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  1. @myliverhatesme It's a Moderngui bug, I though i ported all the new async pages in a27 but I might have overlooked at this. It's only when you open it in game thoughts.
  2. I think it's a "bug-feature" aka limitation of current system*, but I like it and it make sens. You can think of it as representing the conquered territory not having the same capacities then your mainland ones. You can imagine that a town you occupy can't straight away produce what your mainland with it's culture and techs do. *Basically trainable units are stored in template and this later doesn't change upon ownership changes.
  3. Do we really need to chope everything off the game to be able to run it?
  4. I was wondering how geniuses would solve the issue at hand. Tell us more please @Grapjas. The machine learning suggestion from @Seleucids sounds very promising, thoughts? We could also think of a partnership with this very reputable solution : https://www.easy.ac/
  5. I only have a snap install for a26 and seems like it makes using the profiler more complicated.
  6. One can only agree. Is there a screnario or build that you think the autotrainer feature doesn't allow you to adapt your production too? In my experience you have much better control, and feeling of control of your production and army composition with the suggested autotrainer overlay. You probably make very informed judgement, and you seems to have stake in mp. What's your lobby account name if I might ask? Anyway you might also be one that will start replying with quick claims and insults, I might be guilty of doing it too but better I stop replying to this thread.
  7. I think what @Acero meant is that the performance issue isn't affecting everybody the same, not even at the same moment in the simulation. The best example would be, moving the camera, dezooming etc, can have a lot of impact of your performances, and subsequently very likely slow the game for all players. Making a headless profiling of a multiplayer replay might or might not hint to what performances felt like for this game.
  8. I've checked and for-now, I think only the Persian palace miss that territory root labeling. So short therm it could be just added. For mods and future alphas it would be ideal to have more infos automatically added to the descriptions. I think a lot of datas could be nice to have into the descriptions, like pack / unpack times for relevant units would be a example... Maybe with a list with bunch of datas that would be nice to have, that could facilitate the work to whoever would tackle this.
  9. What attracted me in the first place to games of this genre is strategy, macro, teamwork... @Grapjas if you get satisfaction out of making repetitive tasks that's ok. The mechanical skill of clicky stuff for me just gets in the way of game enjoyment, I prefer having time to think when playing rather then just only learning to queue up brain tasks. I don't know exactly what proportion of players would actually prefer game with less clicky UI, but it's surely not 0%. Also once again with remarks on skill and leagues and whatnot, I'm considered the same when balancing a game with me disallowed to use "automation", I let you conclude what you want of that, eventually stooping to make stupid remarks on this being related to """"""""skill"""""""".
  10. The description isn't generated, it's written so for some buildings it's inaccurate. Example the Persian palace does provide territory root but it's not noted in desc.
  11. Fortress don't provide territory root and it wasn't the case in a26 neither. Only CC's and Palaces do. In a26 all units regenerated a fixed amount of capture points for the building they were garrisoned in. This amount was dependent on phase. Basically all units regenerated 1, 5, 10 capture points in phase I , II, III respectively IIRC. In a27 units regenerate capture points for the building they are garrisoned the amount of their "capture attack" strength. Which is 0 for females, 2.5 for CS rank 1, 5 for inf champ.... To compare imagine a CC in a26 in phase III: 20 Females garrisoned = 200 capture point regeneration 20 CS garrisoned = 200 capture point regeneration 20 Champ Inf garrisoned = 200 capture point regeneration Now same CC in a27 in any phase: 20 Females garrisoned = 0 capture point regeneration 20 CS garrisoned = 50 capture point regeneration 20 Champ Inf garrisoned = 100 capture point regeneration As you can see, capturing garrisoned buildings is much easier in a27 (at the exception of in phase I where it was very easy in a26, but now it's harder instead).
  12. I've just discovered that you add ignored user on forum, that's great. I can add @BreakfastBurrito_007 so I don't feel the need to explain/debunk every bs claim he repeat in circles, after I already debunked them multiple times.
  13. I don't think I am being dishonest... Some of the issues you list, I just don't have them, even when turning off auto-train, because of the passive features of the mod. I often forget that others compare with vanilla UI, but it's true that I made the simplification of comparing with me playing with ModernGUI. The best example is that I never have stacked production in a barrack with none in others because I'll use idle barrack button. As well it notify me of the idle buildings so I'm less likely to forget too. But even then what I say would still hold true, once you have training units as a automatism, which isn't that hard to get if you brain has still a bit of plasticity, exact batch sizes aren't very important on any scale, bigger batch aren't even always optimal because you are freezing more resources for long time, with a more distant return on investment. To avoid situations where overwhelm prevents you from training units, you need to turn on auto-queue. Now, ModernGUI isn't just my work, it's bundling a lot of code and features that were brought by community members for years. Yet, I'm very happy with what I brought to it, a tones of details, options, improvements suggested by players, and it makes it the mod it is. So of course, I can't deny that there would always be something a bit personal when I'll defend this mod, and I have an attachment to it because it also because it sincerely improve the game experience.
  14. I played a lot of games where @BreakfastBurrito_007 was spec and had it off. That's also why he is obviously blatantly lying to fit his narration. My game-play is exactly the same, early 2 cav scouts, often followed by cav or inf rush, high female count in late game etc, often successfully. He will just recall the fails I have even it's a minority of games and that I fail big time all the time with autotrainer at a similar rate ~35%. Basically I know that I need only very short adaptation time to get my brain to make the very interesting part of training units manually then the difference with or without is imperceptible. The limiting factor of economic development is resource balancing and build order. Units can be autoqueued (vanilla) and the efficiency of batching doesn't matter that much (There was even some posts that argued that smaller batch are more efficient, theses posts are simplifying calculation too much but that's another topic). So in any cases, the important parts of what make you successful in a game will be tactics/micro (and build order) and strategy. The small tasks of having to scroll to optimal batch size and re-click production buildings every once in a while are just unimportant frustrations of a limiting UI. It's just my opinion ofc and I respect others as long as you're not dishonest like @BreakfastBurrito_007.
  15. Y I just had a game with climax lag and 3fps using no hash. Camera and gui were still responsive thoughts. It's clearly bad to play without the oos hash check but i guess most players are desperate for improvements rn
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