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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. I was thinking something along the same lines. I think they can make yurts(/houses) in the cc which are then created in mobile form, these can be unpacked anywhere. The other buildings would be upgraded or specialised versions of the basic yurt. Units can only be trained in specialised yurts also while moving. For cavalry they need to build a (cheap) corral, which is abandoned when moving to a new location. I still have to come up with a motivation for the player to move their buildings around. Something with decreasing gather rate when in one location for too long. I think they should have a better gather rate than other civs, but while immobile this gather rate decreases, so, in order to keep up with other players, they have to move. All yurts should auto-unpack when standing still and auto-pack when ordered to move in order to minimize microing.
  2. Mine is 80px apparently, but on small screens the signature folds up, doubling the height, so length may matter.
  3. As long as the limit is higher than the height of my signature; I'm for ;-) I'm not really sure how much 60px is, but I try to keep my signature height as small as possible (which I compensate by building in the horizontal direction) I hope I won't have to change anything, but I agree that there should be a limit: either a forced one, or a moral one which is forced by a constitutional comment or PM from time to time (I've already hinted at some people on this forum to change their signature size, and they have done so immediately, I prefer doing so by PM as not to attract attention to the person in question, but of course other people/new people on the forum don't learn from that ... and they could possibly make the same mistake ...)
  4. Made one for the Hellenes. updated download
  5. I finally realised what went wrong with the 0ad icon (and fixed it). I also tweaked the cart, brit and spart icons.
  6. All that's left to do now is the roman civ icon: EDIT: Oh, well, I just added a circle to the Roman civ icon anyway. So, what do you guys think? (personally I want to tweak the britons middle circle and the carthaginian sign) EDIT2: ... Awaiting authorisation ... Oh, well xD Here it is: ZeroAD.ttf.7z
  7. I've finished half of the civ icons (they need some cleaning up of course, size/placement ...) I've run into a problem with the Romans, they don't have a round icon, which may pose a problem to identify the icon as a civ icon. Do I just place the Roman icon inside a circle? Or do I leave it as it is?
  8. Fortresses/cc also give pop (respectively 20 and 10 I believe) so you reach those 300 faster than you would expect... Anyway there is some other topics on this; go use the search button ;-)
  9. I was mainly thinking of using this for design documents / in-game documentation / campaign things etc. But I guess you can use them for whatever you like...
  10. ??? 4 minutes 40 seconds ??? My laptop has never taken more than 30 seconds to load a map (although it has taken more than 2 minutes to generate a huuuuuuuge map) I use SVN, not sure how much difference first after fresh boot makes, I'll test that when I restart my laptop.
  11. The player colour doesn't have enough texture now (but the rest looks great!)
  12. . Latest version mirrors (v0.0.2): Mediafire Preview (pdf): link Preview (big jpg): For all of my design documents xD EDIT: I'm really starting to like this idea. Making an actual 0A.D. font that has all it's little icons and maybe even characters for the writings in the game (see: link) So I made this little thing here to show you what I mean: Every civ could have an icon, every resource, every building ... Not sure anyone will ever use this, but I'll put the file here once I've finished some stuff. If anyone wants to contribute some icons... ZeroAD.ttf.7z
  13. For the training buttons they look too pixelised, that should be fixed with anti-aliasing, which we don't have ... The unit portrait buttons look marvelous though!
  14. I agree they'll look cool, they already do. Well, I can't wait, so I'm adding them on my computer already xD
  15. bizarre ... I loaded some of your models: all have subterranean geometry ... except the houses xD So it must be something along the lines of what you said. Anyway, I want to thank you. Even for the buildings for which I'm not going to use your models, they will certainly inspire me.
  16. When will I see these in-game?
  17. Remodelling? xD The only thing I did was remove double vertices and change the chimney a tiny bit. So the model is still all yours ^.^ I might add that subterranean bit though, I didn't really think about it.
  18. Barracks are in latest git. And I also added a cheat unit :-) (type "0ADerman!!!") And a house.
  19. Anyway, as a Open Source game, 0 A.D. is not very likely to have a totally 'final' version, balancing issues can still be resolved any time because people can always download it for free. If you look at other os games like warzone and spring, they keep fixing balance issues.
  20. The auto-seed button as presented before was for infinite farms, it allowed people to have farms build all around a farmstead without having to place them one by one. I already said that I agree with you on not forcing people to build no farms around CC, just discouraging them. I did certainly not forget this is a game, I just don't want this game to become totally ridicule by allowing people to get there food from bushes/corrals without farming. I talked with a few of my AoE2-playing friends last night and they all agreed that allowing other food sources than farming to be used as primary food sources during the late game was ridicule, not good for gameplay and unrealistic. I said this because custom made maps might have too much farmland and then you can't build CC's anywhere. I also don't know how you'll explain why a new player can't build his CC on farmland.
  21. I dunno. I wouldn't mind a dog cap based on the nr. of kennels, like on natives in AoE III But horses/elephants as well would be too much.
  22. AAAaaargh! I hate religious bullshit! I do respect religious people, but why do they have to attack everyone who makes a joke about them/uses their symbol/puts their temple in a game? I'm exaggerating. I'm not even sure any Jews would have something against us, the few I know wouldn't care a cent. But certain other religions certainly would. Can't we just all be friends and not feel offenced all the time? Sorry, I let a bit go of myself. Luckily the Egyptians won't be angry at me when their temples get destroyed... I like Ancient Egyptians... They're my friends. 'Hey mummy! Long time no see!' [dangles an eyeball in front of the mummy he keeps in his wardrobe and laughs maniacally]. I don't think that should be too much of a deal, if you look at the amounts of mosks and churches that have been destroyed in AoE, C&C, ...
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