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AK_Thug AMish

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Posts posted by AK_Thug AMish

  1. well in this country, at least, children are generally considered too young (^_^. The system is not perfect.

    As for the 'natural' aspect of homosexuality, I don't think any homo-conspiracy theory would hold water. Homosexuality is observed in nature, and although I am not going to say I have isolated the homosexuality gene, but it seems to me that it is a recessive trait, or else it would not exist (for obvious reasons, they can't procreate).

    AIDS affects mostly countries like India where sex is wide-spread and knowledge is low. Somehow I don't think you are really afraid of getting AIDS from a gay man, but hey, I can't read your mind...

    Repulsive? Does that have anything to do with it? I don't think I need to provide examples ^_^

  2. Why don't you write about the Chilean elections which the CIA interveaned (60's ?) where Allende, a socialist, was elected, and the US supported a coup, and the later military gov't led by Augusto Pinochet, despite his numerous atrocities. Yet another chapter of good 'ol American international policy during the Cold War ^_^

    Then again, that doesn't really tie in religion or art. Oh well do it anyways!

  3. hmm I don't buy into any 'conspiracy theory' (seeing MTV lost all rights to have superbowl show in the future), but who knows if it was an accident, or 'wardrobe failure' ^_^ . Hey if you care about the crap on TV, DON'T WATCH IT! TV is just gonna get crazier and crazier when Americans get bored with what's on. Just look at the evolution of 'reality TV'. The only real solution is to just turn it off.

  4. Today the Ohio Congress in Columbus has passed an anti-same-sex marriage bill and it is going onto the desk of Taft, who said he will sign it previously. It is one of the largest (so I've heard) in the country, and bans all benefits too all gay couples (to state employees and more I believe). Anyways it sounds to me like a standard 'defense of marriage' law.

    The bigger question relates to gay marriage. Should it be allowed? If so, how far should it go? I'll post my opinion later, but please try to refrain from too much religious stuff unless it's direct support for your argument ^_^

  5. there's a philosopher, Brown I think, who says that lying to yourself is morally wrong. Anyways, social science is not really a science, there are too many variables imo. I don't see much of a chance of survival under an autonomous AI system; I just don't like the idea. It seems too dangerous.

  6. Ken's bachelor's degree in applied science (with an emphasis on environmental biology) was awarded by the Queensland Institute of Technology. He also holds a Diploma of Education from the University of Queensland.


    AiG definitely has some weird views, those crazy Young Earth Creationalists. So, quacker, here's a question for you: How does it look like stars are >10000 years old if the universe is only 4000 years old (or 6000 or 10000, depending how you intrepret the extremely clear word of God ^_^) Why would God fool us like that?

  7. are you referring to Kent Hovind's, who's 250 grand is impossible? Discredited by just about everyone? The fact that evolution occured is a fact supported by mounds of evidence, the theory comes into play when you try to explain it. Just like gravity occuring is a fact, explaining it is a theory. Anyways, there are quibbles amoung scientists over little issues (like cambrian explosion, developement of 2 sexes, etc.) but the crux of evolution is so widely accepted in related fields that it is silly to say that even scientists don't approve of it. Look at 'Project Steve'. Or, if you want to check out Talk.Origins website go on ahead. I'm not gonna outline all their points myself.

  8. The burden of proof is on *you* to prove that it *is* a baby.
    yes exactly, but I'll stand by my point that if A has the potential to be B than A is not B. Even in some crazy 'journey-of-souls' book I read the 'soul' does not 'enter' the baby if its gonna die anyway. Then again, that is really stupid support for my point.

    Oh well, an aborted (1st trimester remember) fetus is not much loss to society, IMHO. So Quacker, do you drive a car? Did you know that driving cars killed 41,345 in America, 1999? (source) Why aren't you lobbying to get us all to drive around in buggies, which are much safer?

  9. well lets not confuse creationalists with real scientists, or I will have to hit something :woot: That is certainly a topic worth discussion though, maybe I'll start a thread later.

    As for Adam, repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it true ^_^

    bandwagon fallacy! How many people thought that the Panthers would make it to the Superbowl (or the Patriots after a 2-2 start for that matter)? I don't really care if there are 2 billion Christians, it doesn't mean a thing ^_^ . I am actually interested in your support for this 'faith' and now 'ultimate faith'.

