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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Sim Pipeweed farm: Buy land, grow pipeweed, sell it, buy more land, bribe the mayor etc.

    A caesar/pharoh style game. Probably following the Edain from the simple settlement of the Haladin, through the might of Numenor, the haven or Pelergir, right to Dol-Amroth and Minas Tirith. Maybe a little side-treck to Esgaroth or Bree too.

    Balrog-Tamagochi. Corrupt a maia and train him till he surpasses Gothmog.

    Narn i.Hin Hurin: An RPG/Adventure style game following the life of Turin. you would control Turin in third person mode, but allowing for a lot of strategic elements. For example as leader of the Haladin forces you could issue orders to your troops, or hold dialogue etc.

    Fantastic ideas :brow:!!! I bet you know "Harvest Moon" from Super Nintendo and/or Game Boy.

    Mine would be a purist/fun RTS game set in Arda like TLA, but with one big difference: you would be able to "enter" a unit and control it in battle, like in Dungeon Keeper! That would truly be great. Of course, I would add many RPG elements to it.

    If you know Command & Conquer Renegade and C&C Tiberian Sun, then think about how it would look like if you "blend" this genres: a RTS game in which you can control your own character and hack at the enemies!

    Battlezone has similar things, but that is more a RTS game from First-person view. But that would be nice to add too: being able to issue commands while you're "inside" a creature.

    Hope you were able to follow it. If anyone wants links to above mentioned games, I'm more then willing to share those, but I'm sure that googling would help you out too :brow:.

  2. I think it would be better to provide a link to your essay. If you don't have webspace you can mail it to me (see button under this msg), if you want and I'll upload it for you.

  3. I've asked this question to the "pros" on http://www.nukecops.com, but I haven't received and answer yet.

    I'll repost it here:

    Hello, I want to make my phpbb forum accessable for another site, so that that site can use my forum in a frame without getting a "error" and without that the rest of my phpNuke shows up on that other site.

    So I would like:

    • my forum to be accessable for other sites

    [*]my forum so that the rest of my site doesn't show up

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm sure I will get at least some more reactions here. So if you have some php(nuke) knowledge, please help me out!

  4. Well, i would like a turn based game (no RTS) about Arda.

    So basically a turn based TLA!

    *goes away to convince Adam to start another project* :D

    Have you ever played Age of Wonders (or part II for that matter)? It's basically a very fun fantasy turn-based strategy game.

    check: http://www.ageofwonders.com

    My dream would be an RPG like game, in which you can do almost anything. Like traveling trough time. Or gathering a army and take over the world. Or travelling to another dimension and go fantasystyle.

    But that will not be here for several decades I guess (y).

    Or a RTS game like TLA in which you can "take over" a creature so that you can actually play him/her/it. Like in Dungeon Keeper. Would be to hard to implent in TLA (or in 0ad) I think. But it would be cool nonetheless.

  5. I've played it a few times by a friend of mine. It really is a great game! We played against a mutual friend of us on a few small sniper maps. Man that is really cool.

    In the map, in which you have to rescue the English officier in single player, you can actually jump onto the roofs and lie down and snipe some poor fellas! I like that (y).

  6. Yes, according to the bible Peter was crucified upside down, because he thought he wasn't worth it to die the same death as his master.

    Did you knew that a person on a cross now and then tried to rest by "standing" on his legs. That person then wasn't able to hold this out for long and then would be "hanging" again. This way ensures maximum suffering over a long period of time. I just had to describe this, sorry (y).

    I'm sure I will see this movie sometime, but maybe not in the theater. Anyway, it takes a while untill it will be released here in The Netherlands.

  7. Does this mean TLA won't have player colors (I'm new after all)?I

    Really it's not going to be a big deal because think about it - if you're the Noldor, you're going to know who your enemy is and who your friends are just from how they look anyways. I mean the beautiful thing is that appearances will be so different for each civ that this is possible. Think about starcraft for example - if you are the protoss, do you ever get confused with zerg units?

    No :brow:.

    If you guys are able to pull that of, then that would be really a piece of art. Not just a game, but artwork!

    Emblems would be cool though (like having soldiers from Rohan show a horse on their shields -- just some speculation of course).

  8. Well, I think that Star Wars is all about the movies and Tolkien is all about his books. Sure, PJ made some great movies, but they were based on great books. That's why I find it difficult to prefer one over the other or to make a choice.

  9. Well actually, Druedain lived on Numénor and were smart/foreseeing enough to leave the isle, before it fell into sea. So I guess, that the question isn't "how can Druedain be compared to Numenoreans?" but "how can Numenoreans be compared to Druedain?".

  10. No, just the underground would be done with these "terrain blocks".  The surface map is a standard 3D terrain map.

    Water will probably be done quite differently, but that is a very tricky thing to do in a game like this, and we're not quite sure yet what the final route we take may be.

    If you are referring to how water breaks on the shore, you could use two layers of water, so that when one layer flows back, the other one flows forth. I have this idea from Age of Mythology. But I'm not an expert on this :brow:.

    Another question: can the weather influence the water, so that it can freeze in wintertimes and units can walk across it? And that when the temperature rises, they drown (whoops, hehe :brow:). That would be great I think! This doesn't have to be standard (but would be nice), but can be used by triggers or so.

    Or that during storms, the waves are dangerous for ships. This one, I think, is much more difficult to implent.

  11. It's a strategic issue for me. It is a great idea (imo) for traps and ambushes and such. This would be great in a tutorial scenario in which the player learns how to take advantage of this feature (ie. you have two troops, one gets slaugthered, while the other one "melts" with the enemies troops, to make them stop fire or to shoot their own troops.

    And about the ammo: no. If you have problems, then just imagine how the archers take the arrows that were shot at them (or from their fallen comrades) :brow:.

  12. That's right. Europeans use the , as a . and the . as a ,. Is that clear :D?

    So 10.02 (American) would be 10,02 in Europe. And 10,000 (10000) can be written as 10.000 here (10000). It comes from the time, that the Americans fought themselves free from the Britons. They wanted to show they were their own boss, so they exchanged the , and the ..

    It is the same with driving left or right. Napoleon made a law that said all people should drive right. The English though "He is a idiot, but that idea isn't that bad." so they imitated it, but they changed it to driving left, to show their independance. So guess what happened when America gained independance (y)? They changed it to driving right, because they hated the English then.

    I think it is about time to generalise all standards globally. Same with measurements (meters, foot).

    And about the "space" thing. It's computerlanguage I guess. I'm Dutch and it is standard to put the . or ! or ? at the end of a sentence without a space. However, when one is typing, you must remember that after each word, you would automatically place a space, so it could be a "blind-typing" issue.

  13. If your Mom is responsible for 35% of the total income, I would say to let her stay home for a week ("sorry guys, but she is "ill" today"). The others would quickly realise how much work it will give them, at least that's what I think. Problem is the financial thing, cause when she doesn't work, she doesn't get payed (unless you can get payed with a good insurance).

    Anyways, collegues who treat their partner like that, should really get a new upbringing (Erziehung).

    Hope this helps man! Let your Mom get comforted by some friends (and don't forget yourself!), as a good backup is important in such cases!!!

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