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Posts posted by Enarwaen

  1. @adam ... it took me a while to get this again - because a minute after i found it on torn they took it down ... so i had to use my l33t w3b-skiLLz to reaquire the transcript :P

    Questions I want answered -

    Is there Dunharrow?

    Do Shagrat's and Gorbag's orcs fight?

    Is the Stone of Erech talked about?

    Are the beacon-lights of Gondor included?

    Are the Drúedain talked about at all?

    to my knowledge - no Dunharrow - Gandalf, Theoden, Aragorn & the rest of the gang reunite at Edoras and take it from there

    Shagrat and Gorbag's orcs seem to fight - but Sam mops up the remaining ones *g* *ahem*

    no Stone of Erech ... hey - what did you expect ... i heard about the Dead following Aragorn on to the fields of Pelennor and i already thought - well thats it for the Corsairs ... and i don't even expect an extended scene for this :)

    beacons ? ... hmmm - don't know ... but why confuse the average movie-goer

    drú-eh-what ? ... nah - don't think so ... would only complicate the plot

    btw ... the official running time is 3h20mins (3h12 without credits) and he has a good 25% of TTT to include as well

    i find it extremely cheesy that Pippin seems to find the Palantir at the feet of Orthanc in some pool ... i can understand Christopher Lee's reaction for leaving his scenes on the cutting room floor

    but i'll judge the movie when i see it - but i'll leave my inner purist at home for the screening (promised my wife not to start a fuss again like in London :P )



  2. arrgh ... well it sounds really really bad on paper - about all the scenes they sacrificed

    brilliant stuff like

    Voice of Saruman

    Houses of Healing

    no Faramir & Eowyn

    no Mouth of Sauron

    no standoff between Gandalf & Witch-king :P (one of my fav scenes)

    but hey ... the emotional part should be working :)

    we'll see at Dec. 16th at 23:59 (thats what my ticket says)



  3. Massive ROTK Q&A Spoilers!

    Pippin_Took @ 2:26 am EST

    TolkienOnline regular Marty was lucky enough to see an early screening of ROTK today, and has been hard at work answering a multitude of questions about the movie from fellow fans. I have organized them in an easy-to-read format here for all to enjoy. I will continue to update as Marty answers more questions. This should go without saying, but Massive major mega-spoiler warning!! Spoilers don't get any more major than this!

    How is the Saruman/Palantir issue handled?

    Gandalf & co show up at Isengard and meet the hobbits at the gate. Pippin finds

    the Palantir at the base of Orthanc in the water and Gandalf snatches it from

    him. There is no sight of Saruman or Grima.

    Do you think the film will be emotional for those that don't know the book?

    My Tolkien virgin GF cried like a baby.

    Do we see anything of Valinor?


    Is there any sort of epilogue with material from the appendices?


    Is Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli/Arwen or anyone who wasn't at the Havens in the book

    there for the film?


    Is Galadriel at Aragorn & Arwen's wedding?


    Do Eomer and Gimli say anything about how beautiful Arwen and Galadriel are?


    Please fill me in on the House Of Healing scenes and the Eowyn and Faramir


    Not there, though Faramir and Eowyn are standing together at Aragorn's


    Does Aragorn really stand up with authority and become the King we all want?


    Is the suffering of Frodo truly moving?


    How is the editing and flow of the movie?

    I liked the flow, but you could tell there'd be plenty of material for the EE

    How does Gandalf’s confrontation with the WitchKing play out. Is it


    Not there.

    How is Miranda in her fight with the Wiki?

    One of the highlights of the film. I was moved more than I'd ever imagined I

    would be.

    What is the first shot/scene after the initial Smeagol/Deagol Prologue. Where

    does the title "Return of the King" get displayed...

    There is a short scene with Frodo, Sam and Gollum right after the prologue.

    Gollum wakes the hobbits and tells them to hurry. Sam tells Frodo they're

    running low on lembas. Then we cut to Gandalf and friends going to Isengard and

    the Return of the King title appears.

    Every...Single...Second...of any scenes that take place in Isengard, assuming

    there are any of course, and if not how does the Palantir get discovered and how

    is Saruman dealt with...

    I told much of it above. Treebeard also has a cameo.

    Does the Crossroads Scenes make it into the TE Cut?


    Are the Watchers in Cirith Ungol included?

    Yes, but they don't do anything.

    Does the Witchking confront Gandalf on his Horse or on his Fellbeast? Does it

    happen at the Gate? Does the @#$% crow before the Rohan arrive?

    No, no and no

    How does Eowyn vs. Witchking play out? Are there deviations from the book? If so

    for the better? Does Eowyn decapitate the Fell Beast? How does the WK die, is it


    It's pretty faithful. Yes, she decapitates the fell beast. His crown kind of

    collapses on his head. It's not cheesy at all. One of the numerous applause

    points in the film.

    Are the Witchking or the Mouth of Sauron given any backstory, or are they just

    tossed into the story without any character development?

    Gandalf quickly explains who the Wiki is and that's pretty much it. The MOS is

    not in the film.

    Is Gollum shown pleading before Shelob at all?


    Do the Eagles come to the Black Gate?

