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Akira Kurosawa

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Everything posted by Akira Kurosawa

  1. No. Since RTS is a genre infinitely divorced from reality (oh my god, here even units often do not consume food), then at its core it is a solution to contrived useless tasks. This is nothing more than entertainment. You're more likely to get carpal tunnel and walk around with a bandaged wrist like Age of Empire champions. For me personally, the same 0 A.D. is design and terrain, rather than planning and tactics, especially if you take into account the "pathfinding" of units.
  2. Who can explain since when were the elite units taken from the fortress? This is so terribly unusual and uncomfortable. And how to prevent units from making formations, as they start to get stuck in narrow passages? I played on the Ambush map - it's just a logistical nightmare.
  3. Hello again! Indian palace still looks like bus station. I hope devs will do something with that, because it's horrible and it originally was the part of wall. I also ask you to check walls of chinese fortress. Their texture is ridiculously thin and from the side it looks as if they are made of paper. I hope you will do something with these things before the new alpha.
  4. I noticed that the number of units in queue order can be set up with mouse wheel from one to infinity. Could you enter the upper limit, for example, so that you can order no more than 10-20 units per order? It is unpleasant when 50 enemy units come out of almost captured barracks at a one time.
  5. Maybe Obsidian would sounds better? Pretty nice name for Vulcan-based game version. Also it could be much better if you add mesoamerican tribes with.
  6. This is the whole point - in order to use enemy buildings, you need to capture them, while enemy units may already be in them and prevent these buildings from being captured. In addition, the game already has a field medicine technology that allows inactive units to restore health. You just need to retreat to a safe place.
  7. Perhaps then it would be better to hire a group of priests who would follow behind the warriors? Because the proposed option with access to enemy temples is more like an exploit rather than a useful feature. In fact, this turns the temple into a kind of Medivac Dropship from StraCraft 2. And with a quick entry and exit from it, it will be possible to deal damage and immediately hide. And in order to stop this, you will need to demolish your own temple. In addition, religious conversion in foreign temples will allow you to forcibly fill the enemy’s population limit with some units of little use. Therefore, this kind of mechanics is a 100% exploit.
  8. So stated by the developers themselves.
  9. I just don't know how to explain it logically: you come to an enemy temple and instead of poisoning you, the priests most likely treat you, undermining the influence of their own state? This, even in the Middle Ages, would have been unbelievable with their right to hide from persecution in the abbeys. And then, I'm not sure that the English abbey during the war would have received enemies from France. This is some kind of fantasy. And I do not quite understand the applicability of religious conversion to the ancient world. Authoritative books write that the pagans did not need it, perfectly connecting their deities with foreign gods, often forming double names, such as Hermes-Thoth etc. It seems that no one accused each other of heresy. Therefore, religious conversion from one paganism to another is extremely unlikely. This was especially funny to watch in the Age of Empires. But the Age of Empires has always been a kind of grotesque in history.
  10. Definitely it would be nice to have more "natural" compositions for the game.
  11. Personally, after 0 A.D. I do not perceive the Age of Empires franchise. These games seem so limited now, especially the impassable forests.
  12. I did not understand anything. Why does a temple in my domain have to become neutral and accept enemy units? Better let the developers write a script for the AI to start hiring healers. I wouldn't mind if the AI just hired one or two priests per temple to at least just roam around the perimeter looking for the wounded. Well, or at least one priest just stood near his temple and helped to heal.
  13. I noticed that in a single player game, you can put AI to play instead of yourself and the game starts in observer mode. However, when I choose to view as other players, the map is not covered by the fog of war, according to the area explored by the other player. I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but it seems to me that when changing the observation side, the areas explored and unexplored by this side should be displayed correctly.
  14. I have got the suggestion for 27-th alpha's name: Αμέθυστος - the name comes from the Koine Greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α- a-, "not" and μεθύσκω (Ancient Greek) methysko / μεθώ metho (Modern Greek), "intoxicate", a reference to the belief that the game stone protected its developers owner from drunkenness weird graphical decisions.
  15. "Chinese" roofline? I meant that the Chinese use a Greek-model ram in their siege workshop. Regarding appearance, Wikipedia has an article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons
  16. Is it possible to make the design of rams more Chinese? Those amphoras on the shields are a bit confusing.
  17. This looks weird. Also, do you know anything about the ultra-precise Chinese mangonel projectiles? UPD: Rechecked. The shooting mechanics are fair. But the problem with the texture of the bulls is still relevant.
  18. I noticed that the bulls that pull the mangonel change color every time they pack the mangonel. Perhaps this applies to other units as well. This is the same unit. Each packing time I have a new color of cows.
  19. Since the Spartans don't have a stone wall but only a wooden one, could you make it more visually unique? There is another option - to give the Spartans a stone wall, but thin and weak like a wooden one. This looks extremely dismal: But it looks like Sparta had stone walls...
  20. I think that 12 years ago few people heard about this game. It would be great to have a winter model for buildings for winter maps.
  21. As it turned out, the problem with the missing tiles can be traced not only in urban centers. It would be interesting to know who was the author of this idea?
  22. Here is another obvious asymmetry. The position of the columns around the well in the Macedonian center is also shifted somewhere in the wrong direction.
  23. There are some interesting textures from Assassin's Creed Odyssey. These rounded cobblestones in the ground, polished by walking on them, could fill any urban dirt. You can also find something more suitable from the original video. Is this the Macedonian center? Looks amazing! It would be interesting to look at the repaired Athenian and Spartan centers.
  24. Is there a way to make it possible to select multiple biomes for a random map? One single biome for the entire map is kind of boring... If you do not like sharp transitions, then you can try using a "climate gradient". It should also randomly select "the start" and "the end" for directions of the "climate gradient" to add a layer of biomes to the map. Although, I think it would be nice to have many climate mapping templates at the same time. I think you already guessed where this idea comes from.
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