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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Phase II of the temporary website is done. Check it out here: http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/portal.php
  2. Thanks for your reply kor I was hoping you would get my personal messege. If thats the only problem then I think I'm ok, because I didn't use that factoid in my celt profile for the game. If you see any other errors, please point them out!
  3. Well the domain of www.wildfiregames.com is hosted by Heaven Games on their files and forum server. If you see any WFG site that has something before wildfiregames... such as forums.wildfiregames.com or 0ad.wildfiregames.com - that is on our own server - independant of HG.
  4. Our HG site will be down for a while. I'm not sure when it will happen, but Zen informed me that its going to be down for a while because HG is making a server move. Just a heads up
  5. Our HG site will be down for a while. I'm not sure when it will happen, but Zen informed me that its going to be down for a while because HG is making a server move. Just a heads up
  6. Poya and Jan, you guys are AMAZING! That is much better that I even imagined. Hats off to you boys. Keep up the most excellent work!
  7. No, its not finished but I am trying to get a temporary new one up and going
  8. City: near Spokane State: Washington Country: USA
  9. Wow thats freaky CheeZy! I guess this is the 'ultimate' smog for the LA valley I hope things calm down soon. Be sure to set out those sprinklers! I have some cousins in the valley, I think I'll email them to get some more inside info!
  10. Whoo hooo thanks Ken! No unfortuanately it didn't have the map. It was all bound up in a hardback book. I'm going to have to look at another library. I dug around for text and found some welsh translations. There isn't a whole lost of surving text besides the names of geographic items, flora, fauna etc... The only recent (current to 400 years ago) languages of celtic origin today are: Irish, Gaelic, Max (the 3 Q-Celtic); Welsh, Breton, Cornish (the 3 P-Celtic). Seeing that Welsh is probably the most availible and is said to have some of the oldest roots here is what I came up with from an online translator: sword (n.) cleddyf (cledd; cleddau) [-au, m.], glaif [gleifiau, m.] swordsman (n.) cleddyfwr [cleddyfwyr, m.] spear (n.) be+r [berau, -i, mf.], cethr [-i, -au, f.], cethren [-nau, f.], gwaywffon [gwaywffyn, f.], pa+r [peri, m.], picell [-au, f.], rhaidd [rheiddiau, m.], saffwy [f.] spear (v.) picellu [picell-], tryferu [tryfer-] taflu [tafl-; 3.s. teifl; 2.s.imp. tafl] (v.) throw, fling, cast, hurl, heave, pelt (cast) Taflu is to throw up or away. (heave) Taflu is heave when you throw something. horseman (n.) marchog [-ion, m.], marchogwr [marchogwyr, m.] chariot (n.) cerbyd [-au, m.] driver (n.) gyriedydd [-ion, m.], gyrrwr (gyrriedydd) [gyrwyr, m.] warrior (n.) rhyfelwr [rhyfelwyr, m.] soldier (n.) milwr [milwyr, m.] war (n.) annhangnefedd [m.], rhyfel [-oedd, mf.] wage war (v.) rhyfela [rhyfel-] war cry (n.) rhyfelgri [-au, -oedd, m.] band (n.) aig (eigiau) [f.], band [-au, -iau, m.], caw [-iau, -au, m.], cengl [-au, f.], mintai [minteioedd, f.], rhwymyn [-nau, m.], seindorf [seindyrf, f.], ysnoden [-ni, f.] Mintai is band in the sense of troop. brave (adj.) dewr [pl. -ion], dywal, glew [pl. -ion], gwrol, terrwyn brave man (n.) arwrwas [arwrweision, m.], dewr [-ion, m.] countryman (n.) gwladwr [gwladwyr, m.] marchog eg(marchogion): knight noble (n.) pendefig [-ion, m.] leader (n.) arweinydd [-ion, m.], blaenor [-iaid, m.], blaenwr [blaenwyr, m.], penaig [m.], tywysydd [-ion, m.] leader of a reform druid (n.) derwydd [-on, m.] hero (n.) arwr [arwyr, m.], arwrwas [arwrweision, m.], dewr [-ion, m.], gwron [-iaid, m.], rhyswr [rhyswyr, m.] sergeant (n.) rhingyll [-iaid, m.] gorau (adj.) best, prime (prime) Gorau is prime as first-rate. "Gorau" is the sup. of "da". worker (n.) gweithiwr [gweithwyr, m.] woman (n.) benyw [-od, f.], dynes [-au, f.], gwraig [gwragedd, f.], merch [-ed, f.] Dynes is the female corresponding to "dyn". Gwraig in every way like "gw+r" but female, so may be wife or woman. Merch (cf. "mab") is also "daughter", but is used for "woman". The word 'gwraig' has only one syllable. gw+r [gwy+r, m.] (n.) man; husband (man) Gw+r has the usual sense of "man", an individual (male) human, in some dialects. "Gw+r" is usually "husband" in the dialects which do not use it for "man", and ambiguous in the others (as is "man" in some dialects of English). "Gw+r" is always male ("gwrywaidd", "gw+r"-like, i.e., "masculine"). codi gwy+r (v.) recruit gw+r bonheddig (n.) gentleman gw+r goludog (n.) plutocrat gw+r gradd [m.] (n.) graduate gw+r gweddw (n.) widower gw+r llys (n.) courtier gw+r mawr (n.) aristocrat gw+r pedwar ugain mlynedd oed (n.) octogenarian gw+r traed (n.) pedestrian gwas gw+r bonheddig (n.) flunkey Gwas gw+r bonheddig is a flunkey that is a liveried servant. gwy+r traed (n.pl.) infantry trader (n.) cyfnewidiwr [cyfnewidwyr, m.] wall (n.) caer [-au, ceyrydd, f.], gwal [-iau, -au, gwelydd, f.], magwyr [-ydd, f.], mur [-iau, m.], pared [parwydydd, m.], parwyden [-nau, f.] partition wall (n.) pared [parwydydd, m.] wall bars (n.) barrau gwal wall (v.) gwalio [gwali-], murio [muri-] rampart (n.) caer [-au, ceyrydd, f.], gwarchglawdd [gwarchgloddiau, m.], gwrthglawdd [gwrthgloddiau, m.], rhagfur [-iau, m.] civil (adj.) cartrefol, dinesig, gwladol dwelling (n.) addef [m.], annedd [anheddau, mf.], preswyl (preswylfod) [m.], preswylfa [preswylfeydd, f.] summer dwelling (n.) hafod [-ydd, f.] winter dwelling (n.) hendref [-i, -ydd, f.] farm (n.) amaethdy [amaethdai, m.], ffarm (fferm) [ffermydd, f.], ffermdy [ffermdai, m.], hafod [-ydd, f.], tyddyn [-nod, -nau, m.] Tyddyn has the implication of a small farm. Field – ffarm cae bach (n.) paddock warehouse (n.) ystordy [ystordai, m.] tower (n.) tw+r [tyrau, m.] dock (n.) brawdle [-oedd, m.], doc [m.?], porthladd [-oedd, m.] Brawdle is dock when it is a judgment seat. Doc is the dock to which you fasten a boat. Porthladd is the dock to which you fasten a boat. barrack (n.) gwersyllty [gwersylltai, m.], lluest [-au, m.], lluesty [lluestai, m.] market (n.) marchnad [-oedd, f.], marchnaty [marchnatai, m.] market house (n.) marchnaty [marchnatai, m.] sacred (adj.) cysegredig [cysegredic- &adj] ground (n.) a+r [m.], daear [-oedd, f.], gwaelod [-ion, m.], llawr [lloriau, m.], pridd [m.], sail [seiliau, f.], tir [-oedd, m.] Daear means earth, both as in "Earth", the planet, and "ground", that on which one has two feet firmly planted some of the time. It is also probably the electrical sink. Gwaelod is the ground that is the bottom of something. Llawr is that which is not "lloft", ground, floor, ground floor, foundation, and not relevant here but also story (storey) and so on. It need not be an indoors thing, a "llawr dyrnu" would be a threshing floor, "llawr gwlad" would be low-lying land (as opposed to hillsides). Pridd is earth or ground as a substance. Sail is the ground on which you base an argument. Tir is that of which the landscape is composed. It is sufficiently close in meaning to "daear" that it makes sense to roll out an old cliche about "tir a daear Cymru". burial ground (n.) claddfa [claddfeydd, f.] place of worship (n.) addoldy [addoldai, m.] secret place (n.) argel [-ion, mf.] fortress (n.) amddiffynfa [amddiffynfeydd, f.], caer [-au, ceyrydd, f.], caerfa [caerfeydd, f.], castell [cestyll, m.]