    Yes, and the moth.

    Tell us everything that happens after the ring is destroyed. What happens at the

    Grey Havens? Is there an Epilogue? If so what does it show? Does it tell us the

    fates of the characters? What is the very last shot of the movie? Etc Etc...

    There is the coronation, Aragorn gets the she-elf and the hobbits go home. Sam

    gets married, Frodo finishes the book, then the GH. There is no epilogue. The

    last shot is the door closing at Bag End. The last line is "Well, I'm back."

    Is there an epilogue that shows the future of the characters post-Grey Havens?


    Are there any surprises waiting for us at Mt. Doom or does it play out pretty

    much like the book?

    After Gollum gets the ring, Frodo jumps him and they struggle for a bit before

    tumbling over the edge. Gollum dies, Frodo is hanging to a rock with his one

    good hand. Sam grabs the diminished hand and pulls him up.

    Is the scenery very much like what we have seen in the flashback from FOTR (the

    one with Isildur and Elrond) or did they alter (enhance?) the look of it


    It's pretty much the same.

    Does Aragorn take on Sauron in hand-to-hand combat (better phrased - does Sauron

    take shape and we see him in that great armour again)?


    Is Elrond at the Black Gate or do any fighting anywhere?


    Who are the minor characters, not yet mentioned?

    Is Imrahil in, Beregond, Bergil, Ioreth etc...?

    No, no, no

    Also I would also like to know if VoS is awkwardly missed and how they resolve

    the Palantir appearence.

    It's really not too bad. I did miss the presence of a corporeal baddie. I think

    PJ was right when he amped up Saruman. Too bad he didn't complete the arc.

    I'd like to hear your reaction in general without going into specifics as well

    as your thoughts on Oscar noms. So a spoiler free version of your thoughts


    Bottom line, I liked it. A lot.

    Does Pippin fart before Gimli belches, or vice versa?


    How many soft-filtered closeups of Legolas' pretty eyes are there?

    Leg's got a few moments, but his presence isn't as strong as in the other two.

    Does PJ pimp his kids in another useless cameo?

    I think so.

    Only one major question: What goes on at the Black Gate? Is there a very large

    anticlimactic battle, or is the ring destroyed before major hostilities get

    underway? If there is a large fight at the BG, then how does it compare to BOTPF?

    Is it more of less "grand" in scale. There had been some debate about this topic

    earlier and I am curious. Thanks !

    There is no MOS. The battle is intercut with Frodo's adventures at Mt. Doom.

    After the Minas Tirith action, we really don't want to see too much battle

    anyway. The odds are very much against our heroes so, even though we don't see

    too much of the battle, we know there's trouble a brewin'.

    As said before: is the shot with Gandalf facing the Witch-King in it at all, or

    has it been axed?


    Is Denethor well done, a credible character?

    Well, he doesn't have a palantir.

    How's the "End of All Things", notably do we see the destruction of Barad-Dur?

    Oh, yes indeedy.

    What about "Into the West"?

    Sorry, didn't stay for the credits, heathen that I am.

    What I'd like to know is just how emotional it is, and elaborate on how much you

    liked it...is it much better than the other two?

    It's certainly more emotional than the other two. I spent most of the film with

    a lump in my throat. Yes, I do think it's better. It has a climax, after all.

    What did you think of Denethor (closeness to the books, dialogue, performance,


    He was quite the jerk, and the acting was superb. He and Gandalf sure hate one

    another. And when he tells Faramir that he wishes that he had died instead of

    Boromir, all of the Filmamir haters should be converted by his reaction.

    How were the Army of the Dead handled? And the corsairs?

    They mention the corsairs but there is no battle with them. The Dead do indeed

    show up to save the day at Minas Tirith.

    Does Denethor get his "We shall burn like heathen kings before ever a ship

    sailed hither from the west!" line in any shape or form?

    Don't remember per se, but he's very defeatist.

    How is the very ending?

    Moving to the extreme.

    And PJ's cameo?

    Missed it.

    You said that there's no Gandalf vs WK in the film. Is the scene in the trailer

    when the WK and his fell beast descend before Gandalf not in the film then? Or

    is that scene not a "confrontation"?

    I think it's not the confrontation, but don't quote me.

    Do Eowyn and/or Merry ride to the Black Gates?


    As a book adaptation, how "close" did you feel the film was to the books as

    compared to FoTR and TTT?

    Quite close with one major change. Gollum turns Frodo against Sam and Frodo

    sends Sam home. Frodo faces Shelob alone. Good thing Sam really doesn't go home,


    How much did you enjoy the film versus the first two? Was it your favorite?

    Least favorite?

    Most, but not by a large margin.

    You say that the MoS does not appear at the Black Gates (nor in any of the film,

    which is strange). Are there any "bigger" foes that are fought there? Or is the

    battle just the good guys vs the orcs?

    There's a battle with Oliphaunts.

    Does Sauron appear in the film in any shape or form other than as the Eye?

    No, but his eye has a headlight now. I'm serious.

    How well was the Army of the Dead handled?

    Pretty much as we've assumed.

    Do the Hobbits return to the same happy shire that they left in the first film?

