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AK_Thug AMish

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Posts posted by AK_Thug AMish

  1. Sorry I can't summerize this, but I found a quick overview Here.

    'Salvation' is most of the way down the page. I don't want to turn this into a point-by-point argument discussing everything presented there, I'm just trying to make the point that the whole 'salvation' aspect of xianity is kind of fuzzy.

    And I suppose to answer the original question I do agree with the statement. I also fail to see its significance (who argues the opposite point anyways).

  2. There has always been an argument about how to be a good Christian since Christianity was started. Sometimes it's just accepting JC as your saviour (even after a horrible life), sometimes its through works (catholics I think), sometimes through belief, sometimes through belief and works... you get the point. I don't even think the Bible is consistent on this point, I'll find some support if requested.

  3. to adam, atheism does not really take much faith. Does it take faith for you to reject Santa Claus? If it does, than perhaps you are becoming too sceptical, going into solipism, and if that happens, this whole discussion breaks down.

    I am not aware of the supernatural beliefs of confucisism or taoism. I do, however, like 'eastern' religions more in general than 'western' religions. How many buddhist extremists do you see bombing places?

    Don't even try to define Christianity, or how to be a Christian. There are hundreds of sects in Christianity, all unique in how they intrepret the Bible, how they view/define God, how to be 'saved', etc. I don't want any You're-not-a-true-Christian fight going on either :P.

    As for agnosticism, that is simply believing that God can't be proven (for or against), so there, that takes belief too :P . You can be an atheistic agnostic though, and I'm guessing thats what most people who voted 'agnostic' are, mainly because theistic agnostics generally would vote for their religion. If someone asked me, "does a higher power exist" I would say I am agnostic, because there is no way to tell, imo. I answer atheist because most of the time, it means do I reject the xian God, which is much more specific. Hope I clarified some stuff.

  4. yeah, there are no longer 9, but 7.

    Maybe, just maybe, all those economic sanctions actually worked. Ah, what am I thinking? Down with the UN!! armed.gif

    Either way, I think there are two problems; one, as Kay said, the intelligence is not as good as we thought. Certainly not good enough for another pre-emptive war. Two, polititions cherry-pick the intelligence to say what they want.

  5. used to every night (and at church of course when we went, which was about 10 times a year)

    If I was in a plane crash and God decided to talk to me, I'd probably mutter, "Hey buddy where were you?"

    *Reminds me of a 'Deep thought by Jack Handy':

    isn't it weird when people try to hit the brakes of their car as they're flying off a cliff? Hey, better try the emergency brake!

  6. I'm sorry, but the english system is just too weird to be useful in a modern-day setting. Try converting 2 miles into furlongs, or even better, inches :P Metric just makes sense, its not really that artificial.

    As for P-C language, I think we (as a society) should be careful not to offend people when we talk, but we can't take that too far. For example, I hear a lot of "ah, that was so gay" or "don't be a homo" in my school. Although I don't think these people really have something against gays, I can see how a gay person would be hurt by all that language. Also a lot of "retard". I believe the solution is in getting the other people to actually learn some words, because "gay" in that context isn't really discriptive anyways (like "sucks").

  7. Someone posted this list on another forum, which I shamelessly copied, like this smilie evil2.gif

    Here's the original thread: IIDB


    1) The teleological argument - The argument from design

    2) The cosmological argument - "First cause" argument

    3) The ontological argument - Argument from definition of God as a necessary being to his existence.

    4) Noological argument - The argument from reason

    5) Axiological argument - The argument from morals

    6) The argument from religious experience - self-explanatory

    7) The argument from desire - argues that a supposed universal desire for God is proof of the existence of God.

    8) Pascal's Wager - "Theism is the safest bet. If you're wrong you lose nothing, if you're right you gain everything."

    9) The transcendental "argument" - presuppostional argument which argues that unless we pressupose the existence of God reasoning is futile. (Not really a deductive argument, but an important argument nonetheless.)

    10) The "argument" from proper basicality - The argument that belief in God is properly basic, i.e. that it requires no evidence or argument. Based on the supposed failure of classical foundationalism.

    This isn't any complete list so feel free to add anything you like.

