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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. Well A friend told me about it and I thought I'd check it out so I did and became a member.
  2. i got my mom a candle and I still haven't gotten my dad anything.
  3. Oow that would hurt! Once during Bible study I was wiggling my tooth with my tounge and it came out so I rushed to the bathroom and there was alot of blood in my mouth so when I opened it over the sink blood splatered everywhere! I was bleeding for a loooong time.
  4. I'd really like to know who has. I haen't ever met a celebrity but my brother has met Joel Weldon.
  5. You lucky. We don't have any family close to us There all in France and all the way on the other side of America. It stinks.
  6. No computer playing? Just relaxing? Quiet Christmas? How sad! I'll be listening to the Beach Boys all night.
  7. Uppy


    I'm having trouble loging out of WFG every time I do and go back on WFG it still says I'm logged in! Does someone know what to do?
  8. We (my family) usually don't do much for Christmas just hang around at our house. Last year my brothers and I played computer games till like 1:00 A.M. That was pretty fun.
  9. I get really tired bacuse I go to bed a t like 9:30 and don't fall asleep till like 10 or 11 and i have to wake up at 5:45 A.M every morning except on week ends.
  10. Java3 aka Ruthie has an electric guitar that is matalic blue and loves it. I would love to learn to play the electric guitar.
  11. Way 2 go Arg! ( I don't think I helped at all thought because I haven't been on here for a long time.)
  12. I like to sit up when I'm eating. Jesus in the Bible would eat lying down. I think that would be uncomfortable.
  13. That all sounds very strange to me. That would be weird to find a camera in my room! That would freak me out. that tis for sure.
  14. I'm 10. I anyone else my age? I know Java3 aka Ruth is 11.
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