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  1. Good Video. Good video. If they add the 0 AD period to the game, it will be a great challenge, although I imagine that many resources used for the Persians and Seleucids will be useful for them, although they should adapt it to the time period. The buildings should be similar to the Persians with some variations. The most complex part should be the civilization's characteristics, maybe they can reflect their different stages such as nomadic, expansion, and empire. Also, their diverse ethnicity reflected in the units they use, although I have found a lot of information about the composition of their armies. And I am sure they will have some technology or bonus like the Silk Road, bridge of two cultures, or trade with China, literally that benefited them a lot.
  2. For a story about how maidens or women should be to fit into society and not fall into shame.
  3. I am Think that this is this year jjjj
  4. It is not the same as doing it without a condition or something that levels the game, you would have thousands of women with shields, technically units for 50 food, tremendous abuse
  5. It could be used with another approach and be part of all the factions or the most warlike ones, and interpreting the situations in which the women took up arms, the patch could be modified so that when the woman was within the radius of influence of their buildings or It could well be in the houses or the urban center they get an increase in damage
  6. It would be great if monks and religion were not only healers and also influenced the game and the performance of the game, such as the motivation of the servants and things like that.
  7. For me, the best campaigns were those of AoE 2. I found them very fun and they had their historical contribution. In AoE 3 I think they had to take advantage of the story more and add other campaigns, although AoE 4 I must admit that I liked it a lot but at the same time I was greatly disappointed, I am picky about the story and I had many hopes but when I saw the game reality hit me hard
  8. Not to mention very historically inaccurate, although historical accuracy is not the AoE saga's strong suit.
  9. The Second World War RTS game already exists, it is called Company of Heroe
  10. The idea of dismantling buildings would be fantastic, and very realistic, eliminating units is not as strange, it would be like executing them or something like that. Although expelling them and returning them from Gaia is not bad, when that happens, if there are many of them, factions such as bandits or rebels could appear.
  11. Hi everyone, This mod is still standing, I would like to help where I can, I know some programming, historical research and I'm learning graphic design, it would be a shame that this discontinued one looks great, and it would be a good base for other projects in the Middle Ages, that perhaps they are more attached to the classic with several civs, but following a generic order by culture as seen in 0 ad, for example the Westerners would have a lot of similarity in their appearance but in the management it would be different and each one would have unique aspects such as buildings and the characteristics of its units and buildings. Or something like AoE 3 where you would have a generic faction and depending on the map and resources the faction would develop, that is, like the crusaders in the Middle East recruited Arabs or the Spanish recruited Almoharabes and Alforrats, although this second idea is not as attractive to me.
  12. I said this because I had not even seen any siege on the list and it seemed strange to me that they had not had one, being so prosperous economically and militarily they do not have those tools so to speak
  13. Puede ser algo realista , es tecnicamente la tactica de tierra quemada .
  14. Creo que esa caracterisitica de ir perdiendo los puntos de avanzada ose las torres de madera que son de vigilancia deberian permanecer en tu equipo aunque esten fuera de la zona de influencia, me preunto si sera complicado configurarlo para que lo haga .
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