  11. Well, I found more stuff! Thanks to Ken who refered me to a great arcticle on the Celts in National Geographic. Here is the points I found interesting: Called: Romans - Galli (which is the second term I've found given by the romans) Greeks - Keltoi Germans - Kelten French - Celtes (C with an S sound) Introduced europe into the iron age - first to form tools and weapons out of iron First european industrial revolution / common market / international court Introduced soap to the greeks and romans invented chain male First to shoe horses, shape handsaws, chisels, files, iron rims for wheels The width of 4 feet 8.5 inches which is used to this day (train tracks) was first established by the celts with their chariots. Proto-typed and implimented inovations of the iron plow share, rotory flower mill, wheeled harvester (pre- Cyrus McCormic (sp?)) Established womens' rights, that like Ken says were lost after Arostotle's 'inferiority of women' ideas spread across europe with the advance of the roman empire. lunar calender didn't pay debts because they thought they could repay them in the otherworld fat warriors were fined for being fat tall - unearthed several skelitons over 6 feet tall. (huge compared to those short italians) hung heads on the necks of horses, nailed to houses, and showed them to visitors with pride - embalmed in ceder oil Druids in Gaul gathered every year in Chartres Practiced Human Sacrafice Ritual of a Wickerwork Figure - filled with men (usually criminals and prisoners) - lit it on fire - done it times of plague, famine, invasion = horrified the Romans; ironically who were actively killing people for their entertainment in colluseums (sp?) Boats were so shallow bottomed they could easily navigate up river - inland, almost like barges First to have bronze bits, harness trappings, and shoes for horses Introduced the rest of europe to bracae - breeches ownership of a horse was a sign of nobility Alesia - means rocky hill Counted in 20's - a score Hurrling and Cricket both have Celtic roots as a game.
  12. Topic closed under request by fede.
  13. I don't want anyone to say anything bad about Dimi... If WFG members want to discuss this, please go to the 0ad staff lounge. Thank you Dimi for all the work you put into the project. I'll think of some way to repay your time
  14. Klaas, do you you think that if the Celts had less than 5 known uses of stone fortifications should we represent that in a game as a common usage? Graphically how would you represent Druids in the game? What clothing and what color of clothing... etc. If you have any more tidbits of knowledge let me know! I'm especially looking for a celtic word for a swordsman.
