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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. @Timbo What do you mean by party? Btw tut thanks for the rep up.
  2. YAAAY I've reached 1000 posts! I'm going to party it up on
  3. My mom never lets me watch TV during the week.
  4. I know a family that is the oppesite of mine 4 girls 1 boy. That's kina funny if you think about it.
  5. I'm from Washington. They have all kinds of weather over here.
  6. Well now that you mention it I also go on WFG or TWC clan too.
  7. Well? I voted other because I have four brothers. I'm the only girl in my family.
  8. So what are you're answers? Me being a girl usually knit, read or make braclets. \
  9. I don't really get it but I'll go along with the crowd and say it's funny.
  10. Hi Nick. Hope you enjoy browsing the forums. Wow, another member!
  11. I can't seem to toss anything I always save things. My mom doesn't like that though.
  12. I especially like the part about getting 5+ rep.
  13. Uppy


    I have become memberof the month recently so I hope I don't get that same bug.
  14. On the TWC clan they have show result button but then you can also vote after you have clicked it.
  15. I brake the rules sometimes like when I spam but Tim has corrested me on that.
  16. Wow, All these thing I'm learning right now!
  17. I'll just go along with the flow and say cool pics!
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