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Grautvornix last won the day on December 4 2024

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  1. Just some thoughts: Bolt shooters might be a good counter, but they are too slow. So, should heavy spear cavalry be better or pikemen? Somehow I don't like that slingers seem to be a good counter. Is that realistic at all?
  2. That is a great idea - we discussed it a few times but without result yet. Would be deligthed if such feature could be implemented! As an example were this was discussed:
  3. This is also now fixed! Looks beautiful and informative. Is is now very well visible that 0AD is alive. Thank you very much!!!!!
  4. Somewhat related - I'd be interested in discussing countering elephants ...
  5. Also it could be a good start to provide the necessary background information and also pictures portraying these civs, their typical buildings, heroes, force structure and typical features and technologies. We would then need the artwork as well. As far as I have observed (e.g. for the Kushites or the Han), adding a new civ is quite an endeavor - rewarding but still a lot of work.
  6. From the game strategy point of view capturing and manning a tower or barracks or temple currently establishes a nice foothold in enemy territory and provides backup before entering into serious battle. I would rather not change the current behavior too much.
  7. Frankly, I'd rather not change movement speed of the current ships. Transport capacity is payload and not crew, so that adding soldiers should not increase rowing speed. From the game perspective I would also not like to reduce speed if loaded. What I would suggest, however, is to show if a ship has a payload or not (like a garrisoned building). Identifying which ships to select from the fleet in oder to land an army is sometimes quite time consuming and error-prone.
  8. So, would it be useful to have a different AI for the different levels? (easy to medium = Petra, difficult = another one, very difficutl=yet anpother one etc.) Certainly they'd behave differently but this is like real players that have different strategies.
  9. Maybe we should define a different policy as follows: If I conquer a building or a CC, those people can produce only the units they were used to produce - except for any champion units (the "ruling class" of that kingdom that has been pushed aside due to the conquest). After you conquered a kingdom, it is unlikely that that kingdom has the ability (and the will) to exactly match your capabilities. As an example, if Maurians conquer a gaulish CC they cannot expect to get worker elephants from the CC, but they might get gaulish melees etc. This would lead certainly to a mixed population - my player colours would be borne by my own troops plus the ones of a different Civ - the ones I have produced in the conquered areas. In the above example i would have gaulish troops as part of the Maurian army. Complex, confusing or interesting? i'd be curious to hear you opinion!
  10. Frankly, it does make sense: glorious expansion extends the max population cap but you still need the corresponding number of houses. Actually, I believe this was the same since at least A26, if not longer.
  11. Do we have to decide for every player? I am not so sure: If it is too much info for small screens, and on larger screen users feel there is too much unused space why don't we introduce a config switch to enable it? (there is also settings for slower graphics adapters/slower CPUs, together with the corresponding tooltip). Default would be off so thte game is by default well playable. Enabling means testing it on your screen. If you like it, then keep it, if not, don't.
  12. Will you share the zip-file?
  13. Maybe while "default automatic capturing" was their official complaint, and now "default attack buildings", the actual issue people had was that own forces would automatically turn their attack towards buildings instead of focusing on the enemy? Have seen my soldiers attacking fields instead of enemy soldiers. Not sure how we can make buildings a secondary target unless commanded otherwise.
  14. Would it make sense to introduce an option in the settings menu to select from (similar to formation control): Enemy Buildings: default capture/default attack ?
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