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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Well the Troll idea isn't that bad. The umbrellas just shouldn't be pink :P.

    Now my idea for a cheat code:

    To win a scenario: type the code and then show a Vala (Manwë on land, Ulmo on water and Melkor for the baddies) that does something to cleanse the land of enemies:

    Manwë creates a huge storm

    Ulmo washes the land clean

    Melkor creates a huge earthquake

  2. When I look at this prob from a reality point of view I noticed this:


    Q: Where are/were tollposts created in the first place?

    A: At easily defendable, highly used points of terrain.


    Q: Now where are those points?

    A: At bridges, gates (of cities, or walls/towers) and maybe some natural tight points like a gap between mountain ranges (Gap of Rohan anyone?) or a wadable piece of river.

    So tollposts weren't just planted at a random spot, those spots were logical ones.


    Q: So where should this be possible in TLA?

    A: At gates, bridges and maybe some other spots.

    You see? So whenever a trading cart (or whatever the trading unit will be) goes to a trading partner, it will most likely pass a gate or bridge, where toll should be paid.

    I think this eliminates the need for having roads for tollposts altogether.

    *looks at own post*

    That sounds great :P .

  3. Yup I agree with that. And stoned (:P) trolls might be a nice piece of map art. One example: in a scenario with Frodo travelling to Rivendell he might come accross three stone statues :P.

  4. Hey and welcome to the forum community :P! That's a nice piece of modelling.

    I think we can all really recommend reading the books. If it's possible then in English too (I don't know what your native tongue is). You might want to start with The Hobbit (although the tone of that book is more childish) and continue with The Lord of the Rings. It might seem a long sit, but in the end you'll be wishing for more :P (and trust me, there is more).

  5. I woke up this morning with this funny idea: to have a large beast from the wilderness carry a huge umbrella, so it covers the environment around him in darkness.

    But Adam's idea sounds a bit better to me. I think mine is more ridiculous :P. But don't just destroy the trolls, make them really turn into stone and maybe make them a special kind of resource for harvesting stone :P.

  6. Good and conveniently arranged table! You may want to make the email adresses clickable and add nicknames (or not).

    It suprises me. I thought that the group would be a bit larger. But I don't have experience with game developing groups. And what is the difference between retired, reserve and inactive exactly?

    Good to see some (site) updates :P!

  7. Yup the smaller breeds of Orcs was certainly affected, like the ones from Moria. The larger Uruks not (or to a much lesser degree).

    I don't have a good solution for this, except the cave and shroud thingies. Seems difficult to me :P.

  8. But Orcs didn't turn to stone when they faced sunlight. I thought that only their power diminished, but they were able to face it (with reluctance), as is proved by the band of orcs that captured Merry and Pippin and ran for Isengard. That group has several different races of Orcs, and indeed some loathed the sun, others (that didn't) drove them forth.

  9. Was just thinking about this: the first type of Troll able to withstand sunlight did not appear until late in the Third Age. Sauron for sure had his hand in this.

    But how will trolls be handled in the game before that time? I mean, they have no problems underground (poor dwarves), but above ground? In some other thread there was told that day/night cycling will be left out, because a single game would take place over maybe a hundred years and then it couldn't be realistically implanted. I guess this is still the general idea?

    Of course an evil player could research and cast a spell that would darken the sky and hide the sunlight, or something similair. But that seems a bit to overdone for just the trolls.

  10. Minor civs, that give Major problems? Great :P. I think the diplomacy will be great, if it has such an impact. Why else would Elves try to be nice to others, if their bad behaviour doesn't have any troublesome consequences?

    The toll idea seems interesting, but how can it be implanted in a game?

  11. Great reactions on this topic. Thanks :P ! You've made me think about the physical aspects of being a dwarf, and now I find myself more at rest, with their stereotypical kind of weapon.

    And I agree that it is natural for an elf to be far more superior with a bow, than any other race. Even more because they can have lots more years of training, which requires an expert use of the bow.

    What bothers me, is the aspect of elves being physical week and totally unfit for any other type of combat. That does have nothing to do with being good at using the bow.

    One comment on this one:

    And in many views, like that alot of humans worked together with Sauron while no dwarves did, dwarves are more wise than humans.

    I know that Morgoth had dwarves fighting for him, but I'm not sure of Sauron. Didn't he have any dwarves at all at his side? Ok, not of Durin's race, but maybe of some other, very greedy one? Because we know very little about the far eastern regions of Middle-Earth, and most of the other dwarf races went that way (pls correct me if I'm wrong).

  12. Hmm, I'm wondering. Would Sauron be able to use the Palantir, if he didn't had a physical form? Because I read (I thought in the Unfinished Tales) that a person had to stand south of a Palantir in order to look into a north direction. That would be somewhat more difficult for a non-physical being, or not :P?

  13. ZeZar, if you need some more help on php-nuke (or cpg-nuke for that matter), then just ask! I kinda use it myself too :) and I really like using it.

    These are webpages I've made using nuke and that are online (but both in Dutch, sorry):

    PvdA - local political party site

    NVP - national foster parents site of The Netherlands

    Very good php-nuke resources sites:

    1. http://nukecops.com/ - great community

    2. http://www.codezwiz.com/ - many good add-ons/downloads

    3. http://warpspeed.4thdimension.de - lots of resources

    And while I'm at it, you can check my personal site too (see the WWW button under this post). It's in php, but far from finished. B-)

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