    Or are there signs that events akin to the Scouring took place, but on a much

    smaller scale?

    No such event takes place.

    How did the Battle of Pelennor Fields compare to the battle at the Gates?

    The battle at the gates is in no great detail. We're focusing on Frodo and Sam

    at the time.

    Did you cry?

    Nearly, but I was with my GF so I had to keep up my manly facade.

    Is the last line really "Well, I'm back"?


    Is there a drunk Legolas?


    Is there any insinuation of a relationship between Farmir and Eowyn besides them

    standing together? No kiss, no wedding, not even a freaking butt-slap?

    No, no, no

    Is it worth the wait?


    Is it as good as it was cracked up to be, and is it as good as we all hope it

    will be?


    Did you look at your watch during the last half hour?


    How do you rank it compared to the first two acts?

    Better, but quite in keeping with the others.

    Does Aragorn heal Eowyn, Faramir, and Merry?


    Faramir -- is he more like "Book Faramir" than he was in TTT TE?


    Does Merry have a scene with Theoden in any way similar to their scenes together

    in the book (i.e. - is the king surprised by the existence of Hobbits? does he

    ask Merry to tell him about pipe weed? does Merry pledge himself as a vassal to

    the king? )


    How big of a part does Eomer have?

    Still pretty small

    How does the Shelob scene play out? Particularly, does Frodo enter Shelob's

    tunnel alone, and does Sam put on the Ring after deciding to carry on?

    Yes and no

    Also, are Merry and Eowyn at the Black Gates?


    Do we get a sense that Frodo has changed and can no longer enjoy the Shire when

    he returns?


    Although we don't see Valinor (or Tol Eressëa to be precise), do we see the look

    on Frodo's face when *he* sees it? Contentment? Peace? I heard it was PJ's

    favorite moment in the whole film. Did it work for you?

    Yes, but it's mostly a bunch of goodbyes (I think I'll miss you most of all,

    Scarecrow, I mean Sam)

    Did you hear any feedback from other viewers today, besides the GF?

    Other than the multitude of ovations, not really.

    Is Bilbo in there?


    Do Arwen and Galadriel have a scene together?


    There's absolutely no hint of a Faramir/Eowyn romance???


    You mentioned the Wiki vs Eowyn scene was one of many where people cheered. What

    were the others?

    Sam saving Frodo from Shelob. Gandalf taking over for Denethor, Legolas killing

    an Oliphaunt, the ring's destruction, the end credits, name by name, including

    JRRT, etc.

    How close is the Wiki & Eowyn dialogue to the book in that scene?

    I don't know.

    Any particularly funny moments? (don't spill the complete joke though - I'd like

    to be surprised)

    Not too much. No dwarf tossing.

    Is Gimli still cracking jokes at every opportunity or has he gotten that out of

    his system?

    Once or twice. Not too bad.

    Does Legolas have any of his infamous super-acrobatic moments?

    The Oliphaunt killing moment.

    How different (if at all) is Sam's Cirith Ungol rescue from the book?

    It's a more protracted fight, but he still stabs her with Sting.

    Tell us about the Pyre of Denethor. How graphic is it? Do they show Denethor


    Yes, and he runs in flames from the pyre and jumps to his death from the tower.

    How is the whole "Arrival of the Rohan" sequence played out if Gandalf does not

    confront the Wiki and there is no @#$% to crow?

    Pretty much the whole "just when things looked their darkest..." sort of nick of

    time arrival.

    More about Saruman. Is he mentioned at all? Is it explained in any way shape or

    form what happened to him or is he just wiped away clean from the plot?

    Just some vague talk about how he won't be bothering anyone anymore.

    With the MoS gone from the Black Gate, how does that whole sequence play out? Is

    there no parlay at all now? Do they just ride up and start fighting with

    Sauron's army already hanging out at the front gate?

    Aragorn and Gandalf ride up to the gates and yell for them to come out. The

    gates open. We see tons of orcs. Aragorn rides over to his men, gives them a

    Kingly motivational speech, then all heck breaks loose.

    You stated that the Moth shows up with the Eagles. Can you explain how it fits

    in with everything?

    Gandalf sends it to get the eagles so they can kick some fell beast @#$%.

    Is there any reference to Eowyn and Faramir getting married?


    Do they show Theoden's funeral?


    Does Eowyn say memorable lines during the confrontation with the Witch King?


    Do the eagles talk?


    Does Eomer get crowned king of Rohan?


    Does Eowyn get more screen time than Arwen?


    Does Galadriel appear only at the Grey havens? If no, where else does she


    No, she appears in a vision to Frodo.

    Do we get shirtless Faramir???


    Were there extra scenes that added to the book?

    The Gollum framing Sam stuff. Elrond delivers Anduril. Arwen tells Elrond she's

    hooking up with Strider whether he likes it or not. Arwen gets sick until the

    ring is destroyed.

    Apart from Aragorn et al in Minas Tirith, were there other significant

    *deviations* from the book? How did they sit with you compared to those made in


    There really weren't many changes that I haven't already mentioned. Most of the

    missing scenes will be in the EE so I'm not too upset.

    General audience reaction - many tears shed?

