I think it would be very easy to "translate" Basque words into fake-Iberian words. We know a lot of about the Iberian language, so it should be possible to retro-transliterate them if we had the Basque words and how they were pronounced. Iberian alphabet: a,e,i,o,u,g,k,b,d,t,s,ś,r,ŕ,l,m,n,ḿ r=[ɾ] ŕ=[r] or [ɽ] s=[ts] or [tʃ] ś= l=[l] (seems that ŕ works in its place) n=[n] m=[n] (nasalizes the preceding vowel) ḿ=[na] Everything else seems to be the English equivalent. Notes: There is no 'p'('p' -> 'b') There is no 'j' or 'w' either. (not sure about 'j') ('w' -> 'b' maybe) If two vowels are next to each other the second one needs to be either a 'i' or 'u'