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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. That was an interesting read. I really like the question Adam would ask the professor himself :D.

    The link to your gallery seems to be offlimit for non-wfg members (I can't access it).

    One question for Adam: You study architecture. Does this mean the buildings in TLA will have been greatly influenced by you, when it's released? And from what sources in the books do you get inspiration for the different architectural styles of the different races? I can imagine that a Dwarven race would very practical and a lot with stone, while an Elven race might use much more wood and have a more decorating style of building. But what about the styles of the Sindar and Noldor? The differences between them would be harder to illustrate. And even harder: how does the architecture of the Noldor evolve through the ages as their glory comes and goes? Will it be more grim after the costly battles with Mordor then before those?

    That's more then one question I know, but there is so much to ask. I hope you feel honoured by all these questions in stead of sighing and wondering how you can answer them all :(.

  2. This is great news indeed! I look forward to reading as well as contributing to this encyclopedia!

    One question: is there a special category for Tolkien himself? I think he would fit in as well, because he is the creator of it all. Would be a nice place for biographies and such.

  3. If EA wants to use contrived fantasy worlds with explosions, monsters, death grip gauntlets of the ogre, and secret subterreanean half-elven races that thrill gamers, that is fine.  But to use Tolkien's work - to add contrived commercial things to Tolkien's work - that's not right, and we stand against that as TLA.  That causes Tolkien's work to lose integrity, and it ends up right next to Dungeons and Dragons, like Pokemon, a cultural fad.

    If I'm honest I have to say that such games thrill me too :P. But if I want to continue to be honest I should also say that it does NOT thrill me if they use Tolkien's name and mythology to sell it :P. Let them be original and inventing by creating their own setting!

    And to me, Tolkien's work is not just entertainment. It's much more: it's inspiration; it's learning; it's emotions; it's about uniting different peoples by setting aside their differences, to stand up against destruction. There is a big difference between a story you read and a story to you experience.

    I hope TLA can capture that same elements.

  4. sadly enough quellion is not longer among us, and i don't think we have another concept artist yet. but i can bring you an interview when we do get a concept artist ;)

    Hmm, that comes as a surprise for me! I haven't read any announcement on this, so how does it come that Quellion has gone and since when? May you still use his drawings?

  5. Thanks for the interview! If I'm still allowed I've a question for Enarwaen: Has it happened that you (or the team as a whole) have an idea totally worked out for in the game and that afterwards you find out inconsisties by rereading texts or by pointing out from a someone not from the team? If so, who do you do? If not, then why does it not happen (or you so precise that you don't make these mistakes ;))?

  6. Despite all comments, I think you have great potential to become a good artist! I'm 18 and I can't even dream about drawing this way. Closest thing I can come when drawing a human figure is this:


    But like Adam says: I think a few more professional courses would do wonders! And you could also try to find some webpage, I'm sure there are some pretty good ones around somewhere.

  7. don't even have a chance to make it...school is taking all my time now...

    I'm afraid it's the same here. And the only library in my neighbourhood that has the HOME books is only open a few hours a day (at which times I usually have a class) and asks € 28,- for a year membership, which isn't all that much, but normally I don't go there, so it would be a waste. Don't extend the time just for me, 'cause I won't be able to make it for some time. Maybe it would be better to make future contests when there is a holiday. I understand that might be difficult to do for everyone, but I think that most people have free days around Christmas and New Year.

  8. I don't think the Dragons were a corrupted version of the Eagles for the following reasons:

    1. I can't imagine an eagle being captured alive being corrupted.

    2. A corrupted versions mocks the original and can't dream to beat it (like the Ents <=> Trolls and Elves <=> Orcs, although the last one may not be true, it still shows the corruption and decline of strength)

    Dragons could match Eagles any day, and I think Thorondor himself would've had trouble fighting Ancalagon --> it took an unique Elven ship, manned by an Elf descended from heroes/kings AND the might of a Silmaril to beat it.

    3. The original wyrms didn't have wings, so it would be a strange corruption of an Eagle indeed.

    4. From where did the dragons ability to breath fire came from if eagles didn't have it?

    5. Trolls and Orcs (corruptions) were seen rapidly in the lands, when Morgoth inhabited them and the Elves came. But dragons were a centuries long-guarded mystery.

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