    Through the roof. Not a dry eye...

    Just tell us the general feeling you got. I sit everything you hoped on first

    viewing? Can you now see the single event picture? Does it work? Is it Best

    Picture or not?

    I've been saying it will win BP since FOTR lost and my prediction remains.

    Did they make you feel bad for Gollum at the end or does his death seem like


    No, he's gloating that he has the precious even as he sinks into the lava

    Would you call this movie a tearjerker (what are the tearjerky moments and rate

    them on a scale of 1 to 10 for tear jearkiness)?


    Pippin & Merry split up 8

    Theoden agrees to ride to Gondor's aid 7

    Denethor insults Faramir 7

    Eowyn/Wiki/Theoden dies 10

    Aragorn gets Arwen/Elrond approves 7

    All of Gondor bows to the hobbits 7

    Grey Havens 10

    On a scale of 1 to 10 what do you give it as whole?

    9.5, ok 10

    How is the destruction of Sauron/Barad-Dur/Ringwraiths and the scattering of the

    enemy forces handled?

    This big crevasse opens and they all fall into it.

    Does the recent stuff we read about Smeagol being truly evil play out?

    There is one point where Smeagol and Gollum argue with each other.

    Does any character die in the movie who did not die in the book?


    Best of the 3 movies? Better than TTT at least?

    Yes, but I liked TTT more than FOTR

    Is it an "action" movie or a "character" movie?


    How long is the Battle for the Pelennor fields?

    Most of the film

    Is it longer than Helm''s Deep?


    Is there a lot of inter-cutting during the battle?


    One question for me, will most who see it say to themselves...Yup this is worthy

    of best picture???????? Meaning will critics, and general public be satisfied


    Hard to say, still reeling from the experience, but given the crowd's reaction,

    they will be hard put to give it to anything else I've seen this year.

    With regards to the arrival of the Corsair ships: Is it played out as if they

    are the enemy reinforcements arriving?

    Yes, but the audience wasn't fooled

    Does Aragorn cross swords with the King of the Dead?


    Could you describe Shelob in detail. Hw big was she (This one is killing me)?

    How real did she look? Was she less than scary, as scary, or more than scary

    than you thought she would be?

    Her body's the size of a VW Beetle give or take, but her legspan is quite

    bigger. She was the most terrifying giant spider I've seen on celluloid, but

    then, I'm arachnophobic.

    How was the Shelob's Lair scene to you? How did you feel about it?

    Like I said, terrifying.

    How was the Frodo and Shelob confrontaion? How was the Sam and Shelob


    There is a point where Shelob sneaks up on Frodo that will have you falling off

    the edge of your seat. Sam's confrontation is one of the applause points. And,

    no, he doesn't use the elvish rope in any way.

    Does Aragorn "battle" the Army of the Dead in any way, or does he verbally

    convince them to follow him as in the book?

    There is a clashing of swords, but that's it.

    Given the absence of MoS at the Black Gates, does the climax suffer from a lack

    of any large scale enemy at the end? Or is it done well enough that the film

    doesn't need one?

    It's fine.

    Obviously this would be an approximation, but how long would you guess the movie

    runs on for after the destruction of the ring takes place?

    Maybe 10 min?

    Do Frodo and Sam get captured by Orcs on their way to Mount Doom as in the book?


    And a related question, once Sam rescues Frodo from Cirith Ungol, approximately

    how much time is spent on their trek to Mount Doom? Do they get there quickly,

    or do you get the sense that they've been travelling for a long while?

    Well, Shelob appears quite late, most of their Mordor trek happens while the

    battle at the gates rages.

    In your opinion, does the Grey Havens sequence come off as "cheesy" at all, or

    is it as emotional powerful as most of us expect?

    Cheese free if you're not too jaded. I'm quite jaded, but I was moved to tears.

    Do the 3 hunters return to the Hornburg? If so, is Aragorn shown lookng in the

    Palantir? If not, is Aragorn shown looking in the Palantir at another location.

    I'm assuming it will probably be at Edoras since that is where Merry is shown

    pledging allegiance to Theoden in the trailer.

    No, there is no Helm's Deep, Aragorn never looks in the palantir, and Merry

    doesn't pledge allegiance.

    Is it immediately obvious that Dernhelm is Eowyn?


    Does Gandalf shout "The Eagles are coming! The Eagles are coming!?"

    Pippin does

    Do the Rohirrim shout "Death!" as they charge?

    Don't remember

    How much time is spent establishing pre-siege Minas Tirith?

    Not too much

    Does the WiKi look silly, or really boss?


    Is Frodo shown writing the Red Book?


    Did the crowd enjoy it?


    Are the catapulted heads in?


    Does Aragorn look into the palantir and show Anduril to Sauron?


    Is Sam a ringbearer and is this mentioned by Frodo at the Grey Havens as it is

    in the books?

    He takes the ring but Frodo doesn't mention it.

    Does Gollum do what he does in the book on the stairs of Cirth Ungol -- return

    to find Frodo asleep and then go to caress him, possibly turning good

    again...before Sam wakes up and catches him?


