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AK_Thug AMish

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Posts posted by AK_Thug AMish

  1. what you call "tolerance" is really the intolerance of someone exercising their right to be intolerant.....freedom of opinion....go figure
    I don't follow.

    I think real-world examples provide evidence that armagedan won't descend upon us if we allow gay-marriage. Anyways, how does it affect you?

  2. yeah most 'tion' words are the same in french (pronounced 'shee - on' instead of 'shun' of course)

    deus ex machina - a third party comes in and saves the day (i think)

    supererogatory - going beyond necessity

    uxorious - get bossed around by the wife

    defenestrate - throw out the window

    tergiversation - being ambiguous

    *sign up for dictionary.com's word-of-the-day email for lots of cool words.

  3. hmm, never heard of that test, i'll take it next year though :P Make the Mathmatic Olympiad team!

    *Imagines thousands in Athens cheering him on working through a math problem*

    Here's another from the AMC 12 (that I didn't know how to start :-( ),

    Find the number of ordered pairs of real numbers (a,b ) such that (a+bi)^2002 = a - bi.

  4. Dr. King's 'dream' has still not been reached, IMO, but American society is certainly much closer to it thanks to the efforts of not only him, but many others as well. I think that King's best achievement is getting the message across, praising peaceful coexistence between races(not seperationalism or violence). I really don't know what MLK would think about today, but I can imagine he would recognize that more still needs to be done.

    Would blacks have gotten rights without him? Probably, but the civil rights movement would have been much more violent.

  5. Wolf: Enemy Territory (plus an internet connection of course),

    Simcity 3000 (or 4)

    any good strategy game, like Hearts of Iron

    Has anybody found a jetpack in any level yet ?

    I've only played the demo, but the jetpack is on the top floor in one of the buildings in the city (Aarnus or Aarnhem the name of the level?) Its a seperate class of course, but you get stuck with the worthless mp-40 (in BF anyways...) :-(

  6. yes I don't want quotes to be an issue. For example, many people quote Darwin's little eye discourse as evidence that even he didn't believe in evolution. Anyways, I think there is a point in discussing this, with or without your large stockpiles of evidence ^_^ j/k I'm sure everyone else can post their views and when summer comes you can post yours, and it'll be great.

    As for misquotes, I stated that they are taking them out of context, as the 'sole support for your argument' Don't put words in my mouth, s'il vous plait. Lets keep the discussion scientific.

    As for its purpose, there are many creationalist bills popping up across America and it is important to know what it is. Sorry for my recent string of America-related topics, but I am not to aware of politics in other countries. ^_^

  7. hmm I understand these questions relate to conduction, but I am not clear on what the questions are asking for.

    1) the temperature at .5 m?

    2) the final average temperature of the rod?

    We're justing starting heat in physics so all I can say is Q = mc /\T ^_^

  8. Hey everyone please divert your creationalism or evolution stuff here! I'll start with a few definitions that I'll use, if you want to change them make sure you say so...


    "In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population (such as those determining blood types) to the successive alterations that led from the earliest protoorganism to snails, bees, giraffes, and dandelions."

    - Douglas J. Futuyma in Evolutionary Biology, Sinauer Associates 1986


    a way of explaining presented evidence, not any 'lower' on a chart than facts or laws

    -Macro & micro:

    macro is evolution through different species, like birds from reptiles; micro is evolution within a species, like resistence to DDT.

    -Creationalism and/or Intelligent Design:

    holds that a supernatural entity created, or actively takes part in, any of the evolutionary processes.

    -Argument from Authority:

    citing a quote from an authority figure as the sole support for your opinion. DON'T DO THIS please! Please also do not misquote biologists, I will be on the look out for this! ^_^

    -others I'll probably append at the end of this post, if there is any confusion over terms.

    Talk.Origins has a nice list of both pro- and anti- evolution sites you can check out.

  9. well before we get into astro physics, I think we can agree on one point, it appears that stars are older* than creationalism allows, and thus, it appears that the light created by those stars took many light years to get here, and it appears that the universe is older than a few thousand years. So the real question is, why would god provide one account of the universe in the Bible and another account, that doesn't agree, as evidence?

    As for this 'stretching' of light, well, I don't even know what to say. I don't claim to be any expert in the field of astrophysics, but that theory sounds _really_ strange. Light, to my knowledge, travels no faster (but can travel slower) than the constant "C". And no, "C" does not get smaller over time, like AiG argues.

    And by the way, that creationevidence.com site has a nice large picture that "demonstrates eye witness encounters with dinosaurs in recent centuries" Wow. Dinosaurs within recorded history??

    The FAQ is certainly interesting too. My favorite question:

    Q: How did kangaroos get from Australia to the ark and back again?

    Hmm... this is getting off topic, I'll start a new thread.

  10. What does the "defense of marriage" mean? I guess the gov't wants to reward 'wholesome' relationships between two people, but wouldn't gay marriage allow that (you know, give an ultimate goal or commitment)? Doesn't the high divorce rate, especially down south, deserve more attention? Ah, I'm asking too many questions now ^_^

    The whole point of marriage, from a gov't perspective, is to allow nice schtuff like hospital visits, joint tax returns, and a nice little bonus of family units. Many studies have shown children growing up with married parents do better than those without, although I'll admit no other alternatives (polygamy perhaps?) have been studied. From a religious perspective marriage is obviously different but unimportant in this discussion.

    Are you referring to instances where two bulls, when left alone with only each other, for a long period of time, will eventually go at it?

    When you think about it, if gay men had a long period of time before their instincts took over and they 'go at it', wouldn't that allow the time for them to first 'go at it' with women (unless they're stranded on an island or something)? ^_^

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