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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. I'm just curious on how flying units will be displayed/handled in the game. Because it build from the AoK engine (isn't it?) and in their there are no controlable flying units.

    But in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrouns they have build on the AoK engine to put airships and such in it.

    So how's this in TLA?

  2. I think this problem is comparable with the representation of armies on the screen. One unit actually presents a division or so.

    So maybe you can use a night as a representation for several. Or maybe not.

    Also: in some periods there was only night (in the very beginning) or light (with the lamps, but that differed from region to region). And I can imagin that the forces of darkness will have some spell to make their territory dark and gain bonuses because of that.

  3. I don't know for sure, but I think that back then, they weren't yet consumend by their rings and as such weren't called Ring-wraiths or Nazgûl.

    When the greatest among them received his ring, he grew in power, but was still human. But the longer he wore it, the more he lost his former self.

  4. Sukkit, remember that, when the WitchKing besieged Minas Tirith, he uses Grond to breach the gate. But when Grond bursts against the gate, he speaks words of power and the gate breaks. I can't quote here, because I've the Dutch version before me. I've read the English one, but my sister has it :) .

    It's on pages 998/999.

  5. Don't forget he is called Witchking. So I suppose he has a few tricks up his sleeve. But in general I think he was more a leader/captain of troops, than a hand-to-hand combat fighter.

    PS: take a dragon in the next poll :)

  6. Yes, I know I'm late.

    That Balrog didn't even dare to help his master Morgoth, when he was attacked. He just fled into some deep cavern. Sauron would kick the coward's butt.

    If even Gandalf could handle him (though he died doing so)...

  7. About the experience thing:

    Gaining experience and so allowing soldiers to "grow" also encourages people to fight alot, with an army they will also safeguard from total distruction.

    When your army that has been alive for 30 min game time, and is strong because of their gained experience, suddenly is overwhelmed, you will try to save them. Because when you train the exact same army, they won't be as strong, because they are "fesh-meat".

    Second: having lot's of resources doesn't garantee victory: experience is a resource only gained in battle.


    But having experience also means having a way to heal units. Otherwise they will be lost far to easily. How is that implanted?

  8. Forces of Darkness. Morgoth has all the creepy creatures gathered around him :) .

    What kind of army did Melkor (for that was his name then) had in the First Age? Can't seem to find much info on that. Seems he had evil spirits and Balrogs perhaps. And Orcs of course. Any more?

  9. I find it difficult to vote on only one race :) .

    FOD are cool, having all the baddies and such.

    Noldor quite good, being handcrafty elves.

    Numénoreans, being human and superior to other human races. They even kicked Saurons butt at times. To bad he kicked back ;) .

  10. Well that's the problem with a movie of this magnitude. It already took 3 hours, so you have to simplify things. Still I think those are great movies (especialy the last one) with a few minor flaws in it.

    I voted Falathrim, cuz I like the people of Círdan, having a navy and standing between Light and Shadow.

  11. Hi, though i've only just registered my account, i've been following your work for more than a year now. I was really existed that fans would make a conversion of the famous world of Middle-Earth to a game. It's great that you guys are still here working on it. Most fan projects stop after a while, because the spirit has left.

    Now to the question: how will Heroes be handled in the game, as far as time is concerned? For example:

    At the end of the fourth Era, Círdan (the elf) is resembled as on really old looking fellow with a long beard (now that says something, because it takes a LOT of time for an elf to be considered old). That was written in one of the final chapers of LotR 3. But in the first Era he should be considered young, so I think it would be logical for him not heaving a beard at that time.

    So will those characters look differently and have other stats, according to the Era they belong in? Also, some long-living characters "grow". Like Smaug => when he attackes the dwarves he is a young-dragon (or so he says) and when Bilbo talks with him, he has grown old and strong. Maybe the same is true for Círdan: when he is old, he has more experience, so he has more elven magic, but when he is young, his body is more agile, hence he is better at melée fighting.

    Is my point clear? Or am I raving :)

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