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Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by badosu

  1. A change I'd like to see is some kind of system to reward players actively playing 1v1 rated.

    e.g. lose x points each week/month where you don't engage in a 1v1 rated with someone your rating +-200. Where x is proportional to your score - 1200.

    This is a way I can see to actually making points be more accurate, it would penalize great players who don't play often, that's true but at least makes it meaningful.

    Players that win against a lot of nubs and park on a high rating will have to fight to stay there, players who are in an accurate rating or underrated will climb/stay at their rating easily.

    That and/or make the multiplier for point gain/loss more severe between players with a huge rating difference, case in point: I put a dispute when I was uber nob (only nob now) for rated quitters, gained 3 matches against 1200-1300 players and when from 1670-1700 which doesn't make sense IMO.

  2. 5 hours ago, coco88 said:

    actually , Mace dominated Athene and Sparta and when Alexander died, it was split into many : Ptol and Seleucides are the 2 most famous and they fought each other while Rome was on the rise.


    8 hours ago, badosu said:

    Of these, the ones that fought each other afaik are Hellenic and Seles.

    Maybe I could have framed it better, by Hellenic I meant Antigonids (as Macedon), Macedon, Sparta/Athens fighting each other or in rebellion against Macedon.

    Rome is the civilization that ties it all together, so it's absence would be a bit weird.

    Ptolemies wouldn't be available as the map does not extend to the Nile Delta or Levant.

  3. 1 hour ago, coco88 said:

    told ya..  lack of space makes this map unplayable for Rome (even more with Gaia tribes)   Seems people are a bit slow to understand...  or do they even read ?

    Why so rude? I commented before on Rome lack of space. That's not the point.

    I am giving my feedback based on @imperium original idea, of course Carthage vs Rome would be a more playable situation... or Mace, Sele, Greece... or Iberia Brit Gauls... or Ptols Pers Greece... etc

    If @imperium decides to restrict the territory I think we can get more playable maps indeed, if he does that I'll give feedback on that, if he does not I'll give feedback what he does instead.

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  4. @imperium I tried it, it seems all players are attacked by gaia on start?

    - Can't choose civ, start as Carthaginians
    - Britons dont have enough space to do farming
    - Galli no stone and metal in territory (need to get with barracks or p2)
    - Roman situation is bad, against gaia and no territory

    With regard to civs, maybe Sciti could be gaia, put Macedon a bit more north and Athens south of where Macedon is. I see some potential in that region, and having ccs nearby is not a problem since historically these civs fought a lot against each other.

    I think making Seleucids a player could be good too but would require taking off a civ (maybe Suebi since they are another brit?).

    It's unfortunate that we are limited to 8 players, this would be awesome to have all european-north africa-anatolia civs (no space for ptol, pers and maury), Sparta could be put on south of greece but little space.

    With regard to territory, if we are looking for a good representation of Europe it does not make sense to talk about balance. North Africa, Celtic and Macedon territory would always be the best spot, but maybe we can make it more manageable.

    Remove one of the rivers on north italy to make more breathing room for rome maybe. I am not sure why there's an hellenic CC there (was there an hellenic population in north italy, I think there were some celts there).

    So far I really like this map, specially the little touches (I like the north atlantic fishing and wrecks), great job!


  5. Thanks for sharing, it was a great match!

    I gave it some commentary:


    After finishing the vid I realized that Feld team had a much stronger position after Boudica lost his cc had he sent resources to JC for rebuild as soon as possible.

    I'm still quite not sure what happened there, but had he done that it would certainly been gg, otherwise just had added some barracks as he had so much excess resources.

    But I certainly understand his motivation for resigning, it was a pretty stressful fight and nonetheless against a recovered player soon.


    • Like 2
  6. I think the map looks great as it is, only need to find a way to make italy a little larger and is good to go!

    Maybe one possibility is to make a pocket in northern italy, pushing the alps to a semicircle, it would replicate better the actual geography and provide some breathing room for rome. Also, the northern part of rome had many important battles (punic wars, early gauls pushback, barbarian invasions etc) so that would provide some interesting interaction too.

  7. Schweinezerg (Romans) - MarcAurel (Spartans)

    Uknown Land Normal Desert biome.

    A pretty interesting generation where players start with a lot of extra food and minerals, separated by a River which has major impact in map control.



    MarcAurel starts with a good lead of a cav raid against a full women start from Schweinezwerg. With the early pressure Schweinezwerg ends up making a lot of infantry which comes handy and secures him a good position after a failed incursion from MarcAurel.

    Following, Schweinezwerg gets control of the river, which allows for harass and resources denial.

    metadata.json commands.txt

    • Thanks 1
  8. chrstgtr vs SaidRdz on Mainland Small Alpine biome



    SaidRdz starts with few cav doing no significant damage and is slinger rushed. In the end SaidRdz is able to rotate his gatherers while chrstgtr does not split units to deny wood.

    The economic discrepancy compounds and SaidRdz is able to perform a successful counter rush which, with additional economy, allows him to build a good defense and win the game.

    I also made some commentary, hope you enjoy it!

    metadata.json commands.txt

    • Like 1
  9. I made a video casting this match.

    Full quality will be available after youtube finishes processing.

    There were a few mistakes in analysis, the casting flow and the audio from 0ad was not correctly processed to the video, but I am satisfied for my first attempt. It's a pretty fun match to watch.

    Hope you enjoy it!



    • Like 4
  10. I think Continent Medium is a superior map in arguably any aspect to Mainland Small, except if you want to avoid naval invasions, but that's a feature for me.

    Other good choices:

    - Ratumacos Small
    - Rivers Small
    - Guadalquivir River Small
    - Latium Small
    - Flood Medium (a very challenging format)

    In the current meta, maps with defensive positions are not well received since they are hard to break, but Pyrenean Sierra Small seems great too.

    • Like 2
  11. Discuss and suggest settings that improve gameplay in general.

    Better zoom and scroll speed (tks @ValihrAnt):

    view.scroll.speed = "200"
    view.zoom.default = "200"

    Performance and contrast (only 1st setting requires autociv):

    autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max = "0"
    showsky = "false"
    shadows = "false"
    particles = "false"
    postproc = "false"
    watereffects = "false"

    Place to check further settings and defaults (I found no documentation for scroll and zoom): https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/config/default.cfg

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