    Does Sam find pity in his heart for Gollum on Mount Doom -- you know the scene

    I'm talking about, Gollum comes running after them jumps on Frodo and then Frodo

    throws him down and threatens to kill him. Then Frodo goes to the Sammath Naur

    and Sam is left to deal with Gollum -- but he has pity for him and cannot kill



    On the whole, do you feel the Frodo or Sam came off as the main hero of the

    film, or was it a combination of the two?

    I'd say Sam

    Does PJ try to fool the audience into thinking that Frodo is actually dead



    Denethor jumps out a window on fire?

    Not a window, he runs through the courtyard with the white tree and jumps off at

    the end.

    How heartbreaking is The Choices of Master Samwise?


    Is it clear that he is making a heart-wrenching decision to leave Frodo behind?

    No, he cries at Frodo's apparent death then hears the orcs coming and hides. We

    think that the orcs get the ring until Sam shows it to Frodo

    For the love of God please tell me WiKi utters his famous line to Eowyn; "Come

    not between the Nazgul and his prey or he will not slay thee in they turn. He

    shall bear thee away to the houses of lamentation. Beyond all darkness. Where

    thy flesh shall be devoured and thy shrivelled mind be left naked before the

    lidless eye." Or at the very least something to that effect.

    Something to that effect

    So if Eomer is not shown to become king, what is the resolution of Rohirrim

    politics, if any?

    Good point, none really. I guess we assume Aragorn will take care of them.

    Did the scene where Gollum confronts Frodo and Sam on the slopes of Mt. Doom

    make it into the movie at all? Or does he just show up as Frodo claims the ring

    for himself?

    It's there

    There has been a recent picture of Aragorn in Kingly armour on his horse while

    it is rearing up on its hind legs [which I love] Is this picture from footage in

    the movie?


    Is the Pelennor Fields battle brilliant/good/mediocre?


    What are the 4 best scenes/highlights of the film for you?

    Shelob, Eowyn/Wiki, Ring destruction, Grey Havens

    Does Gandalf have some good strategy scenes? Does he talk with Aragorn and Co.

    about what to do?

    Some, not too detailed. Aragorn is the real strategist. It's his idea to go to

    the gates.

    Are some of Gandalf’s great lines spoken to Denethor [from the book] in the

    film? Is the dialogue good between Gandalf and Denethor?

    It's far more tense. They pretty much argue the whole time

    Does the tension build well? And does the story give "payoff" to the tension?


    How are the digital/SFX scenes? Do they detract at times and pull you out of the


    Great and no

    Did you like the way the Army of the Dead is depicted artistically and

    practically, eg. the way they looked and acted?

    Yeah, not blown away, but it worked

    Is Sam shown to be truly heroic in his love for Frodo?

    Oh, yes

    How is Frodo & Sam taken from Mordor after destroying the Ring? Eagles?

    Gandalf goes to get them on the eagles

    How do they eagles turn up? Are they summoned by the big G?

    Yes, with the moth

    So does the Pyre scene still take place in the Tombs?


    Who really stands out?

    FOTR had Boromir

    TT had Gollum

    ROTK has ...

    I'd say the hobbits

    How do you like the score?


    Are the Gollum sneak attack and the Gorbag Shagrat capture in?


    Is the Witch-king's voice the same as FOTR?


    With the heads being catapulted into Minas Tirith, how close does this movie

    come to being an R movie? Do we see a close up of the heads or are we just given

    an off screen action/noise to assume they are heads.

    No close ups, but we know they're heads

    Oh, with the Denethor thing. He chooses to set himself on fire correct? Does the

    running into the courtyard feel contrived, cheesy, bad? Or just an "OMG what

    have I done, this hurts like hell" can't help but run type of thing?

    Can't help but run. He's also pretty upset that Pippin pulls Faramir from the


    You said the eye now has a headlight.... Does this imply what I think it means?

    Is it kinda like Smaug’s eyes in the animated hobbit?

    Heh, heh. Maybe a little. But it's less cheesy

    Does this movie leave you breathless ? Do you come out changed ?

    Breathless, not changed.

    How is Pippin's looking into the Palantir handled? Is it clear that he is in


    Oh, yes, it seems to almost be in flames in his hands. After he drops it,

    Aragorn tries to grab it and drops it. Gandalf needs to wrap it up to settle it


    Is Aragon's line from the trailer about fighting to give Frodo a chance in the



    Is Cirith Ungol scary? Is it pretty much the same as the books, with Sam


    No Sam singing that I remember.

    How long does the movie feel? Were there parts were you were thinking, "Less

    fighting, more Frodo/Sam/Gollum"?

    I was wondering when we'd get back to Frodo from time to time.

    Is Pippin still crushed beneath the troll?

    Not that I remember, but one steps on Aragorn.

    You mentioned that there are around ten minutes after the ring is destroyed.

    Does the movie seem to come to a conclusion, or do you want more of an epilogue?

    No, if anything, I think it could wrap up even quicker, but after three 3+ hour

    films, I'd say they deserve a little denouement.

    How is the Elrond delivering Anduril scene?

    Very moving (and phallic, but that stands to reason)

    Is Arwen beautiful for the wedding?


