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Belisarius17 last won the day on June 26 2023

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    Puerto Rico
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    Graphic design, Commercial and advertising design. World History, European Classical History. Military History. Traveling. RTS Gaming. Historical base movies. 70's, 80s and 90s Music.

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  1. Just came to share the final version of the Rise of Rome, scenario. The files go into your MOD or Scenario file inside your 0 AD main File. Enjoy eveEMPIRES AT WAR, RISE OF ROME BETA 1.xmlEMPIRES AT WAR, RISE OF ROME BETA 1.pmprybody.
  2. Here are the files, they are made in alpha 24 version but can be used in all versions. The two files go into your mod or 0 AD scenario file. Enjoy. EMPIRES AT WAR, RISE OF ROME BETA 1.xml 1861939519_EMPIRESATWARRISEOFROMEBETA1.pmp
  3. Would be cool to see some siege assault towers for the Romans. So to see bridges, to have the Romans able to build bridges. Would like also to see a Cesar unit, and Pompey, so other late Republic units. Just saying.
  4. Hi Stand, I am building maps base on Geographic areas and Historical settings and I am working on a few more beside the one I sent to you, for testing. My version of the alpha 24, that I got me two years ago. Will this version handle the maps I am making for 24 in the new alpha 26.? Thanks.
  5. Hi Stacie, yes, I have been working 2 years so far on this map because I have a lot of work responsibilities that take a lot of my time. But on my free time I have been researching ancient history and geography videos in order to recreate the struggles of the Roman Republic, 0 AD Stile, and make the map as possibly close to Central Southern Europe and The Mediterranean as the game editor engine permit me, As a personal hobby. I will be publishing the map here in the forum for anyone that like it, to download it as soon as is finish. The Rise of Rome campaign will require a lot of strategy for any player, as they will have to fight 2 active AL players and a lot of Gaia units from many buffer states that players will encounter while expanding across the map. Capturing strategic ports and cities will be a most to keep expanding. As a Roman player, you will have to fight Samnites and Greeks in the south of Italy and many Gaul tribes in the norther territories of the Italian Peninsula at the start of the game. Rome will have to fight also the Carthaginians in Sicily, Spain and North Africa, so the Siracusans , The Iberians in Spain, Macedonians, Greeks and Spartans, in Greece, Selucides in Anatolia and Palestine, the Ptolemies in Egypt, and lot of Pirates and Mercenaries in North Africa. if the Roman player dare to cross the sea from France to England, he will also fight the Britons. Expect a lot of battles in this map. Lot of sea battles , amphibious attacks, and sieges. This campaign will be a fun experience for all players, new and old alike. It makes take you a few days to finish it. The map Is Gigantic. Players can also modify the map to their own taste, and experiment with new campaigns to play with other players or share with others using this map. I look forward to seeing new modifications made by other map designers to the original one I did. Here is a small preview with some info about some of the locations and factions you will encounter playing 0-AD Rise of Rome. Any Ideas or suggestions are always welcome. Thank you all for your time and attention.
  6. Hi Lion, What about Adding the Rise of Rome campaign map...I will be posting the campaign soon for everyone to play it. You can play the campaign on solo mode as The Roman Republic, or modified the settings for up to 8 players. The map can also be modified to fit everyone personal taste and be use for many other scenarios, like the Roman Civil war or whatever pop into your mind. You can add other mods to it as well to make new scenarios base on many Historical situations in Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa. Creativity has no limits for the creative mind.
  7. No soy un experto, pero puede ser que tu versión del juego no sea compatible con la de otros jugadores.En realidad no se...pero tal vez sea eso. La ultima version del juego hasta donde se , es la 25. Yo todavía estoy en la 24.
  8. Yes, they can. I also made 3 crossing for troops to cross from one land mass to another. Ships can cross between them as well. One is from the Italian tip to Sicily, the other one is from Galipolli in Macedonia to Anatolia, and the other one is from North Africa to Spain.
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