  15. I thought I'd post this today to see if you guys could give me any help on telling me if all of this is correct. It should be all ok, because I got it straight out of Osprey books. If you have something you could add or suggested corrections, I would greatly appreciate it, Thanks! Cruithni – picts (non gaelic) – people of designs Pritani – Briton Veneti – Gaulish seafaring tribe Currach – small hide boat Toiseach (pict), mormaer (Scotland), sebregulus (Orkney), magistrate (gaul) – great steward/King/earl Cinel (Gaelic), Cenedl (Welsh), Sept (Pictish) – Clan Uchelwyr, Daoine Uaisle, - noblemen Druid, Druides - Magi – similar for celtic word for oak - priest, historian, lawyer, judges, teachers, philosophers, poets, composers, musicians, astronomers, prophets, councilors, political advisor, craftsman, blacksmith, sometimes kings and chieftains. – ‘men of art’ Maternal blood line High king was choosen from nobles Teulu – equites – noble cavalry Fianna (irish), Gaesatae (roman term), Cantrefs (Welsh) - band of youth Diabolo instinctu – biabolical marks – tattoo Fian – single youth warrior Black blades, black shields – Crwth – lyre Crech rig – kings raid Dasachtach, miri-cath – berserk, battle madness Bards – cheerleaders, referee – watching the warriors for valor and falure, singer and poet, entrusted with education. Ingentes gladi – giant sword Hasta ingens – enormous lance Scatha – woman warrior teacher Broch – circular stone fort Chleas – feat / martial ability / trick Mac (gaelic), Ap (Welsh), maqq (pict) – prefix meaning ‘son of’ Mormaer (scotland – earl – noble ranking in Scotland Terror gallicus – roman fear of the celts Gaesatae – spearman – spear bearer – typically fought nude Gaesum – large spear Geisii – taboos, sacred rules of conduct Drunemeton – sacred groves Sling and the Bow were not used in battle – not considered a warriors weapon – no honor Helmets and mail armor were rare except to nobles Spear and javelin were common, sword was less common Trimarcisia – fighting from horseback – group of three horsmen Macha – horse Tir na n’Og (Irish), annwn (welsh)– other world Cymry, Cumbri – welsh Combrogi – fellow countryman Sax – large dagger Angon – javelin barbed head Lancea – javelin Gafeluc – celtic javelin Caer – fortified city (welsh) Corio – army Soercheli – owed military service and tribute - irish Airig – nobility - irish Feni – military leadership - irish Filid – irish ‘learned’ - irish Soernemed – ruling families - irish Colors: Yellow/Black – subjects Grey/Brown/Red – nobles Purple/Blue – Kings No more than one color at a time – Slaves Laich – irish warrior Petta – pictish manor Teula – welsh kinship groups Thane, thegn, dregn – military elite, local leader Veneti, Venetic ships – massive, heavy timbers, iron bolts, leather sails, no oars, shallow draught, high sides. Clothing was checkered, speckled, striped, multi-colored, plaid Good farming techniques, actually had enough surplus to export to Rome Good surgery techniques and herbal medicines Strongest millitary in infanty Gauls had a compitant cavalry Britons were skilled in using war chariots Siege practically non-existant - no siege 'machines' Britian had a wealth of mineral resources Britian had above average natural resources No stone walls or towers
  16. Yeah Sud is always the first to appologize... in fact he appologizes for things that aren't even his fault!
  17. I got sick on 'farley fruits' (dehidrated fruit snack)... haven't touched them since.
  18. Osprey has a new book comming out in November. If someone picks it up, tell me if its worth getting or not please http://www.ospreypublishing.com/title_deta...e=S6348&ser=NVG
  19. hey cool, yeah its something to deffinatly look into! BTW you mentioned 'design' of the rpg... how much designing is involved? What we should do is find someone who could program in php from our team our outside the team to make the module. I think Tim is pretty much stretched to the max right now.
  20. What all is involved? This is a text based RPG right? All that is needed is a website? But yeah its all fine with me, as long as WFG staff don't spend all their project time doing text battles
  21. I remember when you first came onto the team Adam, Josef and Sud were so pleased! You think that makes you feel old, I remember when the forums were first set up! Do some of you remember the old ezboard forums? I think they are still up here: http://pub54.ezboard.com/bwildfirestudios74917 do any of you remember these? As sad as it is to see them go, its probably for the best... earasing all the incriminating evidence
  22. Hey welcome to the forums! Show us some samples of your work and I'll see what I can do for you. We could always use help in uv unwrapping and texturing. So, post some screenshots or email me some files jason@0ad.wildfiregames.com Feel free to browse the forums
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