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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. KateGUIv5.0.zipNew update: Yellow metals with purple lines across them to highlight More trees fixed.
  2. @seeh I am going to start working on better models of metal and stone. My plan is: metal - gold or yellow coloured lumps stone - grey lumps what do you think?
  3. No jokes, that was my final goal. You are lucky that I am bad at blender, otherwise 0AD graphics will turn into minecraft.
  4. Don't underestimate the power of slingers against rams. If you are Macedonians, make spear cavalry or any champion If you are Ptolemies, make mercenary swordsman. If you can't, then block ram with pikes, send in women and make slingers shoot at the ram. If you are anything else, make spear or sword.
  5. The Brit chariot is a simple anti-unit machine that does little damage to buildings, so players are less motivated to use them. Also their net damage output is lower than the fire cav, although they are still hyper OP against any other units when Boudica is present.
  6. I really liked using them back in A23! But I was cosmic back then so I don't know how well they were balanced. But the Stoa was cool.
  7. New version coming up! Changes: Banned canopies, so that trees cannot hide buildings or units. Changed all berry and apple tree to pink so that you cannot possibly miss them. Cleaned up unplayable biomes like India and Nubia. Huge changes to trees appearances. Made bushes identical to trees so that no more annoying bushes in India New Temperate: New Nubia: New India: It will lag less because each tree has 2 or 3 less components to render, making India a playable biome @nani This is still based on your autociv. I know this looks ghastly but it is worth it for the visibility improvement! Next step: remove details on the ground, e.g. grass, small bushes, stones and colour the entire floor to the same colour within each biome.
  8. @Player of 0AD the Han civ has fire and poison archers that are obtained by upgrading regular infantry champion archers. Similar story applies for their champion swordsman. Tripling the price makes it difficult to mass 30 of these op units 10 units is not so devastating. But 20 is. The power is not directly proportional to number.
  9. @LetswaveaBook what do you think about these 2 proposals?
  10. If the Hans have very expensive fire archer infantry, the Iberians do not deserve their fire cav at such a cheap price. If the single players really want to have this unit unchanged, then I suggest tripling the cost to 450 food, 240 wood and 300 metal each.
  11. I have a good idea: instead of cav, we make them an infantry javelineer champion, and lower their attack accordingly. The reasoning is , cav have naturally higher health and able to escape if things get nasty, so once you make 30 of these units they never die. Infantry however, cannot escape from enemy cav units as easily so if you commit to a fight, you either win it or lose something.
  12. We need the random/group civ options from delenda EST, so that we can ban certain civs with going for random. For example, random except Iberian. Or random greek civ
  13. Not necessarily... I can boom faster with the Romans than the Gauls.
  14. Strangely, I can log in and play on my laptop, but I can't use my account on any other PC in my home. Note that I own 2 PCs running 4 operating systems in total, right now only the Windows system of my laptop allows me to log in. What could be the reason here? @user1 @Stan` @ anyone who knows this
  15. I have just been unbanned but I won't smurf again because whoever banned my did an OP cleansing job of all of my previous accounts and methods to generate new accounts. I can't think of any way to get around it and I won't bother thinking.
  16. That's fine, I know you are a rusher and I was referring to people who boomed for 14 minutes straight. I will explain in a later edition (from 1400 to 1600) some times when these rules can be broken. Your merc rush is certainly one of the special strategies that requires you to break these rules.
  17. It looks like an IP ban because when my dad tried to log in, he was also banned...
  18. meh, I have been banned from the lobby already. But, @Stan` and @user1 Please don't ban my real-life friends because they are innocent.
  19. Also a 1600+ player shouldn't complain about their civ too much in A25. Yes the civs are not balanced but unless your enemy spams certain OP units, you should have a fair chance at winning. There are unit strategies that are suitable for each civ.
  20. On rushing and early pushes, you need to do a lot of damage to your enemy without hurting your own eco too much. Cavalry is expensive so too much cav will hurt your eco too much but your can't do much with too few cav. There are many approaches to doing cavalry rushes; you can watch TG replays or ask good rushers. You can also do infantry rush or infantry push, but these are risky as your base becomes vulnerable and your eco stops for a few minutes. Also it's possible that you lose everything in your enemy's base and you are eco dead. Mercenary rushes are low risk and cheap. So if you are Kush or Carthage then they are a must. Any civ with a mercenary unit can do mercenary rush, that includes Macedonia, Seleucids, Ptolemies, Athenians. Mercenary cav is better for rushing, because they have more health attack and easy to escape. Also mercs are trained quicker. If your enemy has any cav at all then spearcav is useful; of they are all ranged then sword cav is better. For mercenary rushes, you can commit to the from the very beginning of the game like Akazid, or, you can train some in situ in P2 without delaying yourself too much. Later Rush = more units needed to be successful
  21. Suppose you are given the chance to boom. In your big push, the more units you field, the better. Meanwhile, upgrades, champions and composition makes the biggest difference. Ideally, you push with 150 soldiers in total, with at least 40 melee units. The positioning of your siege weapons and elephants is also important; if you fear being outnumbered, you may want to charge the rams or elephants at the front to distract their units so that you can steal a few kills. Or, if you want to ensure their death, you put rams behind your organic units so that you can immediately siege them as soon as you win the fight. Before you push, you need your hero trained and all pierce techs researched to at least tier 2. In order to supply your front line, you need to spam at least 7 infantry barracks with the batch training tech researched. When fighting, never batch train. Instead, put all barracks in the same control group, then train 1 soldier at a time. This ensures that your front line population never falls under that of your enemy and hence you win the fight. If you are at a disadvantage, don't linger and withdraw immediately, otherwise it will be a 1 sided massacre. To keep this supplying process going, you need most of the eco techs researched, 30 women farming, 15 javelineers on wood and 5 on metal. It might be advisable to wait until to you float resources before you commit to a big push, so that you can barter away resources if the fighting takes longer than expected.
  22. All of these are good questions, and they don't have a fixed answer like which button to press for attack move. You need to micro the units based on the terrain you are fighting on, your enemy's composition, your own composition and so on. If you spot an enemy unit that does huge damage but has few health, e.g. mercenary cav, hero, champion fire cav, then it is worth it to snipe it with your ranged units. If you have more melee than your enemy, then you can divert some and order them to attack enemy ranged units, which will route their formation. For melee cav, just try to take out their ranged units. For ranged cav, use javelin cav as infantry javelineers and archer cav to take out their ranged units. Again, if their melee is overwhelming then it might be worth it to fight their melee first. Sometimes you need to retreat just the ranged units to protect them from enemy melee. There is no difference between boom speed of anyone between 1400 and 1800. What matters is playing special strategies, rushing and antirush. Also the fighting ability matters.
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