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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. @manby_c

    you can be pretty sure that all named dragons in one way or another will make an appearance in TLA

    *Glaurung is a FA FoM Leader-Unit

    *Ancalagon will be a Hero-Unit for FA FoM

    and the others (Smaug, Scatha) will surely be present in their respective surroundings :D

    and yes - as of now - cold worms are in :wacko:

  2. @manby_c

    Glaurung is also a Leader-unit for FoM (the inteam-code for Forces of Morgoth - opposed to FoS - Forces of Sauron) and will be one of three possible choices to start a game with.

    About the Urulóki - don't worry - we recently came up with an astounding concept on how to accurately portray Morgoth's worms ingame - you can look forward to that - once we release all the details :wacko:



  3. i go for Glaurung, father of Dragons!

    since Big M. was too lazy (or afraid) to venture off into Beleriand he sent his worm :D

    Gothmog :D is a close second

    and Sauron - the Wimp (gets beaten by a flea-bitten hound and a GIRL!) gets third place. but only because he improved alot in the latter ages :wacko:

  4. maybe - after our community has the hang of creating scenarios - we can release a Community Expansion Pack (like Bioware just did for NWN) where the best Scenarios/Campaigns made by the Community are presented in one polished package!


  5. i play on both PC (rpgs, adventures, rts ...) and on Gamecube (Sports and Kiddiegames like Mariokart, Pikmin but also Zelda:Windwaker :D) but the GC was a mere crowd-pleaser for my own target audience (my 6 year old twins) but i've also grown to like the console for what it is. and i like the compact size so its easily packed up and transported to the grans or another location.

    but personally i prefer the PC - and IMO my current fav. game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on PC is way superior to its Xbox counterpart (mouse-play, resolution, graphic and extra content :D )



  6. this is Son-of-Morgoth (Gothmog) and Son-of-Manwe (Fionwë -> later Eonwë) business was an early conception of the myths.

    The professor himself changes and dismantles this during his revising in the Later Quenta Silmarillion and in the Annals of Aman (cf. HoME Vol.10)

  7. i've followed the game's progress since it was announced.

    i'm quite curious how the "updated" C&C Generals engine will handle itself with the amount of units they propose. for me it's a sure bet that i'll get this game and play it online as well.

    funny - it seems like they also have a stat for a unit's morale :D now where did that come from, hmmm ? :wacko:

    check it out at this Developer Diary

    Of course not compared to TLA

    well thank you for your compliment (beer.gif:D - but you cannot really compare BfME with TLA. The difference is like the Books and Movies - whereas we cover ALL the books written by the Professor and the Movies only cover 3 books.

    but to quote my fav. Istari (although its a quote from the movie)

    We have work to do


  8. @Gilluin

    yes sure - there's ample room in the Professor's mythology to speculate - but even if Beorn *were* a lesser Istari (which is proven wrong by the explicit statement of Tolkien that Beorn was a of human origin) one might wonder why he wasn't included in the deliberations of the White Council.

    the "knowing" of Gandalf and Beorn (and vice versa) could be explained that Gandalf would have probably crossed the Anduin at the Carrock many times and met Beorn there (as he himself states in the Hobbit).

  9. @Gilluin

    How about a campaign in the Second age before the Last Alliance, the Fall of Eregion! ...[snip]

    i'm sure this will be included :D since it's one of my favorite settings (and i think i included this in my above short list :wacko: )

    @Black Op

    Kinda a bad place for a tutorial campaign methinks. Totally skips the 1st Age which is filled with wars that can be used as campaigns

    why so ? it would nicely suit the introduction of the Númenórean culture with their sea-faring ability - which is (for major or playable civs) a novelity - since in the First Age there won't be any major civilisations with a mentionable navy (not speaking of the Falathrim minor civ). i was not implying that we'd skip the First Age *ahem* (beer.gif:D


    there has been some thought concerning a FA tutorial - mainly being the Great March of the Eldar all the way from Cuiviénen to Aman. Upon arrival it is possible that we might depict the building of Tirion upon Túna, Alqualondë and whatnot - maybe even the Flight of the Noldor.

    And the Wars of Beleriand will be the main FA campaign.


    but all this is too early - the team needs to focus and finalize the civilisation techlists before we can move on to the next phase. planning actual campaigns and scenarios are still a way off - so please bear with us and understand that this is only speculation because there hasn't been anything set in stone concering actual campaigns and scenarios.

    but be assured that we will be faithful to the source material and cover the necessary events as truthful as possible



  10. @manby_c

    i'm pretty sure that a Númenórean campaign will be included in TLA that deals i.e. with the events during the Dark Years of the Second Age between 1693 and 1701 (Sauron invades Eriador, razes Ost-in-Edhil, sieges Imladris, turns against Lindon, Númenórean Navy lands in Lindon and Lond Daer and drives Sauron out of Eriador) as well as some scenarios about the Guild of Venturers and of course scenarios that will cover the cataclysmic events surrounding the drowning of Númenor as well as the foundation of the Realms in Exile ... and not even speaking about "The Last Alliance" :wacko:

    i can even picture a "tutorial campaign" where you would "evacuate" the Atani from Beleriand and guide them towards Elenna - the Land of Gift.



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