    I think evolution disproves 1, 8 isn't really an arguement, 3 would allow me to have the perfect hamburger (and perfect milk shake to go with it), and 6 won't do much good outside of yourself.

  8. mreiland I missed your earlier post, so don't think I ignored it on purpose. Anyways, atheism is commonly associated with religion, like 'none of the above' is listed with some ACT problems. Just because its an answer of the test doesn't make in the same league as the other answers (I think that analogy can do for now :P )

    Oh, and sorry I don't know everyone and their religious affiliation yet. I still do not think atheism is a religion, but I'll admit that I could be wrong (but probably not :P ) Sorry for assuming you were religious, that was my mistake.

    Just because someone has devotion to an idea or philosophy does not mean that idea or philosophy is a religion
    Amen. My position too.

    It doesn't really offend me when someone says atheism is a religion, I just find it a bit odd. The two are, at the core, complete opposites. Two opposite states of mind. If you still want to insist that atheism is a religion, than I suppose everyone who doesn't believe the Loch Ness monster exists is pretty much the same as people who believe it does, even with the infinitismly small chance of such a large monster existing in a lake with absolutely no evidence beyond fuzzy pictures.

    (now that I think about it, thats a better analogy. God to me is like the Loch Ness monter)

    to chadeous, I personally think its better to say 'I like the people, just not the religion'. As for them 'forcing' you into them, I wish I could find some data on how many people are of the same religion they are born in. Many people also change from one religion to another, but I don't think you see too much of non-religious people convert under normal conditions. On another note, there are many nice people who happen to be religious. As to passage into heaven, I don't understand why God would deny that to anybody, seeing he created them knowing full well what they were gonna do in the first place. The perks of being oniscient :P

  9. just killed Beethoven? Oh well I like Bach better anyways. j/k. If he was aborted, than I don't know how I could mourn his non-existence. Its like trying to rob a bank that has never been built (if you can figure that one out give me a call :P ). I'm sure there are many cases of bad people who could have been aborted (and not to mention all the deformed, retarded, and diseased babies bound to painfull existence), but oh well, no one likes to talk about those...

    As for the population sustainability of the earth, most sources I've read claim the max sustainability for the earth is about 5-6 billion inhabitants. Now sure, us greedy Americans take up a good chunk of the resources, but if you want us to give 'em up, don't hold your breath :P

    Although 5 billion people can stand in a city, it takes a world to sustain them. The fact is, 2/3 of the world is water, and of all the land, only a couple of % is readily arable. It gets worse. In most 3rd world countries, more than 1/2 of the population is <20 years old. Populations may be around 0 growth in the developed world, but there is a huge boom everywhere else.

    the unborn child.

    bah, in order to be a child (aka person) you gotta be born. an unborn child is nothing more than a fetus, so say fetus, not unborn child. As for 8 months being the magic number, its not, but anything less than that possible but very uncommon.

  10. it doesn't really matter if it has a 'brain' at x weeks, the reality is that the fetus isn't viable until 8 months. its organs just simply aren't developed yet. Plus, it has no experiences to define its existence.

    anyways, the question of 'When is conception' is a very good one. Is it when the sperm+egg form the zygote? When the zygote plants itself on the uterus wall (not all do, some just fall on through and birth control sometimes incites this). Is it at the first cell division?

  11. Wijit, I am still lost on the merry go round.

    Here's what I think: your telling me to prove that God doesn't exist. I really can't, because its impossible to prove a negative. Just because it's an 'accusation' doesn't make a statement positive.


    Skeptic: "There are no Invisible Pink Unicorns."

    Believer: "Prove it."

    Skeptic: "I can't. But I say they don't exist because there is absolutely no evidence for their existence. I'll be open to the idea when evidence is presented"

    Believer: "But they're invisible! Thats why you can't see them!"

    Skeptic: :P

    I guess that dialogue goes to anyone who thinks I have the burden of proof. :P

  12. I guess for me it would depend on the other person's wishes. As for the Florida lady, she told her husband before she went into a coma that she didn't want to live like this, but there was no written statement, and unfortunately she's stuck in a state with a overly-religious gov, Jeb Bush. If I remember right her brain is half mush now and every neurologist agrees there is no chance of even coming back.

    Of course there still could be a chance she'll just wake up tomorrow and be perfectly normal :P

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