  10. the problems arise when you have leaders appeal to the masses with tempting gov't programs. This happened in california, and it seems to me that Bush has a hard time saying 'no' as well. A good democracy needs polititions to do what is good for the country, not necessarly good for their ratings.

  11. no, it was a pillow fish, and since we got one of those corner booths, it sat next to me, albeit a bit stiffly. Fish are a very common surrealist topic, and when you think about it, fish are about as random as it gets.

  12. I don't think I was using a strawman, thats "attacking a position that is not one of your arch-rivals" ^_^ . I was just joking that your social study was not very scientific.

    Now for english! how is removing extremely offensive words (which have no other meaning) from vernacular have anything to do with the 'degradation' of the english language? I don't believe the term 'garbage man' (i.e. waste managment engineer) is not really offensive, but some other terms are.

  13. when I was referring to pressure, its more social pressure than anything else. It's easy to see in high-school America. Girls have to constantly look good everyday, I can just show up however I want. Now I don't really care, if someone wants to spend a half-hour on their hair that doesn't really affect me, but I guess you can say society puts most of the pressure on the females. Just look at the anorexia statistics. When I was in health class a few years ago, it was about 95% female. I think that is statistically significant.

  14. math is totally different than religion, the philosophy of it is different. I guess you can say 2+2=4 under the same condition always, just like a triangle has 180 degrees always. But if you introduce new conditions, the rules change. For example, a triangle (three points connected by the shortest distance between them) on a sphere will have > 180 degrees. Math is very axiomatic.

    I am starting to think that the definition of 'faith' flying around is way too broad. So it takes faith for me to believe my bed is not just going to fly to Thailand every time I go to sleep? It takes faith for me to close my eyes, not knowing if they will open again? Come on, lets be a little reasonable here. I (think) I said before that faith is taking something on no evidence or experience.

  15. ah, I was ready for this.

    A person who has actually lived a life has experiences, personality, a life... although they may not be 'viable' (the same as a fetus) they are a real person, the fetus is not.

    If a robot built houses (fetus), and was constantly building houses all the time, and then built one in the middle of a road, is it ok to stop it? I think it is, there are plenty of other houses avalible. But once a person moves into that house, it is a 'home'. Now it is not OK to tear that house down.

  16. hmm... I think the Christian church has something to do with it, but I can't really blame them, it is after all a 2000+ year old worldview.

    I think these 'gender roles' (sorry anti-pc ppl I don't think sex roles has quite the meaning I'm looking for here :P) have pretty much been defined by culture for the past hundreds of years, and only recently has it begun to change. Ah, but the graces of being male; it's so easy :P . I kinda think females put a lot of pressure on themselves, ah well, it's losing fight to try and stop them :P .

  17. I am not a strong supporter of the 'enlightened despotism' that many people have proposed earlier, for today. Then again, every situation calls for a different course of action. I guess some examples you can find to support the enlightened despot are Napoleon I, Fredrick the Great, and Peter the Great. As Machiavelli said, princes are better for establishing institutions, and populations are better for maintaining them.

    Eken, maybe you are talking about Locke, who said "why should we fear foxes and polecats when we are being eaten by lions?" He was referring to the fact that gov't is an agreement between the people to secure protection of basic 'natural' right, i.e. leaving the 'state of nature' (having various small theives take your stuff). With a monarchy, there is a king who takes everyone's stuff (the lion).

    Democracy can go with socialism (an economic system) just as well as capitalism. Just look at the 'welfare states' like Canada and most of W Europe (I've heard those countries are starting to run into trouble though, do any Europeans agree?).

    Hmm, in my own little country by the sea I would probably have a minimalistic democracy, that does little more than protect the citizens (this includes regulations of businesses to insure safety of products and such) and provide a very good education system that stresses critical thinking. What's worse than a country filled with people who can't think for themselves? I think that's where the US is heading towards... :-(

  18. It took me years before I opened my eyes, but I started getting laid a lot more often too :P

    That is certainly a good source of evidence. The fact is, anecdotal evidence, on both sides, doesn't really prove or disprove a theory. What I am seeing though is a lot of post-hoc hypothesis from you, mostly in the form of 'that is the exception, not the rule'. Ah well time for a quiz bowl tourney at CWRU! :P

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