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Everything posted by Yiuel
Life can change when exactly when you need it.
Yiuel replied to Yiuel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
It isn't THAT bad, but I'm still waiting, bored. Nippon ha mada desu. -
I am rather open when we come to planets. To me, a planet would be : A celestial body that do not bear any thermonuclear reaction (as opposed to star) orbits a celestial body that bears such thermonuclear reaction (as opposed to moons), and that has enough gravity to sphericalize itself (as opposed to asteroîdes). Ceres, Sedna and Quaoar (and Pluto) are clearly planets in this situation.
Life can change when exactly when you need it.
Yiuel replied to Yiuel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
It seems I won't be going yet, it seems they found someone before my teacher could even send my own answer... Oh well, I'm still supposed to go next year, wether to work or study. -
Life can change when exactly when you need it.
Yiuel replied to Yiuel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I have noticed something strange about my devotion to culture. It happens to be a mere luck that I settled on Japanese culture, stemming from the fact that I was interested in the language more than any other language (except, possibly, Esperanto). For culture in a general sense, it's funny how much my favorite music style comes mainly from middle-east. I am prone to like about everything, as long as it is Joyful -
Life can change when exactly when you need it.
Yiuel replied to Yiuel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Most (at least some) kids would probably have some Ainu ancester. (As I probably have some native blood myself, as most Quebeckers) Most Ainu now speaks Japanese, even though some can still speak their native language. (There's a linguistic theory that implies that probably all eastern Japan (east and north of Nagoya) might have Emishi (read Ainu) blood, as it seems that the eastern dialects of Japanese are reminiscent of Ainu language... ) -
Life can change when exactly when you need it.
Yiuel replied to Yiuel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
It seems I would be an English teacher in a small community close to Sapporo (Ebetsu). (I know, I am French, but I'll read English grammars when doing my work, so, in the process, my English language will grow better, as will my Japanese : you know, Kids in Japan generally aren't able to speak English decently...) What is great about that place is that it is far from Tokyo (so, cheaper) and they do not have a strong dialectal speech, as Hokkaidou (the northernmost island) was settled in recent times by people from all over Japan (the effect being the same as in Quebec... a single French even if the motherland had several languages). So, I won't learn a strong dialectal Japanese (as the (in?)famous Oosaka-Kansai-Ben). (They do have a simple dialectalization, but Quebec's French as well, so, I don't bother much being Hokkaidoish) -
How hot is it where you live?
Yiuel replied to CodeOptimist's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
For those who cannot convert : C = F -40 = -40 -35 = -31 -30 = -22 -25 = -13 -20 = -4 -15 = 5 -10 = 14 -5 = 23 0 = 32 5 = 41 10 = 50 15 = 59 20 = 68 25 = 77 30 = 86 35 = 95 40 = 104 In Montreal, highs are of about 25 now (77), yet we had over 30 (86) for a long time in June and July. It has hotter than normally, but we will not bother, won't we. Laissez tomber la chemise et faites le party tout l'été! -
This morning, at work, I thought : I really need some change. I need a new work. I'm bored in my bakery. Yesterday, I was speaking with a neighbor, and I said about what I felt was Japan in my mind : A mere map in an atlas, and a language in books Yet, it came right tonight, i have a job offer in Ebetsu, that is, northern Japan! Mixing both thoughts. I wish I'll get the job (and it's more than probable), and moreover, I'll try to keep on sending messages from Japan if it happens. Did such thing ever happen to you? URESHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII* (*Happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
What do you really expect from your life?