    Does Aragorn sing in Elvish at his Coronation?

    Not that I remember

    Do we see the boat sailing off into the mist at the Grey Havens?


    Is Galadriel at the Grey Havens?


    What did women at the screening think?

    My gf is the only one I spoke too, and she loved it.

    How is Viggo's overall performance? Does it merit an Oscar Nom in best actor or

    supporting actor? Or does Sean Astin deserve this?

    Astin's better

    Are there wargs at the Pelennor Fields?


    How are the epic cinematography shots? Are there brilliant long shots to give

    the scope and full impact of what is happening?


    Does Arwen give Frodo the Evenstar, like in the book?


    How is Gollum biting Frodo's finger off handled? Is it rather bloody?


    How many eyes does Shelob have?

    Couldn't tell, it was pretty dark

    Could you give a very detailed description on how Shelob looks (face/head,

    abdomen/body, legs)?

    I gotta be honest, I'm arachnophobic, so I didn't look at Shelob with any great


    Does Theoden have any parting words after he is struck down by WiKi?


    Any Pukel men or Ghan Buri Ghan?


    Do Sam and Frodo disguise themselves as Orcs?


    What happens to Eowyn and Merry after the Witch-King dies?

    Merry & Pippin reunite, Eowyn watches Theoden die in her arms. That's about it.

    Do their swords break? Do they appear hurt? Does Theoden have any last lines?

    The shield breaks at least. They do appear hurt and yes, Theoden says goodbye to


    How does the post-Mt. Doom section flow?


    How do they transition from Aragorn's coronation to the Shire?

    A dissolve

    Is there mention of Frodo's wound?


    How is Sam marrying Rosie portrayed?

    The four hobbits are having an awkward drink at the Green Dragon. Sam sees Rosie

    and goes to get her while the other three chuckle to themselves. Dissolve to the

    wedding, Pippin catches the bouquet.

    Does Gandalf say "I will not say, 'Do not weep,' for not all tears are evil"?


    Is it a better film than the Rankin/Bass animated classic?

    A little

    Is there any Boromir content in the movie. Does anyone talk about him - Pippin,

    or Denethor, maybe? Are there any flashbacks including him?

    Just a flashback of his death.

    Does Aragorn kill the troll that steps on him?


    In general, how much was Aragorn in the movie? As much as the previous two, or


    Believe it or not, maybe a little less, but not too much less

    How does the Grond and the breaking of the Gate play out?

    There's this mega-ginormous Grond slamming against the doors as thousands of

    orcs chant "Grond...Grond...Grond!"

    Do we get to see Eomer finding his uncle dead and his sister wounded on the



    Does Sam get his "Don't go where I can't follow" line when he thinks Frodo is


    Don't think so

    I have to ask this question, though I fear the answer... does Frodo come off as

    heroic in any way shape or form, or is he simply made to look pitiful?

    I hate to say it, but Sam's the man, not Frodo.

    Does Frodo sending Sam home even seem plausible in the context of the movie?

    Oh, yes. Gollum convinces Frodo that Sam's stealing lembas and wants the ring

    for himself.

    Is there a scene post Pelennor where it shows Aragorn being dressed in the armor

    that he wears to the Black Gate. Does he recite a poem like Theoden if so?

    Not really. Not that I remember at least.

    How far into the movie does the Pelennor Fields battle start?

    45 min or so

    And what is the "beginning move" of the battle?

    The return of Faramir's wounded body I'd say. It's not as clear cut as Helm's


    Did the scene with Pippin singing (intercut with Faramir's suicide charge) make

    the final cut? If so, what did you think of it?

    Yes. It was great.

    About Shelob, although you say it was hard for you to get a good look at her, do

    you remember seeing much of her fangs, or was it just the stinger that she

    fought with?

    She has fangs and fights with the stinger.

    What do you think of the flow and the editing of the film? Do you think that

    adding VOS would lead to pace issue?

    I think it might very well have.

    Is the "Ride now! Ride to ruin and the world's ending!" line in the film. And if

    so, who says it?


    Could you please tell me how Arwen and Aragorn meet up?

    At his coronation

    What happens to the Evenstar?

    'Gorn keeps it

    Is there any resolution with Gimli and Legolas?

    At the gates, Gimli says it's ironic that he'll die side by side with an elf and

    Legolas says, "you mean with a friend."

    Are the Arwen scenes boring?

    They're pretty short

    Do we see Narsil being reforged?


    Do we get to see Frodo's neck cut?


