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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. I feel ashamed indeed :P. On the bright side: in a few weeks I'm ready with my exams of this year (that is, if I pass them all the first time, which I hope :)) and there will be much time for rejoicing...eh I mean writing!


  2. So whatever did happen to this reading group? It seems all activity has ceased for some strange reason. (y)

    Perhaps someone should take the lead again and start reading the thing, while posting chapters. I could post the new chapter this weekend, if that's ok (and if I have the rights on this forum, which I do not know)?

  3. Sorry, for being away such a long time, but don't think you'll get rid of me (y).

    What do you mean with 'I miss the fact that you can play every battle'? Dunno about the demo anymore, but in the full game you can choose whether or not to play a battle. If you don't the computer will resolve it for you.

  4. In all those Orcish names I recognise 'ghâsh' (or was it 'gâsh'?), that is fire. And I don't think the common Orc couple would think long over their child's name: they propably 'throw a few grunts together' so too speak. Maybe it even so, that Orcs only get really distinctive names if they have accomplished something, so to honor them (war example, after a succesful war-campaign). But the last part is not so much game-related I guess (though you could give Orcs with more experience a 'title' like 'the Terrible' or 'the Horse-Eater'). Just suggestions though :-).

  5. http://www.knightsofhonor.com/

    Anyone knows it/has played it? I've downloaded the demo from above site and I must say I enjoyed playing it very much! Reminds me a bit of Medieval: Total War, but in a slightly other way. I especially like it, to try and make one of your Clerics Pope :)! And Popes can excommunicate states and start crusades!

    I think the diplomatic part has been worked out quite well, with proposing stuff and marrying and such.

    The economic part reminds me of a bit of...TLA! With the goods one can produce and such.

    Really interesting, I suggest you try the demo if you have the time and download capabilities.

  6. I came here to apologise for not leaving a reaction for such a long time (just had my exams and passed them, yah!), but I was shocked to find out that my last post from two weeks ago, is now still the last post in the whole 'Green Dragon' forum! People, our spirit hasn't died has it?

  7. how about posting some advertising on other websites? theonering.net  ,  tolkienonline.com (or whatever dot it is) ... etc ...

    and on local Tolkien sites and forums ...

    maybe that would bring some people over ...

    or maybe those who said they joined didn't understand the concept of a Reading Group ... they maybe thought you just had to read and nothing else :)

    Lol, yea right, just reading no talking :D.

    But advertising it a bit more sounds like a good idea. Has it been posted on the general WFG boards yet?

    At least the posts have been read a large number of times, but why don't people post in them then?

  8. It's always a pleasure to read these interviews, well done :D!

    11) What is your opinion on the movies?

    Whew. Well I was inspired by FOTR. It was good... though I kept wondering where Tom Bombadil was :) lol. And there were other things that were left out too, or changed. The second movie seemed... different from the first to me, when I first watched it. And then the third was extremely different, but quite interesting to see ROTK put on film. My conclusion I suppose, is I don't know. It definitely was not Tolkien's Middle Earth, at least not all the time. But were they good MOVIES. Yes, I suppose so. Except for some of the acting... >_>

    I really don't know WHY PJ wanted to make the movies so different sometimes. I mean, did he HAVE to make so many elves blonde? Why? hehe, one of many questions. The thing that really frustrates me is what these movies did to the world... sooo many people think THAT was Tolkien's Middle Earth. I guess they're just misled. But in any case, that's what TLA is here to fight against. B)

    This is one of the things I would like to ask you about: in my opinion, removing the character of Bombadil wasn't such a bad move when creating the movie. He has a bit of a strange personality and stands out a bit in the books. Also, what would it add to the overall story and progress of the movie? Problem is of course, that when you remove him, you also remove the oppurtunity to explore the old forest and the Barrow Downs, which are very interesting places.

    So my questions would be: why where you waiting for the Tom Bombadil character?

    Another point: how do you think his character should be represented in the game? It's obvious he has some special abilities and the Ring doesn't influence him (at least not directly or quickly). How can his special and unique being be translated in game terms.

    Don't feel like I want to bother you with difficult questions, it's just that I try to ask some interesting things when I've read an interview with someone.

  9. Dwarves live underground, of course - internally their architecture is supported by columns, of course, and from what I recall of the descriptions of Moria (I don't have the book handy), the decoration on the columns can be pretty elaborate. I don't have a clear picture of Durin's tower, though, which is the only above-ground Dwarven building I can think of off the top of my head.

    Maybe it would be better to say that Dwarves lived mostly in mountains that had rich ore deposits. And I say mostly, because of the Petty Dwarves, but then again, they weren't really living in the spot they liked/was their first choice when we read about them.

  10. Well, the formations in AoK very much made me feel like commanding an army and I think that's an important point when thinking about the differences between commanding 'a bunch of units' and commanding 'a group of units walking in formation and being led by a captain and perhaps a banner bearer'.

  11. D amnit, that's two sad news tidings in five minutes :)!

    Karen Lea Wynn Fonstad, age 59, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin died March 11, 2005 of complications from breast cancer. She was born April 18, 1945 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the daughter of James and Estis Wynn. She graduated from Norman High School, Norman, Oklahoma. She earned a B.S. degree in Physical Therapy and an M.A. in Geography, specializing in cartography, from The University of Oklahoma. While attending OU she met and married Todd A. Fonstad of Oshkosh on March 21, 1970. They have two children: Dr. Mark A. Fonstad, San Marcos, Texas and Kristina Stingle, Sussex, Wisconsin.

    Karen was a freelance cartographer, part-time lecturer at The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and an invited speaker for many events. She was the author and illustrator of The Atlas of Middle-earth, The Atlas of Pern, The Atlas of the Land, The Atlas of the Dragonlance World and The Forgotten Realms Atlas. Karen helped develop Eowyn Challenge-Worldwide Walk to Rivendell and Beyond where over 800 people have logged 200,000 miles in the past two years.

    More info: http://www.theonering.net/perl/newsview/8/1110669403

    I'm planning on getting her Atlas very soon (and propably also that of the Land -- http://www.stephendonaldson.com/

    Grave tidings indeed :D.

  12. I'm a bit late with this (news was released on March 13th), but want to point it out anyway:

    Death of LotR translator

    It is reported that Max Schuchart, translator, journalist, and poet, died on February 25 2005 at the age of 84. He was born on august 16 1920 in Rotterdam.

    Max Schuchart was the first translator of The Lord of the Rings in the world.

    He became famous for translating the works of Tolkien. He was rewarded with the Martines Nijhoffprice in 1958. Apart from all the dutch translations of Tolkien's books, he translated works from Salman Rushdie, Daniel Defoe, Oscar Wilde, D.H. Lawrence, J.D. Salinger, Dylan Thomas and Richard Adams (Watership down).

    The Dutch Tolkien Society Unquendor gave him the golden pin for his translations in 1995.

    He alse translated all the other works of Tolkien in the Netherlands and was contacted to give his opinion for the Movie translation.


    He meant much for reading and literature in The Netherlands. He has reached a respectable age, but it's still sad news indeed.

  13. Hmmm, I don't think it would be correct to call the great Eagles Maiar. Aren't they more, like the Ents, caretakers and inhabitants of their natural place, in this case the Mountains? And they are also messengers for Manwë. It wouldn't make sense, in my view, if there were Maiar that (in Eagle-form) were just making nests on the mountain peaks and occaisionally sending a message.

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