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
That's the weirdest question to ask me, as my beliefs are so strange about life and its worth that it lead me to think I must not have any expectation at all about life, even my own. So, the question limits myself to "what I want to do with my life". I was given it, I may give it to some other people, now, what left to live? So, my main goal I have come to think of worthy is to learn from the world, and have fun within the world with all this knowledge. So, my main goal is epicurianist, to be happy. -
Ever been in trouble with the police? :D
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I never had problems with police officers, but there's that story, when i was like 9 years old... I was so disgusted that I hate a whole city's population now, and have bad relations with autority in general (including my parents), and to have physical contact (going as far as a mere handshaking) with anyone. (I quickly got used to show respect with a Japanese bowing, and unless it is asked, I will not shake hands) With police though, I only have that general problem with autority, yet, one of my father's friend is a policeman (from Sureté du Québec), and I'll always remember that demonstration in Ottawa, when I was still 17 years old. I was pissed off of being in my room, and I decided to demonstrate in Ottawa. I secretly left my room, silently (so much that my parents only noticed at night, shortly before I called them!). So, my philosophical self went on demonstrating, then, when it was close to finish and the rain had wash me too much, I left and went on walking, doing some tourism around Ottawa. Then, on the way to my lodging, I met with two French-speaking policeman, and, jokingly, we took a picture, a policeman and me. I was covered with newspaper ink (from a newspaper mixed with rain), so the picture probablywould be great. This let me the feeling that it wasn't that bad at all. -
Act III - A Day of Joy, A Day of Pain
Yiuel replied to Yiuel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
It's funny how fast we came to all remember a lot of other deaths... It reminds of another certain date, on which I came to think, quite quickly : hey, three thousand people died, but there are millions elsewhere... Where does all this hate come from, the greatest question ever. -
It is, for Canada. It is the day that the country officially began its existence with its proper constitution. (It wasn't yet completely independant though.) they also celebratedthe 25th anniversary of the officialisation of the Canadian Hymn. (With so much controversies )
I am disgusted. Yesterday was so much a joy for UK and Londonians. They got their olympics, and so everyone was happy. And now, today, terrorism comes back to remind us what was done, and how our world really is. At first, i couldn't believe that such strange attack happened, but then, on our national radio (I don't have TV, in my room), they didn't stop speaking of those attacks in London. I heard there were at least six bombs, in buses and the underground. Again... I am disgusted. ("Act I" is "Twin Fall" and "Act II" is "Misleading Speech")
Well, seems summer passed unnoticed, so, let's all celebrate the zenithic Sun and the longest day! Oh, and lets all light big joy fires tonight! (This is a traditional way of celebrating the summer solstice in Québec) So, some particular days you're waiting for this summer? Mine is on the 15th of July : the first time I'll celebrate my great day with my flag. Then, I can only wait for the end of August : Japanese courses will be back online. And I don't have anything planned this summer. The best time will be nest year (In Japan!)! Oh, and Happy Saint-John-the-Baptist day!
I plan to take a picture of me on September (or sometimes before or after). I have neither a camera nor a scanner to scan a picture. The only one i have online dates back 5 years ago, when I was 15 years old.
That will be useful for my website I am creating this summer. I still need to learn a few things though. Might request help in the proper forum about it. (
Ah, skipping of grades. If it wasn't for my parents, I probably would have skipped grades, and some would say more than once. (Yet, my parents always wanted me to be a "normal" boy... They lost their bet, and I am happy about this)
Rapport sur Menton - please correct
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Here's my correction : Afin de présenter un rapport correct sur les opinions différentes des gens (habitants?) de (la ville de) Menton et des touristes concernant notre thème "Toute la ville est un jardin", on a décidé de mener quelques interviews (I would prefer the word "entrevue") (...) I don't understand what you wanted to say in your last part. "dont lesquels nous voudrons bien parler dans cette part." Pour que nous puissions capable de présenter un rapport correct sur des opinions différentes des gens de Menton et des touristes concernant notre thème « Toute la ville est un jardin », on a décidé de mener quelques interviews dont lesquels nous voudrons bien parler dans cette part. Notre première entrevue a été mené avec un vieux couple formé d'une dame de 70 ans et son mari un peu plus agé. Cependant, l'homme ayant mal au cours depuis 10 ans, il ne pouvait