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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. All the original files are here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/users/files/images/Loadscreen/ Ask a WFG person nicely and they could log in and upload something like this: http://www.wildfiregames.com/users/files/images/Loadscreen/mmbackground.png
  2. Thanks for the credits for the Italian graphics. Nice work so far, keep it up
  3. Here are some files for you to play with while you wait horse_animations.zip The horse model was made out of a biped skeletal structure. At the time this was created, we only were able to use biped and character studio.
  4. All of the animal max files are available to artists here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art/trunk/art/meshes/skeletal/animals Maybe somebody would be kind enough to zip some of those up for you. For movement, there is a run animation and a walk animation... unfortunately the game doesn't have running anymore so the run animation is rarely (if ever) seen.
  5. This is news to me... I thought the export was tested and worked? What problems are you guys having now? At this point though... Unless someone is really interested in getting this sorted out, I don't think I have the motivation or energy to trouble shoot further as it seems nobody else has the heart for preserving the old models and animations. I think it is probably a waste of my time seeing that most the the art department has their eyes fixed on new models and animations. So, go for it guys
  6. Aye, I think Michael's has pinpointed it here. Do the parent export selected while selecting the parent model and the dummy helper object. Do the child/prop export by selecting the prop only for export. Note that the child position on export is relative to the world coordinate system, not the prop point - so you may have to adjust it accordingly.
  7. Correct, standard helper objects work just fine. The tools mentioned in the wiki are prior to the .dae conversion. They were for directly exporting to .pmd and .psa formats. Now the game engine automatically converts .dae models and animations for you to the pyrogenesis format.0 A.D. artists (like me) used to use Max before the current wave of blender artists joined the team. Your 3ds Max art should be fully compatabile with the game engine. If you run into issues, shoot me a PM and point me to a thread and I'll try my best to help out. Animated textures (I think that feature was recently added for waterfalls?) would sure look nice on those tank tracks
  8. I've used anything from R3 to 2012. Let me know if you have any issues, I'll try my best to help.
  9. How about instead of trying to using .dae files - you may be interested in the original .max files? What files are you after, what are you trying to do?
  10. bah.. I tried too, something is wrong. Here is some html code:
  11. Couldn't you just save the image locally and then re-attach it the image to the first post in your topic?
  12. You can email the developer Tim here (say Hi for me while your at it): tim@debuggable.com
  13. Current balance as of today is $5,102.25 USD
  14. In early design documents - the female citizens of the celts were the only females capable of fighting to defend themselves vs the behavior of the other civs. Celtic females were also not capturable. The other civ's female citizens would automatically flee to the nearest civil center and garrison themselves when an enemy came within their LOS. If a female citizen could be isolated to where no other male units were in their capture aura, their capture timer would begin and if the enemy was persistent their allegiance would change after X number of seconds.
  15. Just wanted to say that I was in your gent's area a few years ago visiting Sovereign Hill with my wife. We had a great time - we loved that area that you are in
  16. Aye, it looks like the texture needs to be player-colorized by an artist, or removed as a variant from the actor file. The white (limed) hair means it is an advanced unit. Helmeted celts are elite - or at least they used to be set up this way. OT - zoot, what is going on with your mini-map?
  17. Does Git have the capability of integrating with trac as SVN does today?
  18. I believe the game engine already does have the capability: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12878
  19. Cool pic - I'm surprised the AO didn't have more of an effect. For example the upper floor of the temple building in the top right. I would think that the interior would be much darker.
  20. I believe that is how we originally set up the plan for the architecture of how entities would be structured. That page your looking at was all prior to the simulation rewrite that Philip made several years ago. Most everything that was in the old simulation engine is present today, but some of it hasn't been restored yet. I don't believe that the events you see at the bottom of that "example" at the top of the page was ever fully implemented. It was conceived of by a former instrumental programming lead - Stuart Walpole (aka Acumen). Here is his original spec: Here is something Philip wrote in the archives a long time ago - so maybe they did exist?: More stuff from Andrew (aka pyrolink)"
  21. Those look great. I was just thinking, you could do some pretty cool effects for metal mines with specular maps. You could do sparkles like granite or ribbons/rifts of shiny silver/gold.
  22. I believe the definitions at the top of these pages are still valid: http://trac.wildfire...wiki/XML.Entity http://trac.wildfire.../wiki/XML.Actor IMHO, Groups and variants are much easier to conceptualize (at least for me) in Actor Editor rather than raw code... because it is difficult to wrap your brain around the subsets of various combinations of groups and variants. Check it out if you haven't already done so.
  23. Do you think it may be a driver issue? Would updating my driver perhaps help - I don't think I've done that in a while... and only one way to find out
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