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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. My heart bleeds while I'm reading this. Bleeds because of what happens to (or can happen to) projects like TLA. This is not a project about a game, it's a project about art and literature! About exploring the world, and not just Middle-Earth! I honestly wonder if the gentlemen from the Tolkien Estate have even read the works they 'protect'. I can't believe that, because when I read those tales I was in awe of their greatness and I believe that any way to explore them should be reviewed and encouraged if necessary.

    What does the richness of the material world matter if you can enrich the world of your mind?! If you have 1000 dollars and share it equally with someone, you both only have 500. If you have a wonderful tale and share it equally with someone, you both will have the full tale and be richer.

    I would cry if TLA would have to shut down because of those reasons.


  2. The garrisoning idea sounds good and simple to me. Then if you want to attack the guards inside, you could order some men to enter the gate/building and then the whole lot gets out and fights (a bit like in the old 'Commandos' games: when a German soldier entered the house which was holding one of your men, they would all get out and shoot at each other).

    But if someone has a better idea, I would be glad to hear it ;).

  3. Not companies like in R: TW, but companies like in TLA. It will have it's own system. Anyway, consider this:

    - I don't have companies and am selecting every unit by dragging them in a box.

    - I've made companies consisting of a captian, banner-bearer and troops and am selecting them through some clever system.

    That way you can order whole companies at once. Saves some probs. And if you're unstrategically then you'll see the hard way, that just selecting units and attacking with them (without making companies) will get you nowhere.

    Since this goes a bit of topics, I'll stop here ;).

  4. I was just reading on LotR : Battle for Middle-Earth, and it seems to be just like a Total war Game. You can move your armies around the LWM as they call it. (Live World Map) and if you attack and destroy Minas Tirith, on the LWM it shows it as destroyed. I watched the demo (No officially released one you can play, only a video) and it shows you as the orcs, attacking a small ithilien force, then attacking minas tirith. Amazing LWM they have... painted and looks just like the map of Middle Earth. (Even has birds, flying nazguls, clouds, and rain on the LWM!)

    Amazing though as it may be, I doubt it will have the depth of a Total War game. Still I'm planning on at least trying this one.

  5. That's why I like the last stand of Boromir so much: he tries to redeem himself by saving those hobbits against an endless flow of foes, and while he slays many, he grows weaker and weaker, until he is defeated. But that doesn't mean he wasn't a hero! I think that was a dead worthy of any great hero from the old times.

  6. This was actually discussed, probably prior to you time with us, Rohiwine.  We decided it would be detrimental to gameplay and was not a crucial component of the books.

    I brought this up somewhere way back when I posted my first (or somewhere close to that) post ;).

  7. As siege battles play a very important role in the literature of Tolkien, I think it should be made very deep in the game too.

    What I personally would like very much, is having walls really act as neutral/non-living buildings (when it's build the player that build it, can't 'control' like demolishing it with a single click) --> that would mean that when a gate is breached a player can use the walls of his enemy to his own advantage: he could even make a new gate while still using the walls of his former foe for defence!

  8. I think it's possible to include boarding in the game, while still making the game simple enough to play.

    One thing that would be cool though, is to make the speed of a boat variable to the amount of cargo & crew it is carrying.

    And I personally would like it so that every boat can ship personel (but a very small amount), but that one or two kinds of boats can ship whole groups of soldiers. That is a thing that always bothers me in other strategy games: that only transports can ship your soldiers. That's not logical, if you're also having large war ships.


    Hey Mikael! I'm glad the problem was fixed. But be warned, cuz I'll be expecting a lot more news from now on ;). GL with the new job!

  9. And what about the corruption of water by Evil players? Heck, you could even extent that to corruption of all terrain by Evil players. It doesn't have to have big consequences (just a morale drop for good players and a boost for evil players). Besides, it would look great too ;).

    I can found this on Tolkiens work. Just read about the lands that were tortured by Morgoth, in the Silmarillion. Or how the beautiful land of Ithilien became barren when Sauron's power grew.

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