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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by badosu

  1. I'm certain there can be enjoyable games with bottlenecks, so if that's the way you like I'm sure it can work. I agree one should test before making assertions. Unfortunately elevation is something I didn't experiment much with, but I think map looks good already. I'd just make it more traversible. You could for example keep the bottlenecks near the cc but open after a certain distance so players can still reach the top, but not near the cc. Whatever you think works :-) Good job so far!
  2. The concept is nice, problem is 0ad has issues with bottlenecks, too easy to turtle depending on the civ especially. I think removing the bottlenecks and keeping the elevation, which already gives some defenders advantage could improve the map.
  3. Actually just performance and balance. Only need casuals to be popular, but in the long term ye.
  4. New version: - Show tooltips when playing as single player with vision to show allies resources, same for kd - Adjust chat messages to the bottom left - Handle positioning of hero/relics panel New options: monitor.showPhase = "false" // Whether to show phase in monitor panel, topbar already shows monitor.topPanel.showRelicsHero = "true" // Show or hide hero/relics panel monitor.pyromod
  5. The game keeps track for each player individually, you could also store it for yourself on the mod. Easier to just reuse the already built in statistics tracker which stores data in the format the graph can use. The problem is just to use the accurate way for pops. You'd want to hook and add the template.cost.population whenever a unit is trained/killed/deleted.
  6. Well, with current information on sequences I'm not sure you are able to retrieve accurate enough for pop chart. If you want to mod it further you can patch statisticstracker as freagarach mentioned accounting for `template.cost.populationBonus`. You'd also have to patch where units are deleted to add a hook for statisticstracker to account for deleted units pop, search `EntitySelection.prototype.update = function() `
  7. Checkout wonders. Otherwise the player might have been using a mod. Check mods on Main Menu -> Settings -> Mod Selection -> Download
  8. Do domestic animals count towards unitsKilled or unitsLost? If not then it is fine. Edit, seems like its fine: if (!cmpUnitEntityIdentity.HasClass("Domestic")) ++this.unitsTrained.total; //... if (cmpLostEntityIdentity.HasClass("Unit") && !cmpLostEntityIdentity.HasClass("Domestic")) { for (let type of this.unitsClasses) this.CounterIncrement(cmpLostEntityIdentity, "unitsLost", type); I think the only thing that could add discrepancies are units that account for more than 1 population. The dog is an issue tho, not Domestic.
  9. Sorry, I can't decipher your encrypted message If you're talking about cloud gaming, someone had the same idea many years ago and many companies are or will be launching it soon.
  10. Being open source is not an issue, you can have end-to-end security even with source code available. Given enough eyes, it's arguably more secure. The problem is just time and dedication to it, which needs to be invested in more important areas (e.g. performance, features, balance etc).
  11. There's just a small issue with heroes and siege units that account for more than 1 pop, but that should be unnoticeable on shorter games.
  12. Oh, that is super sweet, I was thinking of doing something similar on monitor mod. Nice one :-)
  13. Game is dangerous!!!11111onze! Seriously though, game is definitely hacked, I found evidence myself with just a bit of work. The surface area for exploits might be even bigger than I imagine. To be sure no cheats are present you need an `anti-cheat` mod but even that might be hackable so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Everything you need, the rest learn from watching replays and practicing on your own. For AI, learn to bait the AI into taking bad fights, just send few men there counter attack with better economy later.
  15. In anticipation for the new top bar, I made a custom version that can configure if the topbar resources should be displayed or not. It removes a lot of unneeded gui components for gameplay and spec. Enable with: monitor.replaceTopPanel = "true" @mysticjim This might interest you monitor.pyromod
  16. This looks sweet! I am into competitive maps but love these detailed big simcity maps, well done!
  17. @leitoso I want to implement the top row bar now, would you mind if I made it similar to your original layout?
  18. Also consider increasing the elevation so you can block access to shore on the bottleneck with hills instead of those spiky mountains.
  19. It's hard to believe some logic in 0ad code is flooding gigabytes in the span of a few minutes, that said it's not impossible. There could be also unrelated causes that get exacerbated with the additional traffic. Another one, stuck units, one dc (Ivaylo Uzunov) cc @user1 commands.txt
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