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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. It's a hard life being an elf.

    As if murderous orcs and magic spells weren't enough to contend with, there are two languages to learn - loosely based on Welsh and Finnish.

    Undeterred by the challenge, a group of schoolboys has volunteered for lessons in Sindarin, the "conversational" form of Elvish, invented by Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien.

    Read more: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/educati...ion/3532003.stm

    So it seems one is able to "officialy" study Sindarin now...

  2. Ar-Phazaron...  he conquered an enemy, then took his advice to attack God-like beings, real smart! :D

    Great way of explaining :P.

    The arrogance of Eärnor should be on top of the list. I mean, riding on your own to the enemy, no direct heir? Stupid... :muaha:

    But the greatest mistakes were made by the "Evil guys". I mean, c'mon Sauron, let some puny creature with hair on his feet defeat you :P ? Do I have to comment on that?

  3. Good point Halmirion.

    Might I add: the Rings were powerful tools, whether or not made for dominion/conquest. Sauron might just have this simple reason: to aquire those Rings, so that they wouldn't benefit his enemies anymore. Even though, they weren't directly useful for him, it would decrease the power that his advesaries had.

  4. In fact, only heroes, leaders, and "captain" units (elf lords, dwarf lords, etc) will be able to blow horns.  You will hear them sound, (it'd be cool if it made your computer shake j/k :D) and they will have the effect of bolstering morale.

    Then make sure, that enemies (other players) will hear those horns too. It will sound like a challenge and add to the carnage/fun :muaha:!

    Imagine: you are safe (at least, that's what you think) behind your walls and building up defences. Then you hear a horn blowing. Then another one. You scroll around: an army at your gate... :P

  5. Yeah, it's hard to be creative in the commercial world, as the publishers will always be worried wether the product will sell or not, and do not care about originality.

  6. Those "wings" are actually an essential part of a spear/pike because otherwise a horse, or boar, or anything else that comes with incredible speed at the speer would come close enough to injure the soldier. With those "wings" this is prevented.

    And Mithrandil, I know that battle :brow:. Just wanted to let you know.

  7. Those measures you give us, were in use, long before America was "discovered" by Columbus. It was used in Europe, and the migrating people took them with them.

    Then Napoleon conquered almost the whole of Europe and to form a unity of nations he introduced the "metric system" (is it called that way?). America wasn't conquered by Nappi, so naturely he couldn't introduce the measures there.

  8. I'm sorry, but anyone who wants to watch a 5+ hour movie has way too much free time :brow:

    Well, one doesn't have to much it in one run. The films of three hours I also watch in "pieces".

    So for me, the movie should have been so long so it would have had all things from the book. Haha, take that B-) .

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