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Radiotraining last won the day on January 26

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  1. Question to the devs: would be technically possible to integrate additional ambient sounds to the game also based on different contexts? Thinking like some background sounds of a bustling city while we hover to the main base, or some battle background during fights.. that would be pretty cool to further enhance game immersion! Would it work with auras, or requires some biome-related triggers? Definitely not a feature "high" on priority list at the moment, but would be probably a nice added touch for future releases
  2. Olá guys! Since the last time, I took charge to update a little this fantastic mod (1000 AD), but some work was left undone. Meanwhile some other amazing contributors from the community adapted it to A26 version of the game. Now a new alpha version of 0AD has just been launched, and it would be really cool to update also this mod along! Is there anyone interested to join forces and help? The reward will be immense gratitude and everlasting glory in the 0AD hall of fame! A roadmap is still not yet defined, so is also a good chance to advance proposals. • Main goal: is to make the mod full compatible to A27. If someone has experience developing, then it would be appreciated some help with troubleshootung and bug fixing In general, I would like to add a whole Asian Expansion: since last time, together with @Lopess we worked on porting a nomadic turkic civilization, Tang Dynasty and Japan. It could be an interesting roster of new civs to play with! • Additionally, it would be cool to have some playtesting and bug reports, for those who are interested. • Also map design could be a nice contribution for a full package of new skirmish maps Someone in the forum complained for lack of mods for A27. It was a quite harsh and unfair comment, but it shows the importance also of a florid ecosystem of mods and experiments together with the main game to keep it growing and interesting to a wide audience! And, for this, there's need of contribution from everyone. Let's make 0ad great (again)!
  3. amazing, AMAZING job guys!! Every time I get excited once again about this game And is really incredible the level of maturity that it has reached throughout the years!! Congratulations to everyone!
  4. Personal opinion: maybe is because I don't play competitive, so take my opinion for what is worthed, but I find that some little layer of extra difficulty could make also some multiplayer more engaging: so is not only about spamming the best champion unit, but also some strategic considerations to make based on the map. So I wouldn't discard the idea completely. Of course, I also agree that it must be a simple concept and not too complex, otherwise it would be a city builder or a whole different game. (That's why it was a good suggestion of only one "middle color" to signal unproductive soil and maybe very few rules: desert/rocks or too far from city) The idea of a structure to capture sounds also like a good compromise. Even tho it doesn't change much the game dynamic, IMHO. But is a nice added touch
  5. I think the best way would be to "teach" the player about the different areas as a general feature in the game. So when you placea new farm you'll have different shades of green depending on the area and how much 'productive' it would be: a bright green for good areas (maybe green biomes or near a farmstead) and a desaturated value the farther you go. At that point, is already clear that a desaturated green when you build means: "not much productive"
  6. Exactly!! I guess I experienced it first-hand That was also the reason of my question: if, in that case, we gotta change the single files manually to adapt them to a newer version (?) And, if so, how do you proceed with that..? I mean, which files and how to change them? Is there a list of incongruences that you can retrieve somehow (like a logfile of all the errors and the lines to fix..)?
  7. Exactly!! I guess I experienced it first-hand That was also the reason of my question: if, in that case, we gotta change the single files manually to adapt them to a newer version (?) And, if so, how do you proceed with that..? I mean, which files and how to change them? Is there a list of incongruences that you can retrieve somehow (like a logfile of all the errors and the lines to fix..)?
  8. Thanks! To be honest, I tried. But I get errors when I open a game (missing CC, GUI problems or something like that). But maybe is because i changed the dependency number altogether in the mod.json (instead of <= o = > ). I don't know if that could be also the issue I'll put my hands there again and see!
  9. Speaking of mods... I have a technical question to you guys..! (sorry to bother..!) I tried to retrieve some old files but I found a lot of incompatibilities with the newer versions of the game. Also, I tried some more recent mods out there (mostly on Github), but I encounter the same problems (mostly they're optimized for A27 and I run a A26 version of the game) So my question is: beside updating the main .json file .. how is possible to make a mod compatible with whatever version of the game..? Should you change the single files manually to adapt to new changes? How do I know which ones to change? Maybe more stupid question: how can I retrieve a log file of all the istances that have presented an issue with the mod's version..? Thanks in advance and sorry again to bother with specific questions (Maybe an answer could serve also as purpose to other people facing the same issues..?)
  10. Thanks mate! I'll be lurking the forum from time to time .. is really exciting to see also a new release coming! Beside, how are you doing? I missed out quite a bit during the last time, but I hope everything is fine!
  11. Hi everyone! How are you doing? It's been looong, long time since my first appearence to the forum. My contribution has been limited, but nevertheless I enjoyed the ride! I disappeared for some time, and pretty much abruptly, due to changing life circumstances: among them, a new country, new job and life. In the meantime I had to abandon a lot of collateral interests, including beloved games, to focus on the new changing environment. But I still have sweet memories of my first attempts at modding the main game and I wanted to look back at some of the fun of early days. So that's how I've been digging to old files and folders to retrieve some experiments. It was during this search that I discovered how my work has been updated and distributed on Mod.io!! WOW!! I was so surprised to discover that and also so, so happy to see my experimental efforts to be appreciated by the wide community!! So, I only wanted to take the chance to give huge THANKS everyone who put effort to expand this work and make it available to everyone: @Andronikos Medina and @Lopess for the constant support (I don't forget you guys!), @asterixand @wowgetoffyourcellphonefor updating the files and making them available. @Stan`for being the phenomenal leader/artist/developer that he is! And, in general, everyone that has build this amazing game and community throughout the years with hard work and passion. It's really amazing to see the results and progress multiply over the years. Thanks everyone and best wishes for the new release as well!! Is going to be fun!! Ad maiora semper!
  12. Sure! Personally, I'm positive about it! I would only say that it may become relevant if some features are added (like some reactions with critical damage ..), otherwise right now it can just be only a nice "extra". I like langbart proposal tho!! Seems like an even more effective hint than aoe
  13. Yeah, correct! That was a consideration that emerged exactly from working on new textures for this reason. It was more clear that it could open a different gameplay mechanics. It was an idea though, not sure if it will improve things or not. Would be interesting to try tho. (One of the reason I proposed it was also because of the unrealistic fragility of buildings with rams and siege weapons.. with this trick it would be possible in my mind to squeeze some 25% more health without changing the balance. But I guess this is more of an aesthetic change than gameplay)
  14. uhmmm.. I'm not sure there had been such contacts between Japan and Korea.. or I'm not sure they would had Korean mercenaries in Japan, since they had been historically adversaries/enemies But I'm not really an historian, so you better check it out.
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