sortir de la maison pour longtemps. Cette situation nous a mis dans l'embarras. Nous nous sommes excusés et nous nous sommes préparer pour notre deuxième interview. C'était environ notre septième jour à Menton et, ce jour-là, on a voulu visiter le jardin exotique du palais Carnolès. Sur notre chemin vers le jardin, nous avons essayé de commencer une conversation avec une jeune femme à un arrêt d'autobus (or "terminus d'autobus"?). Elle n'était pas très sympathique, et nous refusa l'entrevue. Mais c'était certain que nous allions faire quelques expériences comme celle-là en faisant notre travail atelier. Après notre arrivée dans le Palais Carnolès, nous avons commencé à visiter la galerie d'art. à la fin de notre visite au Palais Carnolès, nous avons remarqué que les deux femmes responsables de l'exposition n'était pas occupée ("n'avait rien à faire" feels impolite to me) et nous avons donc commencer une conversation avec elles. Elles nous ont fait savoir qu'elles avait des familles magnifiques avec plusisuers enfants et que c'est pourquoi elles visites des jardins botaniques et exotiques de Menton et des environs très souvent. Elles disaient que les jardins jouaient un assez grand rôle dans la vie de leurs enfants, parce que si les enfants commencent à avoir rapport à la nature très tôt, on peut être sure qu'ils vont encore la respecter à l'adolescence. Une des deux dames a parlé de quelque chose que nous n'avions par rmarqué avant, elle disait que Menton a une mentalité très spéciale à cause de sa situation au bord de la frontière franco-italienne. Menton est connu principalement comme une ville de passage pour les Français et aussi pour les Italiens. C'est pourquoi on n'y est pas souvent de bonne humeur. Après cette conversation qui était très intéressante nous avons poursuivi notre chemin vers la plage où nous avons essayé de bavarder avec un homme italien. Malheureusement, il ne savait pas beaucoup le francais et en conséquence on a souvent recu des réponses « oui » ou « non ». Il était capable de nous dire qu’il visitait des jardins très souvent avec sa famille. Un autre jour, à la plage encore, nous avons rencontré une jeune femme danoise. Elle venait directement du Danemark. Elle ne pouvait pas parler beaucoup en français ; elle utilisait l'anglais pour bavarder avec nous. Elle nous a fait savoir qu'elle était le propriétaire d'un petit appartement à Gorbio, une petite ville dans l'entourage de Menton, qui se trouvait sur un mont. Elle passe ses vacances à Gorbio et à Menton, avec sa famille trois fois l'an et elle voudrait bien que sa famille passe plus de temps dans les parcs de Menton. Mais, elle se trouve souvent sur la plage. Lorsque nous sommes arrivés à Menton, nous avons tout de suite remarqué pourquoi Menton est si fameuse : les premières impressions de la ville étaient magnifiques. Il y avait des espaces verts surtout. Après avoir visité notre aubege de jeunesse, nous avons savouré la vue magnifique de Menton, le soir. On y a vu que toutes les rues sont décoré avec des arbres, des fleurs et autres verdures. L'image de gauche montre une vue devant l'escalier par lequel nous descendions la montagne où se trouvait notre auberge tous les matins. Presque chaque jour, nous étions sur la plage pour mener des interviews pour ce travail. Sur la plage, il y avait de grands boulevards décorés avec des palmiers, qui, selon Dr. Peter Seidel, ne sont pas indigènes. Alors, en général, on peut dire que Menton est une des villes les plus vertes d'Europe. La vue avec la campagne derrière Menton et la mer à côté est extraordinaire. Comme nous l'avons dit, pas toutes les plantes pouvant être trouvés à Menton sont indigènes, mais cela n'a pas d'importance. La seule chose importante est que les jargins botaniques et exotiques soient visité par la population de Menton pour aider les enfants à avoir une belle enfance. -
Anyone know anything about Eze, France?
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%88ze-sur-Mer Have fun -
I do not have a girl to speak about here, but I did find some type of girl with whom I'll have less problem living with. The archetype is Leumihatsan (akya knows some things about her). Notice that I peculiarly dislike people who only runs after me.
What books are you reading these days?
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I'll be carefully re-reading my Japanese schoolbooks all summer long, and I'll go on for a strange reading as well : Tsubaki, from a Canadian-Japanese author. And I'll still day by day gaze through the Wikipedia. -
Goldenratiophi gets an avatar!
Yiuel replied to goldenratiophi's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
The geometrical marvel pictured in goldenratiophi's avatar. -
Goldenratiophi gets an avatar!
Yiuel replied to goldenratiophi's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
A fractal based on the golden ratio would have been cool -
Goldenratiophi gets an avatar!
Yiuel replied to goldenratiophi's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Fratals are MARVELLOUS! -
Who would you like to meet
Yiuel replied to Centurion_13's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
When there's an ocean between you and your boss, and that it costs to muh to get to the other side, I guess its quite normal not seeing your boss