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MardukAmmon last won the day on March 27 2020

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  1. I modify the marmara Map to make it more lorefriendly and I divided the Europa side and Asian side with the sea. I set the age during the late VI bc, when Bizantium, Kios and Ilum were one of the powerful cities of the ionian koine. I put also a Gaia Neapolis with a lot of gaia hoplite and soldier, a ionic Gaia pirate settlement in the east and a Thracian Gaia settlments in the north west. For a proper roleplay I suggest the use of Athenian/Spartan to play the archaic greek, without the use of rams and siege weapon, theaters, and Athenanian/Spartan Trireme TierIII ship (there werent during the VI bc), and to play Persian I suggest to play without the Elepant. I play also with a mod Terramagna 26, and I use the scythian to play the Cimmerian invasion of Asia minor. For play the map put the files in skirmishes. I hope some one will like it and play with me with this custom map! Cheers! Byzantium: Kios: Ilium: GDR_Marmara.pmp GDR_Marmara.xml
  2. Hi! I suggest some building skins and asset already made for 0 ad, some one who could create the codes probably could create easy the faction!
  3. Hi! I am graduated in ancient history and I have suggestion for a dark age mod for 0 a.d. First the ideal mod going do the mid VII bc till the end of VI bc. for the forge I suggest the brit forge for phase I and spartan forge for the Phase III and the same for the barracks for the mounted units. I don't want to create new assed but use the already created assets that are used in this game! I can't do by my self, it is only a suggestion for depict an ancient moment of greek history Civil centre, I used for the first phase the brit civil centre because during the iron age greek used wood houses and palace, but in the beginning of the VI they start to use stone and clay roof. So I chose brit civil centre in the phase I and spartan syssition in the III phase. For the temple i used the same theory, I chose for the phase I the gaul civil centre because resamble the shape of the famous Argos's first temple made by woods, for the Phase III I chose the spartan temple because has the shape of archaic stone greek temple. For the defense walls I chose for the phase I the brits wals and for the phase II the kushite, and fort the phase III I suggest the use of spartan defense walls and dors. For the house I suggest for the phase I the brit house, Phase II iberian and Phase III spartan For the noble heavy unit i suggest this units. The noble spears used corinthian helmet form champion spearmens spartan, illyrian helmet from spartan sword man, and helmet form middle level spartan hoplite. For the shield they use spartan champion shield, champion swordman shield and macedon champion shield, I think that shield of the lambda (middle level spartan) is anachronistic for archaic greece . For the leavy spearman i suggest the spartan javellin skin with iphicrates pelt shield For the Chivalry I suggest for skirmish unit the spartan javellin on a horse, and for mele I suggest noble spears on a horseback like founded on Archaic bronze noble statues
  4. I try to modify it from game setting but I can't find the proper way, thanks for help!
  5. Hi! If you like my map we may play on discord and organize some party :)

    1. Lion.Kanzen


      Sorry but I don't have a lot of free time lately.

  6. Hi! If you like my map we may play on discord and organize some party :)

  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ar2c4xnhpccobcl/Gerusalem1vs1.xml?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/btcrt4uqtpcwfqc/Gerusalem1vs1.pmp?dl=0 The map in inspired by the gerusalem of the king Ezechia during the siege of the assyrian force. I hope that you like it!:
  8. Hi! Where i could find these mod? Is already living?
  9. I donwnload and i created it C:\Users\lenovo-pc\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\mycenaeans_basic_mod and in the folder i put the zip and the file that you sed me, i try to open the mod in 0ad but i can't find the faction, and also in the sandbox
  10. I try but it don't open, there is a guide?
  11. I download the file, where i have to put it?
  12. The map with screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qvqwrim5d0x6p4f/AABY5C_gopTdXH4uAdb88TfSa?dl=0 Yellow (Persian faction): Mycene. Red (Persian faction): Rebel Wanax I used persian for decipt Mycenean people because they have a similar building, they use war chariot, and if you want to play a realistic Mycenean faction you don't have to use Elephant and horses exept chariots Light blue (Iberian): Sea People I use Iberian because they are perfect for drawing a raider and barbarian faction Orange (Briton): Doric Invaders I chose Briton for Doric because they use war chariot and their building are barbaric like. Doric was an Hellenic people like mycenean but more wild and they don't create a strong palace state. Also if you want to play a realistic late bronze age warfar you dont' have to use siege units, but this may be only a multiplayer/roleplay rule. I hope that you will like this map!
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