  4. @Klaas

    yep horses definitely rule :)

    my wife lived on a farm when she was young - but her father sold it (that dumb***). so last year i took pity (or better was persuaded) and granted her this big wish of owning her personal horse.

    the thing is ... the horse was already pregnant - only then no one knew - seems like some enterprising stallion made a romp over some obstacles (fences, streets ...) and visited the farm where our horse-to-be was held and sort of "introduced" himself on her :P

    the result was my little colt being born this year on April 12th. so its my job now to teach the young one some manners. i've got a good mentor at the stable where our horses are. he just finished working and educating his 4 year old stallion - did all by himself - and he's now teaching me the way to gain enough trust and respect from the horse, so that we have a fulfilling man-horse relationship. in time my Chirin will come to me by a mere whistle. currently she comes to me (sometimes :P ) at a mere wave of hand ... but i'm learning - and so is she

    all in all - a wonderful relaxing hobby



  5. Glamdring! all the way ... pure elegance and it was the sword of Turgon (King of Gondolin) !

    btw ... i was able to inspect many many swords at a very close range (~ 1 ft distance when i was almost pressing my nose against the glass of the exhibit-showcase) during my visit at the LotR-Exhibit in London

    the movies DON'T do the props justice ... every piece is crafted w/ extreme love for detail

    i'll list some of the swords/weapons displayed there

    * Glamdring

    * Shards of Narsil

    * Herugrim

    * Elronds Sword (later also used by Arwen *ahem*)

    * Aeglos (Gil-galad's Spear !!!)

    * Aragorn's (Ranger) Sword

    * Sting

    * Gimli's Axes (all 5 of them)

    * Legolas' Daggers (and Bows)

    * Boromir's Sword

    * Saurons Mace

    * Elven Daggers (given to Merry & Pip)

    * various Orc-scimitars

    * Uruk Swords (single hand and the T-Sword w/ a whopping length of 1,5m)

    * Elven 2Handers (from the Prologue)

    * Gondorian 2nd & 3rd Age Swords

    * various Rohirrim Swords

    and thats just the weapons :)



  6. so there ... i did it and bought my kids a Gamecube bundle along w/ Zelda Windwaker and Finding Nemo for a whopping 160 Euros. now i've gotta get a nice memory card and a second controller ... heh ... now my wallet starts bleeding :)

    i gave it a whizz on saturday evening and rather liked it - setup is pretty easy and done in a few minutes ... plus the size is a big bonus for me (us) as my son can easily pack it up in his trolley and venture off to the grandparents so that me and my wifey have some time off :D

    anyway ... there is a possibility of connecting up to 8 GC's using the Broadband-Adapter for LAN-play (needing a hub of course). playing over the internet is very under-developed because the only title that currently supports Online Play for the GC is Phantasy Star Online ... but that may change in the near future.


    any good game for a consule ends up being released on PC, just like Vice Cite, Halo, GTAIII, etc. Therefore, PC is still the best.  

    yep - of course you are right - but it frees up MY pc when the kids want to play ... i just send them off into the living room :)



  7. i just rewatched TTT:EE w/ my brother-in-law (fellow Tolkien geek - not as hopeless as myself though :) ) and i was curious to see his first-time reaction.

    he was similiarly startled as myself ... and for me ... rewatching the scene didn't improve it ... i merely (consciously) discovered the rough cut that blends into the normal scene w/ the white simbelmyne ... i think this as one extended scene that should have not made its appearance in the EE

    one other thing - we were watching the documentary on the fourth disc called "Cameras in Middle-earth" ... there was a planned scene where Elijah Wood was transformed in something like a pre-gollum - a scene which should take place after Filmamir (errm Faramir) finds out about the Ring ... luckily they decided against using it ... phew!



  8. @Elf

    yep - i can relate to your reaction about Eowyn's singing ... i was quite thrown off the hook by it ... i just looked at my wife and said :) "wtf ..."

    it IS strange ... i fully expected some of Howard Shore's grand themes ... but this solo by Eowyn is ... is strange ... i've got to rewatch it once i get more time (probably the weekend)

    if you want that bit of sound you could just try to grab the audio-stream ... there is lots of sites which have programs that do that kind of thing.



  9. so after digesting (sleeping) after watching TTT:EE last nite here are my thoughts (may contain some spoilers for those of you who haven't seen it yet)

    i also have some mixed feelings about the EE, but all things considered i still think its an improvement over the theatrical version, which remains IMO still the butchered version. The EE didn't amend any qualms i have w/ the "we-dont-stick-with-the-book"-narrative ... but hey - i'll have to check out the directors commentary track before i make a final verdict ... so thats your last chance to defend yerself PJ :P

    but let me elaborate ...

    the more often i saw the theatrical version the more i began to dislike it. especially the ending w/ the rash wrapping up of all loose ends in less than 5 minutes was an injustice to the material. this is handled much better in the EE. PJ allows the movie to flow in a more leisurely way - which is a good thing because the 'butchered' version tended to rush things along and thus loosing the "magic" of the story

    i've made some notes during watching (i hope i didnt forget anything) - i'll now feature some of the extended scenes which lept right at me and screamed "looksie i'm all shiny and new"

    1) Elven Rope

    great addition - makes the intro into the movie more leisurely after the "dramatic" plunge of Gandalf & Balrog into the depths of Moria. good scene w/ the elven rope and its becoming undone

    2) Taming of Sméagol

    Gollum is great - and new Gollum scenes are great too - a good depiction on Gollum's state of mind at the beginning of his "servitude" - works for me

    3) The Uruk-hai

    finally its cleared up why there are other orcs than the boys from Isengard in the horde ... although its not made 100% clear that they were sent from Mordor. and a nice scene w/ the orc-draught

    4) The Burning of Westfold

    good background scene - Saruman is facing logistic problems and solves it by hewing down trees from Fangorn - which makes the later scene when Treebeard sees the devastation near Isengard more believable. also some Dunlandish chieftain swears fealty to Saruman ... and new scenes w/ Saruman are always great.

