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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. I'd like to point out that the story of King Author is far older than that of Lord of the Rings. In any case, it's more likely that it's the other way around.

    I believe the original Authorian legend was written by a French knight, and the book was entitled "L'Morte D'Arthur"

    Firstly there is no original Arthurian legend left over. Secondly: I never found any other books on Arthur that referred to 'Nagzul', 'Mordor' or 'The Riders (of Rohan)', to name a few.

  2. It does thank you ;)!

    I understand now that the Navy League Cadet Corps is very comparable with our 'Zeeverkenners' (literally: Seaexplorers).

    You've made me very interested in the combat system, and I'm really looking forward to get to know it! For now I can only trust, but the more I get to know you guys, the more trust I have in you B).

  3. Now before you all start exclaiming this can't be true, read:

    I first read the books, written by Anthony Mockler many years ago when I was thirteen or something near that. He wrote 'King Arthur and His Knights' (in Dutch: 'Koning Arthur trilogie: De ridders van de ronde tafel') in a kinda onorthodox manner. But I liked his style of writing and read the books several more times. Around that time I also started reading the works of Tolkien, but I needed to mature more, before I was able to find the links between those two authors. I noticed that in the books of Arthur Merlin spoke of ancient times and of Elvenkingdoms, of Nazgul and of Mordor. The hints were conceiled and not easy too find, but like I said, I read it several times and began to notice them. I just thought again about this today and decided to post it here.

    My conclusion: Anthony Mockler has tried to continue the stories of Men in the stories of Arthur. Merlin seems to be Gandalf (no wonder he is called the mightiest Wizard); Mordred seems to be the offspring of either Sauron, Morgoth or one of their servants; Excalibur is forged by the remaining Elven people, living on Avalon and Merlin refers at some point to the 'Riders' which were just as brave and strong and the knight on the Round Table. Merlin mentions several times that 'the shadow of Mordor is rising' when Mordred is gaining power. Oh, and before I forget: this is probably the only Arthurian story in which you will find that in the last battle against Mordred, Arthur and his knights face Orcs ('fearsome creatures many times stronger and dangerous than Goblins'. Merlin thought them extinct).

    If you haven't read the Lord of the Rings and got it in your head, you won't ever notice all these little things and just think that Mockler has written a nice little and more original approach to Arthur.

    Link to the book on Amazon.com: King Arthur and His Knights (Oxford Illustrated Classics Series)

    Notice! The name of Tolkien is mentioned on or in the book and I searched on google but I found nowhere that someone got to the same conclusion as I did.

  4. Once again a great interview! Shawn, the things you wrote on the movies have been well done and I think it closely resembles most of the opinions of members of this board (mine at least it does).

    There I two things I want to ask you:

    1. When I read that you joined the Navy Cadets at 12 I was surprised! Is it normal and allowed in Canada at such a young age? Does that have consequences on schooling? I know very little of Canada, so I'm very interested in all you can tell me about this.

    2. What kind of 'combat aspects' can we expect you to work on, in this project?

    Thank you for the interview B)!

  5. I can only say this: great! B)

    By the way, shouldn't we announce this on the general WFG forums too? I bet there are those that might want to join!

  6. Well, I figured we might as have have a riddle thread when we have a word thread! But because The Hobbit doesn't contain that much riddles and we all know the answers to them now, we will have to make up or find new ones ourselves.

    I'll start:

    It runs up the hill,

    And runs down the hill,

    But in spite of all,

    It stands still.

    If you think you have it, you can confirm it here and post a new one or invite someone else to do it within the period of one day. After that anyone may post one.

    I can say it's not sun, light, river, grass, water or horizon. And honestly I haven't found the answer myself :wine:.


  7. Thanks!  Too bad he foresaw it, that would have been one heck of a battle.

    Well, from the Lord of the Rings we learn that Gandalf curses his naïvity (hey, I paraphrase here!) when he talks the deceit Sauron had weaved when 'fleeing' Dol Goldur. So I am sure that to make it look the most realistic to his adversaries, Sauron had to create one heck of a battle! Because otherwise the Wise would have become quite suspicious. On the other hand, the Wise weren't quite sure it was Sauron, so from that I conclude that he also didn't throw in his full available power yet, just to make sure they could mistake him for on of the powerful Nazgûl as well.

    Mind you, that I didn't have hard prove for it, just some deduction on what seems the most likely (to me at least).

  8. Yes, you're wright, but it seems odd to have guests that you are in war with.

    Sorry I interrupt here, but I just wanted to say that when the Dutch rebbeled and waged war against the Spanish, they traded with the Spanish as well: they sold them cannons(!). And with the money they got from that, they financed their own war effort. Kinda weird huh :wine:.

  9. I've played quite some scenario's of BfME the last two days, and, although it's a purist's nightmare (:)) I also have to mention these two things that are worked out fantasticaly:

    1. The World Map --> it moves, it breathes it LIVES. Even though that it is based on the movies it feels so good to watch the map, Nagzûl flying around, seeing smoke coming from the Orodruin. Magnificent. They should have made that game independent, then they should've added zoomfunctions and sold it seperately. Maybe there is something to do for TLA when it is done...

    2. Rohirrim ability to stampede over Orcs --> what more is there to say about this? This is the reason why cavalry was so powerful: a swift rolling thunder.


    One quick thing about the world map though: Minas Tirith is pictured nicely, but I miss Minas Morgul. Small thing, no? :P

  10. Keep in mind it isn't what you "have or haven't" read, but what would be good to read as a group that could contain Tolkien newbies.

    That's why I'm still doubting a bit between The Hobbit and LotR. Even though they differ so much in style the former one is a nice appetizer for the latter when starting a reading group :). But I don't think it is such a big deal. I do think that it is necessary for someone new to Tolkien to start with either one of those two and not with the Silmarillion or other works about Arda.

  11. Got me there, but I for myself have to admit that I don't make so much work of my interest as you :), though joining a bow-shooting club might be something I will do in the future!

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