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Posts posted by maroder

  1. 2 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    High metal cost means spam in p1.


    2 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    You did not invest anything substantial. You mined some metal. That is all.

    Disagree. The metal mining rate is much lower than the wood gathering rate, so if you want to mine enough metal to make a p1 merc rush, that should clearly put you to an eco disadvantage, as your CS are busy mining metal and not gathering wood. Also, as mercs don't help you with your eco either it still means that this is a risky strategy.


    2 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    When your opponent only has a few citizen soldiers, 4 extra mercenaries can really make a difference.

    Yes, mercenaries can make a big difference, but if your opponent only has a few CS at the point you show up with the mercs, than he made wrong choices and probably should have scouted more.

    Regarding advanced rank: yeah, would also be ok as a p2 tech.

    About the embassy: True. If it is indeed so fast, then it wouldn't make a difference.

  2. @LetswaveaBook I like thew general idea, but I think it is a little bit to complicated. This extreme reduction in training time between p1 and p2 seems not logic to me. My thoughts for mercs (trainable from p1 or p2) is this:

    • High metal cost (maybe 60 for infantry and 80 for cav  or even more) - This should prevent spam in p1
    • advanced rank from the beginning - You should get something for your investment
    • no (or very little training time) - to differentiate them from CS
    • Once you build the embassy, you can train them from every barrack - Works as an entry cost and to not be restricted by the number of embassy
  3. 2 hours ago, wraitii said:

    I wouldn't be against cleaning all that up sometimes soon, particularly since the whole concept of "map type" is annoying in the code.

    A cleanup would definitely be good imo.

    2 hours ago, Stan` said:

    What's wrong with the trigger map ?

    Mostly that it's a trigger map ( but could also use new textures). My main problem is that it is included in the default filter, so you click on it, expect a normal game and then gaia shows up and bothers you the whole time.


    My first proposal for a cleanup would be:

    Skirmish maps: All the nice looking maps that are not procedual

    Random maps: All the nice looking "normal" procedural maps

    Special maps: All the trigger maps and otherwise "special" maps, independent how they are generated

    And the maps that are now in the scenario category can either be put in the skirmish category, if they don't use triggers/ have special objectives, they can be put in the special category if they have these features or if they have really elaborate objectives, they should be turned into a campaign.


    Second proposal if we want to get rid of the skirmish/random differentiation completely (which I also wouldn't mind)

    Default/Standard: All skirmish and "normal" procedual maps (i.e maps where you can have standard match on without having to worry about flooding or gaia attacks ect)

    Special maps: The rest (Trigger, Objectives, experimental ect.)

    And then we could still use tags for the map filter e.g. "balanced", "MP", "naval" ect.


    The best reason I see the keep the skirmish/random differentiation, is that you can choose the # of player on random maps, which you cannot on skirmish maps. But I don't think this would be a huge problem.

  4. Here is my personal "prettiness" rating of the skirmish maps:


    1: Eyecandy (keep)

    2: Still nice but some textures could be updated (keep)

    3: Need some work, mostly on the texture side (maybe keep)

    4: misc, similar to 3 (maybe keep)

    5: Does not look nice or has a random map that is equally good (would't mind removal)

    6: Definitive remove (Basically the trigger map)


    * Edit: forgot the Naval Maps, but they are all category 3

    Summary: even if we keep only the maps from category 1 and 2 we still have 37 left, which is _plenty_


    one general question: What exactly is the difference between the skirmish and the scenario maps? Because I see no reason not to combine those two.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Looks good to me. I've seen/played MP games on Harbor and Mediterranean, but probably better to put them in different categories (Maybe "Geographical and Special").

    But some of the maps are quite similar e.g Ardennes forest, Schwarzwald, Mainland (temperate) or the Oasis ones. So is it worth including all of those?

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

    What do you think about this icon for marathon tech?

    first one looks to simple and the second one will not look good on a small scale.

    I would use theses as placeholder:



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  7. ...but iron tools were much more effective after the Spring and Autumn Period and best documented during the Han dynasty period of 206 B.C.–A.D. 220. Detailed scenarios of rice farming were recorded in Han period mural tombs, portraits on stones and bricks (Fig.4)......

    ...The same book documented the techniques of water temperature control for rice paddies. Notably during the Han dynasty period, various new technologies were being developed to improve agricultural pursuits, such as a multiple tube seed drill for tilling soil and snowing seeds simultaneously, water lifting devices for irrigation, and winnowing devices..

    From: (PDF) Rice in China. Hung 2014. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301949120_Rice_in_China [accessed May 18 2021].



    @Nescio could you explain further? I only find sources that the Han used Rice. (Not exclusively, but that they used it)

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