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Posts posted by maroder

  1. 28 minutes ago, hyperion said:

    The script

    • converts 16 bit png to 8 bit depth png

    Not sure if it matters but there are also some 32 bit png e.g.


    And just out of curiosity: seems like a bit of an Information loss? Or does this not matter in this case?

  2. 11 hours ago, Ceres said:

    is this content-wise ok

    I guess so.

    11 hours ago, Ceres said:

    is also the diff ok to be used

    Don't think so, the context is missing. You have to go to the 0 A.D root folder, open the command line there and type in

    svn diff -x -U5000

    or optionally

    svn diff -x -U5000 > text-output.patch

    to save it as a text file.

    Then you have to make an account here: https://code.wildfiregames.com/

    and upload the patch there.

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  3. @Ceres

    go to your mods folder, then open the command line and then put in [git clone https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/0ad_terrains_overhaul.git ]

    Wow's code is not meant to be applied as a patch or to be put into svn by hand, you can just try it out as a mod.

    If you want to learn more on how such changes work you can look at the git commit

    -> https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/0ad_terrains_overhaul/commit/0fbb938242a5c70ea653ba93ee69f4f2ca23aa5d

    there you can see what data has changed and what the filepaths are


    11 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Can those folks who had criticisms of the India biome please install the mod and take a look?

    @Player of 0AD^^

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Stan` said:

    The point with SVN is there are barely ever merge conflicts you don't really have to worry about your next commit doing a merge on the branch or whether you need to rebase, or pull before you push etc. It does everything for you. You can also only clone the public mod or any sub part of the repo without having to clone  the whole thing.

    Ok makes sense. but still, for the most part that only applies to artist who have commit access, which to the best of my knowledge is at the moment: you :D

  5. 1 hour ago, Stan` said:

    Whatever we choose it should make it easier for people to contribute, and I think git fits that description. It's not like we attract a lot of industry professionals anyway, and they might be more familiar with git.

    To attract new people git, especially with github, seems like the way to go for me (and it also seems like the standard for open source project nowadays).

    1 hour ago, smiley said:

    perforce or plastic

    never even heard of that..

  6. 9 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

    If the order of installation matters

    I think the terms are a bit problematic here. For the game installed means you have downloaded them and but them in the mods directory. For that the order is not important.

    Only if you enable the installed mods the order gets important.

    The problem here is that in normal language use enable = install.... (Or at least I use it interchangeably, so my fault for causing confusion)

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, woodpecker said:

    Not sure if it is BoonGUI or Shiny mod that are causing trouble. It was working fine yesterday. I did notting inbetween so strangely today I got the same looking error beaviour as yesterday. I just see the background image and the white line in the start screen. And theese errors appear: https://pastebin.com/deuSGaAU

    Removing Shiny from folder and then disabling it removes errors.

    sorry can't reproduce your errors. It works fine for me with the following versions and installation order:


    It also works for me in combination with autociv:


    Do you use a different versions of boonGUI?

    • Like 1
  8. And to expand on your comment /further information for anyone experiencing something similar:

    Under normal circumstances mods are not able to wreck your installation as the changes are not permanent. When there are errors or you can't start 0 A.D. anymore, you just have to find your user.cfg file and change the line with: mod.enabledmods to only "mod public".

    Alternatively you can find the folder with the mods and delete them and everything should work again.

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  9. On 31/08/2021 at 6:30 AM, woodpecker said:

    Ok, I got it working fine now it seems. Maybe there is importance of what order the mods are installed?

    Sorry for the inconvenience. yeah the order is definitely important, because if they change the same files, these changes get overridden.

    Hard to tell exactly in what order mods should be installed (or if they are compatible) without checking what they change, but as a rule of thumb I would recommend installing (means: enabling) the heaviest mods first (who change the most/do the most work) and then the lighter ones on top (in the sense of after/later).

    And as Shiny only changes some buttons/ the menu/ loading screen it should probably be the last thing you install.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Stan` said:

    Well you could render the text on a purple background and generate a drop shadow from it in gimp.

    That's what I did in my tests:


    Maybe I overlook something, but wouldn't that mean that I have to do this for every button and every translation?

    35 minutes ago, nani said:

    Look at the base styles and how they are defined, you can control how the textures are streched when the dimensions change, perfectly doable with current gui code.

    thanks, will have a look again. My main issue is that I prefer the above style ^ over this:


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