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Posts posted by seeh

  1. 2 hours ago, allalongthetower said:

    So the kids played today (Alpha 23, No Violence Mod), and I heard a first grader say, "That person is lying down." I went over and there was someone who had been chopping wood and was a bloody mess (don't worry, the kid was okay.) I asked her if she hit the skull button, and she said she didn't. She's pretty with it, but she must have. I can't think of another reason a person died. Is there a chance we can take out the graphic for the "Delete" function so the people just disappear when you next edit the No Violence Mod for A24?

    @Freagarach, I know I'm putting you through the ringer--I really appreciate it. The kids really liked the game. :-D

    if you are able to compile it by yourself and find the icon in the source. then its probably easy, i hope, to change that icon. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions

  2. UPDATE:

    I found out that it has nothing to do with outpost.

    problem with shortcut o happens also with wonder ( hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder = "o" )
    and probably with every build.

    you may remember same problem with that:
    1) hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "Ä"
    2) hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "O"

    but 1) i found out its because of its special character (Ä Ü Ö ....).
    this is working:

    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "P"

    i not really want use "P" so much becouse of the rule to build all with first letter.

    video by using hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "O" "O" is the only problem i found.

    ==> it selects outpost but :superstition: deselect workers at same time ==> nobody build :blush:

    any idea? my temporary workaround is now to add outpost into the end of wall stack (T) also, and give it some other shorcuts (P, Space O)

    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "P", "Space+O"
    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple = "T"
    autociv.session.building.place.temple = "defense_tower sentry_tower outpost"



    problem not exist by build other building or if use "Space+O". problem is only with Outpost

    BTW here outpost build is working:

    autociv.session.building.place.temple = "defense_tower sentry_tower outpost dock"





  3. i love this / added/changed today to my user.conf

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Ram)&!Ship = "Alt+R"
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Ram|Fortress)&!Ship = "Ctrl+R"
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship = "Alt+M"
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship&!Ram = "Alt+S"


  4. feature request :

    select only womens by one alt+a:

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Wimen = "Alt+A"

    double sleect good:

    Wimen and working ele

    "Alt+A" ,"Alt+A"

    ByTheWay :

    this is working:
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship = "Alt+S"
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry = "Alt+E"
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant) = "Alt+A"

    this is not working:
    its not select Fortress:
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Farmstead|Fortress = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G

    its not select Storehouse or Farmstead:
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Storehouse|Farmstead = "Ctrl+S", "Ctrl+Shift+S"
    needet to change to :wine::

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Storehouse|Farmstead)&!Ship = "Ctrl+S"

    this is not working:

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Farmstead|Fortress = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"

    but this:

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"

    ==> bit funny.
    -- "Ctrl+F" gives the fortress sound but selects Farmstead

    -- "Ctrl+Shift+F" or  "Ctrl+G" selects both

    probably the line 154 has priority:

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field = "Ctrl+F"
    i changed therfore to:
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field = ""
    and it works :-)


    this not select forge:

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"

    but this also select forge with Ctrl+Shift+F (all this Farmstead|Forge|Fortress):wine::

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"

    i also like this (maybe better):

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F"

    then this is working like normal:

    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead = "G"
    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field = "F"


    this is workin with a simle Ctrl+F, i love it:

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F"

    whey i dont need here "Ctrl+Shift+F" ? and wey "Ctrl+Shift+F"  is not working (its only place where its defined) ?

    # thing about barracks selection (default "Ctrl+X"):
    default is
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks = "Ctrl+X"

    my feeling says me it should maybe CTRL+B

    CTRL+B is 'Barter and Trade' (in DE: "Tauschhandel und Handel")

    if i set
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks = "Ctrl+B"
    both happens ('Barter and Trade' and select.barracks)

    in the GUI it says:

    'May conflict with: session.gui.barter.toggle'

    hmmm. i dont know





  5. if it's also may be possible to select only the women's?

    28 minutes ago, nani said:

    Tried? Should work -.-

    yes it works :wine:

    shows first defense_tower then dock:

    autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "dock"

    shows first dock then defense_tower :

    autociv.session.building.place.dock = "defense_tower"

    its always bind as expected to (here my config):

    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "D"
    hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock = "J"



  6. is it possible to have this both config lines working?

    working for shows first defense_tower then dock with its shortcut:

    autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "dock"

    interested in this also. shows first dock then defense_tower
    with its shortcut:

    autociv.session.building.place.dock = "defense_tower"


  7. 8 hours ago, nani said:

    If what you are trying is to have field farmsted forge fortress in the same hotkey and cycle between then you can do that already like this:

    Add this line to user.cfg:

    autociv.session.building.place.field = "farmstead forge fortress"


    and i need to delete probalby lines like: 

    farmstead = "Space+G"
    forge = "Space+N"
    fortress = "Space+R"

    or set in comments. whats comments? // ? # / /* ?

    other additions they have may this effect:

    # build with f
    autociv.session.building.place.field = "farmstead forge fortress"
    you  dont need edit the other fields.

    #  build with c
    autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre = "corral"

    #  build with d
    autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "dock"

    # build with e

    autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade = "elephant_stables"

    # build with s
    autociv.session.building.place.storehouse = "elephant_stables stable sentry_tower"

    # build with t
    autociv.session.building.place.temple = "defense_tower sentry_tower"

    # build with w

    autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone = "wallset_palisade wallset_siege"



    • Like 1
  8. with this autoKey python script you could build everything (what is already defined in autoCiv) with firstLetter (little config see in script):



    example if press F:

           if fPressedCount == 1: # field = "Space+F
            if fPressedCount == 2:
                keyboard.send_keys("g") # farmstead = "Space+G"
            if fPressedCount == 3:
                keyboard.send_keys("n") # forge = "Space+N"
            if fPressedCount == 4:
                keyboard.send_keys("r") # fortress = "Space+R"

  9. On 19/03/2021 at 1:11 PM, seeh said:

    /home/x/snap/0ad/201/.config/0ad/config/user.cfgnow my config was not overwritten.

    but was is wrong in my file here in line:



    this is not working. this complete morining i try to reinstall my hotkeys and its not working. what terrible morining  :-(
    i think we/i need a good documentation of this. wiki or so.



  10. 3 minutes ago, nani said:

    This can only select one thing (template name):

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks "Ctrl+X"

    To select with filters (meaning it starts with "by." prefix )

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Farmstead|Fortress = "Ctrl+F""Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"

    if this doesn't work it means Farmsted and Fortres class does not exist (I haven't tested using "by" filters with buildings though maybe they just don't work)

    thanks but any time i change my config it will be overwritten with any 0ad start

  11. i have problem with reconfigure this shortcuts. not working.

    any idea? this my new (not working):

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.Support&Farmstead|(Support&Fortress) = "Alt+F"

    or so

    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.(Farmstead|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"
    hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.(barracks) = "Ctrl+B", "Ctrl+X"


    whey my changes in the user.cfg are destroyed by starting 0ad?


  12. 2 hours ago, Yekaterina said:

    OMG thank you nani and seeh! This really helps when I look at replays. 

    i did nothing on it. i (not quiet) fan . nani did it and the world ether. many thangs to nani :)
    But BTW if you work much with replay may this i also helpful a bit for you:


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