mightiest of the Eldar remaining in Middle-earth. But obviously, since Sauron (and for that matter, none but the Three Keepers and Cirdan) didn't know where they were, then that can't have been a motivation to reclaim them, I think.

    i'm pretty sure he had a rough idea where the Elven Rings where hid. After he razed Ost-in-Edhil and he couldn't find the Three he first persued Elrond and the remnant of the Noldorin forces. Elrond then founded the Refuge of Imladris and was besieged there - since Sauron left ample troops to guard against any troops that might come at his rear from Imladris while he himself was advancing towards Lindon - where he surmised that atleast two of the Three were hid (which was indeed correct since Celebrimbor gave Nenya to Galadriel and Narya and Vilya to Círdan and Gil-galad)

    Things looked grim for Gil-galad and his realm Lindon when from out of the deeps of the sea the Númenórean Navy finally arrived and turned the tide. Sauron had to retreat and his forces where nearly utterly destroyed when a second Númenórean Force landed in Lond Daer and attacked the remnants of Sauron's forces near Tharbad. Sauron himself escaped only with his personal guard. From then on he only sought revenge and plotted the destruction of the Númenóreans.

    So far so good concerning the history - but i think you don't see the vital point in Sauron's desire for the Elven Rings - he wanted to control all of the peoples in middle-earth. But the Elves became aware of his design and hid the Three Rings and did not use them - while Sauron was still wearing the Master Ring. If they did he would be able to see through them, know their innermost thoughts and would be able to control them because of this. Celebrimbor was aware of this and so he seperated and hid the Rings with secret keepers (or so he thought). He didn't think of the Seven and the Nine in a similiar fashion and so those Rings came into Sauron's hands after he ransacked Ost-in-Edhil.



  4. i found out about Joseph Bugman's AoK mod at a german Tolkien forum in fall 2001 - i've watched (better lurked) the old forums for about a year - saw the project nearly die down apart from insane postings in a forum-rpg thread *ahem*

    then adam came along - as a poser-master - churning out units by the dozen, taking the mantle of project lead on an interim basis from joseph - then the big shock - joseph retiring from the project and adam becoming his successor.

    i applied as literature consultant back in october 2002 - was accepted shortly after - and the rest (as they say) is history

  5. since i was rather disappointed with the theatrical cut i'm completely ignoring the RotK:TE and i'll wait for the EE. i won't fall into their marketing strategy - no way - i might watch the second dvd but the cutfest of a movie won't taint my dvd-player :muaha:


  6. A very Happy Birthday to our newest TLA Member Rohirwine aka Matteo!


    he's been on the team since January and is already bowels deep into game design, linguistics and what not.

    great to have you with us and now go out and celebrate your 30th birthday (believe me - it doesn't hurt as much as everybody says it will - i've been through this last year in May :P )



  7. How much will each upgrade take out of your supply stockpiles per second, will it be a very small amount, or shall it be substancial even when you have 5, because if you have 20+ upgrades you're going to have to have a very solid economy going then

    it will be a rather "small" amount that will be subtracted per second ... how small i cannot say - that will be determined during testing/balancing - but you can only have 3 simultanously active "researches" going at one time

    What will happen if you have upgrades and your supply stockpiles reach 0? Will the effects of the upgrade stop?

    yes - your research will stop - and you'd have to "activate" it again when sufficient resources are available again. the research will resume at the state you were when it stopped.

    hope this helps



  8. i'm doing a Null Vote - but we'd need to give credit to the "invention" of the researches like they are now to Frumpus (applause) and his MFS (Modified Frumpus System) as we code-named it (beer.gif:muaha:


    p.s. look forward to sink your teeth into the actual researches in the tech lists :D (soon ... )

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