This mod changes the appearance (for the player with the mod active) of:
-the chicken are bright red
-the berrys are darker
-the black player is shown in a bright pink tone (almost white)
-Ally chat is changed so the player can ignore spam better and focus on the game
Thanks elexis and nani for help in making this.
Install by putting the zip in the right folder:
On Windows (Vista or newer): C:\Users\{name_of_user}\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\
On OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/0ad/mods/
On Linux: ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/ (may be found in GUI via Home/.local/share/0ad/mods/)
Update 2019.10.14:
-Ally-chat indent
-gaia-white to bright pink (the highlighting in the chat works for former black again)
Update 2019.10.18:
-Ally-chat is white (highlighted) public chat is a bit more grey
-Ally chat has a notification on the right like this: ---------(Ally)
Update 2020.09.08:
-Changed the Relic names to more comprehensive ones. Like "Hasdrubal" is now "MeleeCav Health&Armor Hasd" in the en_GB setting.
Didn't work for Artaxerxes, Cassivellaunus and Lucius yet, so you still need to remember these for now.
Update 2021.02.27:
-work on a24 now
Update 2024.10.12:
-for a26