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AK_Thug AMish

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Posts posted by AK_Thug AMish

  1. ... its useless to debate in the realm of logic.

    YEC's come in all shapes in sizes though, and it's almost amusing to see them argue amongst themselves over the 'definitive' word of God. [

    Edit (DarkAngelBGE): The user made usage of hotlinking images. A warning has been set up.

    mreiland, I believe most YEC's say the earth was created some 6000 years ago, or at least AiG.

  2. I think because in our real world there are social standards that take a long time for time to change naturally and this is one of them.


    are you saying that it should change or should not change, or that it just hasn't changed?

    I'm all for equality, and it is a two-way road. Saying people deserve special treatment for being born as a female instead of a male is not much different than saying we should people differently based on being born a certain race.

    Thread-appropiate emoticon: :blush:

  3. believe it or not, it has not been very long since blacks down south could not go to the same schools, drink from the same water fountains, etc. as whites.

    I confess to not personally knowing any gays, but I'll take klaas' word for it.

    As I said before, whatever you want to call marriage, it should be equal and apply to everyone.

  4. For each integer n >= 4, let A(sub)n denote the base-n number 0.133(sub)n (that .133 is repeating). the product of A(sub)4*A(sub)5...A99 can be expressed as m/n!, where m and n are positive integers and n is as small as possible. What is the value of m?

    Sorry about my notation! and I can only give five answers that might be right :blush:

  5. Although a government can be founded upon the principles of God (as the USA was), he obviously isnt on Earth in a human sense to be Monarch.

    Oooo I think you are describing a 'Theocracy'. Theocracy = bad.

    Why? A government can serve either its citizens, or God. Since government is a contract between the people (Thomas Locke), it has to be secular. There is no room for anyone's God/Gods in a contract between the people. When you have a theocracy, the government does not serve the citizens first. Just look at the differences between theocracies and secular governments throughout the ages, from the Greeks to the Romans to the Middle ages, to the present. Would you like to live in Iran?

    And for those of us who don't know, what exactly are the principals of God?

  6. well there's not ads _yet_, but soon, too soon!

    I think that most news today is in the horserace style; fast, 30 second soundbites catch the attention of TV watchers, and 'exclusive' stories never last longer than 5 minutes. It's too bad, since with any story you can debate both sides for at least 20 minutes. That's why I like shows like 60 minutes, or News Hour with Lehrer, since they get deep into the issue, and even host debates!

  7. Nope, thats not correct. Evolution is a theory and a theory needs only one disproof. The burden is upon those who believe in the theory to show that there is not a single case in which it is not true....now i dont mean you have to go do each star, but it does mean all I need to do is disprove it for ONE SINGLE case to to disprove the theory as it stands.


    Again, read above about the scientific method.

    well, sorry to burst your bubble, but there are mountains of evidence that support evolution. Although there is debate over some of the finer points, that doesn't change the *fact* that evolution occured. Even amoung Christians (~80%, mostly Catholics), evolution is accepted. Only a few of the more conservative sects reject it and take literal Biblical creationalism.

    As for the founding fathers, their religious preferences do not really matter... just what they wanted the government to be like. It is obvious that they wanted religion and government to be separate.

  8. You obviously have not ever seen women's kick boxing. :blush: generally, though, women are a bit weaker.

    I have met many a femme who abuse the so called 'chivalric code', and trust me, women can be _very_ manipulative at times.

    Anyways, I find it good to be nice to anyone, because then they're normally nice back, thus completing the circle of love ;)

    Why is it necessary to be extra-nice to girls just because they were born as... girls?

  9. Since I now live in a major swing state, I'm gonna get plenty of campaigning, which is good and bad. Good, being that my fellow Ohions will be motivated to participate in the election; bad, being that I can't watch TV for 5 minutes without seeing political ads.

    I prefer the issues, because that's more important than a watered-down play-by-play of an election race. Not that candidates always fulfile their promises, but thats the way it is.

  10. somehow, i have a hard time seeing homosexuality as a 'problem' that has to be 'fixed'. But, if the research points to that, then I suppose I'd have to agree with it.

    And don't most homosexuals realize their attraction to the same sex at a very young age, before the cultural affects really set in? I also have a hard time seeing a elementary school boy liking other boys just to be different.

  11. Sorry to get off topic :blush:

    I think that whatever you want to call it, marriage, civil unions, etc, the same should apply to *everyone*. Having marriage for some and civil unions for others is the classic 'separate but equal'.

    Marriage, IMO, is pretty secular in this country. I do not see much of a need to change the name, unless it appeases the religious right... and allows for equality.

  12. Here!

    what I said earlier,

    Some researchers have suggested that religion may have little or no effect on divorce rates. The apparently higher rate among born-again Christians, and lower rate among Atheists and Agnostics may be due to the influence of financial and/or educational factors.

