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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Glad to hear that there is so much interest :P! If we want to involve other WFG member, then I suggest to start with the less esoteric works, like The Hobbit & LotR.

    And I think that any self-respecting library should at least have those, and the bigger ones will probably have the Silmarillion too, so if you really want to participate, but don't have money then you can try it in a library.

    I proposed the scanning bit, because I didn't expect such enthousiasm, and more or less expected this to deal with maybe one or two chapters. I didn't dare to hope we might venture beyond that.

    And if we have a subforum, then it doesn't really matter if one of us doesn't have time in a certain week, because threads will stay there and can always be used for discussion.

  2. I just came from one of the more inspiring places in my house (the toilet) and I got this idea: to start a reading group! I think it could be like this: we form a group, and each week a person suggests a part which he/she thinks it worhwile to read (it should come from the works of Tolkien of course). It doesn't have to be long. Then after a week, we come here on discuss about the part, starting by the person who suggested it. That way we have the chance to reread interesting parts of Tolkiens euvre and study them more deeply at the same time.

    We could scan and mail parts to people that might not have them. So what do you think?

  3. In that time at that place, mine would probably be the Grey Elves, under Elwë and Melian, because they brougth forth a splendid civilization, without even having seen the Blessed Realm (except for the two leaders). As such, they didn't displease the Valar by swearing the Oath the sons of Feanor did.

  4. 12) How did you find out about TLA and how did you find your way into the team?

    Like i said before: i stumbled upon it by chance. I registered and after a couple of weeks i decided to send an application form. I got interviewed briefly by Adam and then i was welcomed in the merry band of crazy fools.. ...er, in the staff.

    I knew it ;)!

    One question from me: could you elaborate a bit on your experience with medieval combat experiments and how they help you on your work on TLA? Ie. in what way could we see your influence back in the project?


    About the Dutch translation of The Lord of the Rings: well, I've read both the Dutch as the English version and although the English is better (of course) I think I can easily say the Dutch one is good as well. The same person that translated the LotR (Max Schuchart ) also translated the other works of Tolkien, so you can say he is some kind of an expert on that. A few years ago he even edited his initial translated work and wrote an preface to go with it. I don't know the exact words, but when I paraphrase he says that the first translation was done when he was younger (duh) and less experienced and now that he fully comprehends the importance of the work he felt it his duty to give credit to that and edit the translated, so that as much faults could be righted. He translated the introduction, appendices, names, etc. quite well, in my opinion.

    Nice tidbit: the title of The Lord of the Rings isn't translated literally, which would've been 'De Heer van de Ringen', but was made 'In de ban van de Ring', which would roughly translate in 'Under the spell of the Ring' in English. It sounds better in Dutch though ;).

  5. Uhm, I don't understand why it would be harder to balance? The average strength of the units will stay the same I think. And about the work: you only have to code that when units are trained their stats aren't set, but rather have a standard number that can differ within a certain minimum and maximum.

    Just imagine the image of a sinus to think of it in mathematical terms. I don't know the exact terms in English, but you have a "middle line" with an amplitude. I've found the following image with google: link.

  6. Well, I'm Québécois, so it wasn't so difficult for me to speak some few words of French to congratulate my "Cousin" ;)

    Caedus : You were close, but it is "parle" and "français" (no z, and no s)

    Darn, I should've known that. ;)

  7. Excusez moi, mais je ne parlez pas fransçais très bien.

    (Sorry, but I don't speak French very well)

    I hope I wrote that right ;).

    I just checked the calendar and I noticed it's a nice birtday 'present' as well. Just look at the last day of January ;).

  8. Hello and a warm welcome from me to you Luis ;)! The TLA drawing is great, but the drawings I saw at your site are amazing!!!

    The piece of art where Fingolfin battles Morgoth is incredible! I noticed that the more I grow up, the less I get scared by pictures/movies, but when I look at that battle it really gives me shivers (check Morgoth's armor and hammer!). That's what I call an evil and scary vilian! And Fingolfin has been done greatly. I especially like the way you depicted his emblem on his shield. That's a piece of art that I think looks better in black and white, then it would ever look in color. If TLA ever needed art for a Dvd-like box, I imagine the battle of Elendil and Gil-galad against Sauron with the same grim atmosphere.

    You have great talent ;).

  9. Well, having read this, I have no choice but to agree on the fact, that indeed most tales were told on an epic scale. That's a major point for not doing the random stats, as is the thing that players will most likely try to train the best units by killing the lesser ones. But I think the idea still has a chance when it's altered a bit.

    What about giving the 'Greater Units' a bit of randomising? I'm thinking here about Balrogs, Dragons, Eagles, Ents (dunno if those last ones can be trained but I put them here anyway) and the like. Sure you could end up with one Balrog that has low stats, but it can't be denied that even a lesser Balrog is still something you don't want to meet alone when you're travelling through dark Moria ;). So no point in killing and retraining those (and Balrog may not even be retrainable perhaps?). And it would still be on an epical scale, giving the greater units a sense of uniqueness. Downside would be to decide what units should (or should not) fall in this category.

    Anyway, most things need to evolve before they achieve 'perfectness' (and some might never be). And so should this idea I think.

  10. Well, it's been a while since I tried to post a orginal idea for the game, so here is one.

    In most rts games, there is always this lack of uniqueness when creating units. In Age of Empires you would create a swordsman, that always has the exact same stats, look, name etc. What I want to suggest is this: when a unit, for example a swordsman, walks out of a barracks when he is trained, let his attack, defense, hp, etc. vary. For example his attack stat could lay anywhere between 15 and 20. Because, to be honest, isn't one soldier, or even one unit of soldiers, sometimes not better or worse then another? And maybe more things could be randomised.

    I think this would add more to the game, because it makes each unit actually feel more unique.

    I understand there is a system for giving units names. Does that work in a same way?

    Well this is a suggestion, so feel free to comment on it. What do you think?

  11. Yup, buttons seem a lot better now. I just didn't criticised about it, because I know it can be frustrating to have your website finally done and then having to hear about all those kind suggestions your visitors make to improve it :P.

  12. Well, the reason we are producing this game is to promote purism in reading, interpreting, and depicting Tolkien's works, and since the movie did not do a good job of this, we need to point out where it is flawed.

    Therefore the movie will not have anything to do with TLA the game or anything else we may do. 

    Even if we valued the movies we would not feature them in our game, since we'd have greedy new-line lawyers assaulting us left and right. :P

    Somehow that gave me the idea to make a campaign which follows the movies in stead of the books. Hmmm. Nah, I really shouldn't do that. Much better to use the editor and my time for "purer" things...:P


    Longbottom Leaf = fog of war all over the map, except close to your own units

    That weed Saruman shipped (for the use of smoking) was Longbottom Leaf wasn't it?

    Hmm, another idea: when the characters of wizards or other older man stand idle in the game, it would be nice to have an animation of them smoking a pipe.

    /End of creativity outburst :P.

  13. 10) If you could ask the professor one question, what would it be?

    What was the Watcher? How old was it? What were the horrible things below Moria?

    And again number 10 proves to be a hard question in itself :P...

    I've one myself for you: what evil race/ruler would you like to play most in TLA and for what reason?

  14. The things I notice with interview, is that I personally come up with good questions after I know something of the people interviewed. For example with Adam, whom I could ask a more deep question after I knew he was studying architecture.

    So my first question would be: could you write a little something about yourself in a few sentences, that would allow us to come up with interesting questions?


    Uhm, I must humbly apologise for not noticing until now, that I didn't thank you Adam, for your answer. So here it is: thank you for bringing us such an interesting to read answer :-)!

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