    OTOH the refugee- :) -scene and Saruman's voiceover while standing over the Palantír are still lame story vehicles .... but then that was also in the theatrical version ...

    5) Massacre at the Fords of Isen

    in itself not bad - the bookworms will know how and when and why - for the uninitiated its just further proof that Saruman has begun to play ball. Eomer also finds the helmet he later tosses in front of Theoden and Grima.

    6) Banishment of Eomer

    nice addition - makes it kind of official

    7) Night Camp At Fangorn

    some smaller additions - more trouble w/ them pesky orcs from Mordor :P

    8) The Passage Of The Marshes

    a very good addition - Gollum is feeling hungry, eats a worm and gets to taste some Lembas *cough*cough*

    9) The White Rider

    some more lines (almost) straight from the book

    10) The Song Of The Entwives

    some (bad) poetry from Treebeard ... puts the hobbits to sleep ... me too *yawn*

    11) The Heir Of Númenor

    a pivotal scene where many things are explained - a glimpse of it was already in some TTT Preview (don't remember which) - but again it was axed for the theatrical release - this scene is far superior to Sarumans voice-over while using the Palantir earlier on.

    12) Ent Draught

    funny scene involing Pip and Merry and some Ent booze ... i wasn't too thrilled w/ the Old-Man-Willow-Clone and Treebeards Bombadil impersonation

    13) The Funeral Of Théodred

    i'm undecided on the necessity of this scene - Eowyn singing scared me ... and the rough cut to the next scene is a slap in the face ... ah well ... could be omitted this one

    14) Brego

    Aragorn the horse-whisperer - Eowyn discovers Aragorn is not just some lump, but some lump who was raised in Rivendell

    15) The Ring Of Barahir

    yay ... Grima and Saruman ... another worthy addition ... Grima reeks of horse-dung and Saruman whips out one his books about ancient jewelry

    16) A Daughter Of Kings

    some more Aragorn/Eowyn scene ... nice

    17) Of Herbs And Stewed Rabbit

    after capturing the Hobbits, Faramir ponders the death of one of the Southrons (stealing Sam's lines from the book) thus giving him a different entry into the movie (i like to call him Filmamir)

    phew ... on to disc 2

    18) One Of The Dunédain

    a very nice addition on the growing Aragorn/Eowyn relation. she serves him some badly cooked stew - and Aragorn really shows how much of a hero he is. he also reveals his age to the surprise of Eowyn.

    19) The Evenstar

    Arwen intercepts Aragorn before he can sneak off from Rivendell without saying goodbye ("I'm not coming back") - just a minor addition

    20) Sons Of The Steward

    After the "invitation" of Frodo and Sam to Henneth Annún Faramir ponders his feelings about his brother Boromir. He mentions the cloven horn to F&S, we see him standing hip-deep in the Anduin as the funeral boat w/ Boromir passes by. Another flashback occurs where we see Boromir & Faramir at the now liberated Osgiliath having a :P until their father Denethor comes along, mocks Faramir and bestows upon Boromir the quest to go to Rivendell and bring home the Weapon of the Enemy (before any Elf, Dwarf or Wizard can lay hands on it). Boromir does not want to leave Gondor, Faramir volunteers to go but is once again mocked and insulted by his father.

    This scene totally transforms the Filmamir of the theatrical version into something a bit more resembling the Bookamir :P (sorry bad pun - i know). the drastic plot-changes still remain - but the character of Faramir makes a 180-degree turn and is (for me atleast) redeemed - in the film.

    21) The Forbidden Pool

    Gollum gets a good beating from Faramir's men - and its now more believable why he breaks and his darker side begins to emerge again.

    22) "Don't Be Hasty, Master Meriadoc !"

    extended scene from the Ent-moot.

    23) The Last March Of The Ents

    we see Huorns marching off in the distance ... Treebeard mumbles something like "They have business with the Orcs" ... minor addition but leading up to ...

    24) Fangorn Comes To Helm's Deep

    finally ... the "finale" of the Battle of Helm's Deep. The Orcs flee into the strange forest. then for some seconds nothing happens. then the forest becomes alive !!! yay!

    25) Flotsam And Jetsam

    nice addition ... Merry & Pippin find a store-room w/ food and some "Old Toby" :P

    Saruman and Grima observe the damage to Isengard from the balcony and M&P joke about the nice view

    26) Farewell To Faramir

    another redeeming scene for Filmamir. strangles Gollum and questions him about the way they are about to take. Gollum reluctantly reveals the pass of Cirith Ungol. Faramir warns F&S about some dark danger.

    Sam tries to better his relationship w/ Gollum while in the sewers, but Gollum has a secret plan now ...

    so thats roughly all new/extended scenes. personally i liked the flow on disc 1 better, but redeeming Faramir on disc 2 is the major improvement of TTT:EE over the theatrical version. i still don't like the many (unnecessary) changes made to TTT but the EE makes it easier for me to enjoy it as a movie



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