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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Isn't there a 'view_post.php' file or something similair to that in which you can search for the 'p_mq_add.gif' image?

    And I've a code here, that sets the default img border to 0 when put in the css file:

  2. Welcome, welcome!

    I think you'll can get along pretty nicely with Matteo, since he shares your interest for history (but we almost all have that here :)) and medieval weaponry (now that's special!).

  3. Great idea! It's nice to have other people's opinions and discussions about a subject, placed next to that subject.

    Hmm, but I think we need to decide on a date and book, so we can prepare ourselves.

    In my opinion, we should start with The Hobbit, as that is actually the start of Tolkiens published work and is, I think, the best book to start with for people new to it.

  4. Hmm, I noticed now that the '+' button at the bottom of every post has a 'border'. I think you need to put "border=0" somewhere in the image tag (unless you want it to have a border of course).

    What is it used for anyway (the button)?

  5. @Adam: 'denen'? Phew, that's a hard one. It's used as a genitiv form of a plural demonstrative pronoun (is that understandable -> dunno if I translated that ok).

    I think this is a correct example:

    Kennen Sie der Herr und die Frau Müller? Ich habe ein Buch von denen.
    While we're talking of German, could I get this translated, please? I think I understand the basic meaning of it, but I'd need more insight.
    Die imperiale Politik begann mit Wacho, dem achten König aus dem Geschlecht der Lethinger. Ein Usurpator, der seinen Onkel Tato (um 510) ermordet hatte. Dessen Sohn Risiulf floh zu den Warnen und wurde dort auf Wachos Betreiben umgebracht. Hildigis, Risulfs Sohn, war noch ein Kind und floh später mit Gefolge zu den Sklaveniern, von wo aus er mit Hilfe der Gepiden vergeblich versuchte sein Erbe zu bekommen

    Something about the imperial politics starting with Wacho (an Usurpator), his uncle Tato, Tato's son Risiulf, Risiulf's son Hildigis (who fleed to the Slavs), and the Gepids. I need to start learning German (it's there in my priority list, along with Hebrew, Gothic, Old English and Greek :P)

    I'll give it a try:

    The impirial politics began with Wacho, the eightest King from the Lethinger dynasty (or family). An usurper, who had murdered his uncle Tato (in 510). His son, Rissiulf fled to the Warnen and was killed through Wacho. Hildigis, Risiulfs (why was this spelled differently?) son, was still a child and fled later with an escort to the Sklaveniern, from whom he with the help of the Gepiden tried in vain to get his heritage.

    So Wacho 'the Wacko', tried to make sure he was the only one that had rights on the throne, by killing the line of his uncle. That's what I make from it :P.


    Btw. www.interglot.com is a nice online dictionary.

  6. Alright, thank you for the excellent answers! And about variety: The Last Stand of Hurin and Huor is a scenario worth playing, with an objective like "Hold off the forces of Morgoth long enough, so that Turgon may escape and hope will not be vanguished."

    Just an example of course :P.

    About the RPG-thing: of course I understand that this will be a strategy game, but in the case of the Fellowship I would understand strategy as in: use your group at the best way, so that they may survive. I understand that this is something that will be discussed about when the project reaches that point, but we can also think a bit about it now.

  7. Once again a great interview! Shane, I really like your answer on question 10, that would be interesting indeed :P!

    A bit of a indepth and maybe speculative question from me about the campaigns: in lots of RTS games that stay mediocre in quality, most missions don't come further then "destroy the enemy base". True great games like StarCraft have the courage and originality to include other type of missions as well (like infiltrate a base and get out with information). What sort of missions you imagine would TLA have? For example, I feel a mission about Beren escaping Sauron's hunters and travelling through the dangerous area, infested with Ungoliant's ilk has great potential (and freedom too, as not much is written about that). And of course missions about the fellowship travelling through a dark and scare Moria ;-). Do you have the liberty to fill in your own view and expectations as well in them?

  8. You are a pothead, aren't you?

    Eh sorry, but what's a pothead :P? If it refers to me liking to smoke, then no, in fact I really dislike it. But it's different when Tolkien describes a Maia (with an excellent, healthy and possibly renewable body) doing it. Then it seems kinda 'cool'/'nice'/'wise' (bah, can't find the right word :P ). Besides Gandalf and his pipe seem to be sort of inseparable.

  9. Ah, you're starting your first time on the Silmarillion?! You're lucky :P. I sometimes wish I could forget what I've read, so that when I read it again, I would be as amazed, happy and flabbergasted because it would be all new again. But then I think about all the knowledge I wouldn't have, and I find it a good trade. That's why I always try to fully enjoy a book when I read it for the first time :P!

  10. More than enough, thank you :P! You know, I always wondered what the difference is between fighting with sword & shield and fighting with falchion & buckler. If it doesn't bother you, could you explain that to me please? What makes the latter special in comparision with the former?

    And Adam, if you could find any letter concerning that (I haven't got the 'Letters' in my possesion - shame on me) I would love to read an excerpt or paraphrasation of it.

    Btw. I agree on the 'feminine genitive' of 'der', but I believe it is plural, not singular as the singular form is 'Ring' which is male (I don't think that's the correct English term for it, but I believe you get my point :P). So plural would be Ringe and because it says in English 'of the (Rings)' the preceding 'die' becomes 'der' in genitiv form.

    Phew, hope you can follow that, and I especially hope I didn't mess that up :P.

  11. Well, this would be great to have. Not only eye-candy, but also to distinguish your Noldorin troops from your ally in a (multiplayer)game. Which brings me to this: will the colors of the uniforms (or shields, or harnesses, or plumes on helmets) differ from leader to leader too? Wouldn't be to hard to code I think, but it does solve the problem of distinguishing your troops from your ally's without having to resort to standard red/blue/green etc. things.

    I imagine there are complications with this, that I haven't seen yet though :P.

  12. I'm not sure if the "chant" by Arwen was appropriate.

    Gandalf explains that Loudwater is under the "command" of Elrond.

    Elrond is both King and Master of that land, so it makes good sense.

    Arwen however has nothing except for relation to Elrond.

    Well, wouldn't it make sense if Elrond taught her certain things of Elvish lore, which could also have included she could call on the purifying force of the river in dire times? I mean, while Elvish ladies may not seem emancipated enough for battle, they are on the field of politics and lore (just look at Galadriel).

    Hmm, that would be a nice scenario for TLA: 'The emancipation of the fair Elven Maidens'. :P

    Set in the period when the heart of Feänor was poisened by Morgoth Bauglir, the Elven women rised to battle to upcoming hatred feeded by the Dark Lord.

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