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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. http://www.eagames.com/official/armiesofex...miesofexigo/us/

    EA Games has recently announced this RTS game. Has decent graphics, but I don't find it captivating.

    It looks like EA wants to get even more money from the LotR madness and decided to launch a strategy game with graphics that seem very familair to anyone who has seen the screenshots from the Battle for Middle-Earth (also from EA).

    Only interesting thing it seems to have is the ground/underground levels of play.

    Btw. screenshot 8 of 10 seems to have a creature that looks very much like a certain Balrog (*cough*lotrmovie*cough*).

  2. You and the rest of the team deserve all (and more) of the compliments/rep points we give you.

    It's a great way of informing us fans!

    I can't wait to see the Forces of Morgoth! The dwarves are 'cool' too of course, but all these 'good' guys are tiring me (y).

  3. I think the mini-map should have player colours (or better yet: allegiance colors) because the mini-map would be translated in real life to a tactical map (imagine a commander in his tent staring at a map that lies on his table, with all sorts of flags on it to show troop movements).

    With allegiance colors I mean: green for your/allied units; yellow for neutral; red for enemies. If I remember correctly, then AoK had this feature too.

  4. Well, I didn't mean to make the clothes define the stats (through calculating), I meant that, with logical thinking and looking at the armor/clothes of a unit (and interpreting them), one can come up with a logical defense stat.

    With 'Making the average' I meant it to be done by the designer, not by the system. Otherwise it would reduce the possibilities of the editor for example.

  5. FAR too complex; then you have to take into account shield armour as well as other armours. Then you also have to have an exact placing for the arrow to determine if it hits the shield or the body. Nice idea... but I think too complex...

    This can be solved by making the defensive stats an average of all the armor the unit wears.


    - no shield + lightarmor = small defense against arrows

    - shield + light armor = medium defense against arrows

    - shield + heavy (heavier) armor = good defense against arrows

    That is highly simplified though.

  6. What about using this code to align the ad and logo in a table:

    <table width="100%" border="0">
    <td align="left"><img src="logo_url"></td>
    <td align="right">ADVERTISEMENT CODE</td>

    The 100% part should stretch things out on all sorts of resolutions. Small resolutions will always have the add going out of the screen, but that problem is unavoidable, as you can only show so much at once.

    I don't think that is hard to implant using this board. Just change the header. At least I think it is done that way. I myself have only modded phpBB boards, but I think this system works roughly similar.

    Let me know what you do with it :lol:.

  7. Few sidenotes: Gandalf did die (his flesh), but his spirit was send back to finish his work.

    Jesus preached about violence (loose quote) 'If someone hits you on the cheek, then show him the other too.'

    I don't think Gandalf would turn you the other cheek...(y) He would sooner give you a good smacking with his staff.

    And about the topic: I think that there are indeed Christian elements in his writings, but there are also elements from other religions (ie. old Scandinavian ones).

    On similarities doesn't have to be exactly the same to show that there is a foreign influence in them. For example Morgoth: I can agree that he resembles the fallen angel Lucifer. And for that he doesn't have to have horns and life in hell. Those are more minor things in my opinion.

  8. I think that when Tolkien writes about it, then it should be implanted when it doesn't give heavy problems.

    And Numenoreans need all the wood they can get for their ships (y). After all, there isn't that much room on an island. Besides, I can imagine that certain Elves that take care of their forests also plants trees. Or do they just let it grow, without interfering?

  9. I never said that the LotR didn't contain Christian elements. I already knew that quote about that letter and I can see that there is that Angels/Devil thing, going around with the Valar and Melkor (and his Balrogs). And I think it's logical when religion plays so large a role in ones life, that religinous(?) elements will be found in the works that person makes, whether consciously or not. So Halmirion, I completely agree with you, but you didn't change my opinion, because I already had that one. Great post btw (y).

    I just think that some things are too far fetched (Gandalf and Christ). Ever noticed the similarities between Mozes and Elwë? Both led their people to a promised land; both didn't reach it themselves and both didn't led all of their people to their destination. Heck, Elwë even left his people for a while and had a divine meeting (with Melian). And Melian told him how to improve his realm with visions from Aman (heaven), like the Ten Commandments tried to improve life on earth. See where I'm taking this too :)?

  10. Still, Mithrandir has a point: Glaurung had the same weakness (he was stabbed by that Dwarven King - Azaghal or something? - in the belly and later killed by Túrin. And Túrin killed him by trusting his black sword into the Dragons soft 'underside'.

    Maybe Lords and Leaders and such, should have somekind of special attack or chance to hit weak spots. But I think it's difficult to properly implant.

  11. It would be good, I think, if Sindarin archers could fire when they are concealed (in woody areas of course). This would actually force an enemy to only enter forests with great numbers (like the Orcs did: they never survived when they entered woods that contained Elven Archers, if they were in small groups) or to attack the trees themselves (setting them on fire, or attacking with siege weaponry).

    It would give them the advantages that they really had too, being so familiar with their surroundings.

  12. Thanks again for providing us with another great civ highlight! Sorry for the late reaction, but I was from home a couple of days (holidays).

    I'm impressed again with the tech list, though these three upgrades seem vaguely familiar to me:

    Broad Axe

    Double-edged Blade

    Bow Saw

    AoK anyone (y)?

  13. I'm glad that we can agree that these sorts of articles should be taken with a piece of salt (or a whole bag ful of it (y)).

    Also, I think that you can twist a story of this magnitude to everyones (dis)liking because of the sheer volume of written text. Just the same with those data: on every day of the year one can remember something memorable.

  14. Yep, I was reading 'Parma Endorion' (link) and found a reference to a certain movie, called Ancamar. It apparently was inspired by 'The Silmarillion'. I had never heard of it (the movie of course, not the book (y)), so I decided to do a quick internet search using Google. And I found this site:


    www.ancanar.com/trailer/ (trailer of movie)

    What is it?

    Look at these links, as it saves me the trouble of retyping it here:



    They started with two man, a cheap camera and a budget of 20,000 pounds (I think that's the reason for their odd accents in the trailer --> they're english folks! :)) and later on they catched the attention of some larger studio. It's all explained on their webpage. In short: it's still in production and I think they (the two original guys) have now realised what it means to work in big business.

    To be honest, I'm not sure what to think about it. The good thing is, is that they started (in 2000) with the production before Peter Jackson released his. So I doubt that they just went in for the money. But that doesn't take away my sceptical feelings.

    I only found one reference of it on this site (TLA that is):


    But does that mean that you haven't heard of this before (like me)?

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