    Of course the ever-popular 'they're not true Christians!' argument is pulled out...

    Tom Ellis of the Southern Baptist Convention suggests that the Barna poll is inaccurate because the people contacted may have called themselves born-again Christians, without having previously made a real commitment to God. He said: "We believe that there is something more to being a Christian...Just saying you are Christian is not going to guarantee that your marriage is going to stay together."

    And the 'It doesn't make sense I don't believe it!' one:

    David Popenoe, co-director of the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University has said that the survey doesn't make sense. He based this belief on his assessment that Christians follow biblical models of the family, making a bond that "the secular world doesn't have...It just stands to reason that the bond of religion is protective of marriage, and I believe it is."

    Anyways, I tried to get it from a neutral source, its from "Religious tolerance.org" Please read if your interested, I only picked a few quotes.

  13. well, I'm not to sure the US is too happy about the ISS nowadays, because its not the 'glorious' kind of thing that the lunar program was. Can you name two astronaughts on the station? A lot of Americans also think that the US is carrying the ISS.

    As for NASA, most people forget that the first A is 'aeronautical'. There's the jet propulsion lab in Pasadena, CA, and another engine lab here in Cleveland, OH. NASA does much research that helps us here on earth everyday, from cell phones to GPS.

    As for a mission to mars, I think that it's easier and cheaper to just send robots there, for the time being. Right now, we do not have adequet technology to make it cheap and fast. As for the moon though... I would like to see them build observatories up there. Hubble is going to go down in about 2007 :P , the moon would be a perfect place to build telescopes. No atmosphere, stable ground, you don't have to worry about keep them in orbit, etc.

  14. I was reading a very outdated Time, and it prompted me to ask the question, what should we do about space exploration?

    This is a wide-open topic, from the space shuttle program to a manned mars landing. How much are you willing to pay to explore beyond earth?

  15. Just in response to some Christians who say they travel the high road of morality and marriage, divorce rate for Christians is actual higher than it is for Atheists/Agnostics/etc. Now correlation != causality, but it does mean something (Baptists down south have the highest divorce rate, but this may relate more to poverty and low education, not necessarly the religion). Lowest divorce rate is in the Northeast, also where the most atheists/agnostics/etc. and rich, more educated people are. Not trying to offend anyone (its just a response), but those are the simple facts. :P

    I'm glad to hear there's separation of church and state in Sweden, but I cannot say the same here :P A ton of people say the US is a Christian nation (it isn't). It's a nation with a lot of Christians, which doesn't make it a Christian state at all. Unfortunately, it is rapidly becoming one, especially with the very loud 'religious reich', evangelists out the wazoo, and the far-right conservatives in the gov't. All the school vouchers, faith-based programs, public religous symbols... It's frustrating to even start trying to keep religion out of government without being accused of "oppressing Christians" or "taking God out of our lives" :D Arg stupid stupid strawman... hate... strawman...

    Ok I got that out of me :drug: Just this morning I heard on NPR that in Massachusetts they are debating on ammending the state constitution against gay marriage :-( . Supposedly a compremise, civil unions, are probably going to get a majority, thus creating another "separate but equal" situation. And guess what one Congresswomen said in defense of marriage? You guessed it, "People are trying to take God out of our lives... The same minds that go to church on sunday go to work here on monday..." Really? Lots of Christians like to think they are an oppressed minority, but it simply is not true. I believe in separation of church and state, not oppression of religion.

    America is not a Christian Nation - By the Illinois Conservatives, of all people :D

  16. aren't they all. None of them really tell the truth all the time, but none of them lie all the time either. It's important that you know the facts when you listen to them.

    ex: I was listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day (it pumps me up and gets me really mad :P ) and its easy to see when he bends the facts, or outright lies, like when he said ~50% of scientists don't believe in global warming! outrageous! But, alas, he is not wrong all the time, either. Just uses strawmen like its halloween.

    *basks in glory of poor logical fallacy joke :P*

  17. But the question is *why* are they more likely to make money? It's because of the mentality that they've been raised with, it has *nothing* to do with how much money you had when you were growing up.

    I'm not going to get into far-left social stratification, but, class (in America moreso) does affect your opportunities. Why? Parents who don't go to college generally don't care so much (or can't afford) college education in their children. No college = lower class.

    So, I'm assuming, 'rich' people get the Death Penalty, correct? If not, they should

    NO, and Yes, but not gonna happen. There is no death penalty in EU countries, unless I'm mistaken. In the US, though, most (a disportionate #) of the prisoners put to death are poor and some minority. One of many reasons is because they simply can't afford a good lawyer.

    As for traffic violations... I heard in England they have little camera boxes on the roads (and lots of tricky empty boxes too) to catch speeders. :P Around here all you got are the po- and there are quite a few sitting around waiting for an easy 50 bucks!

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