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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Ah - I see what you mean here.

    In other words, single target and area target fire.

    This is probably a good idea.  If we had single target fire, it should not do FF.   This would be the default fire.

    Then we'd have a special unit ability called "Target Area" or something like that, and the player would select a group of archers, click this ability button, and then he would click a center location and the archers would continue to rain down fire upon this area (as long as their power lasts? or perpetually? or only once and then the player would have to instruct them again?)

    That's what I meant too. I think I got lost halfway this thread, but if you look at the second set of pics I posted, then you see that I work with circles that define the place where the arrow could land. And the place of those circles are defined by the player that looks for a suitable target. Of course the target should be within the circle in order to get hit. All friendly units within the circle could then also be hit.

    And I would vote for "shooting while there is an enemy in the targeted area" option.


    I'll just post that pic again here to show what I meant:


  2. I like RotK the most. Put the movie that stayed the closest to the books is FotR (if we forget about the Balrog). And TTT of course was great too.

    But I'll vote for RotK, since it was the most climatic and because I liked the written version the most too.

    PS: and they are all blasphemous indeed. Nice option Black op! :brow:

  3. Darth Vader rulez: lsvader.gif!

    I don't want to make a choise between those. I think they are all great in their own right, though the prequels of Star Wars could have been way better, but we haven't seen III yet, so who knows? I really hope George Lucas makes that one a classic again.

  4. I have wached half of the FotR.

    I've fele asleep on the premiere of TTT during the warg scene.

    I've wached RotK once and I don't intend to do so again.

    Why is that? Did they disappoint you so?

    As for me, I've seen each movie in the theater only once. I'm not going to the theaters much, only for special movies (like LotR :brow:). As for the DVD's: I really haven't watched them that often. FotR three or four times, TTT two times or so. I intend on watching them both again soon.

  5. The Battle of Azanulbizar! The Dwarves against the Orcs, for vengeance and pride. Only time that Dwarves from all time unite (so far I remember). And it took place in the mountains. To bad that it wasn't underground, but then Thorin wouldn't have been able to break his "shield" from a Oak tree. I find this battle fascinating.

  6. It's a matter of what one likes really.

    And take a look at this: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth. To bad it's movie-spired though :brow:.

    Here is the screenindex.

    One great thing I want to point out: this is a pic of a troll who is holding a tree that he just a moment ago pulled out the ground and is using to bash around some poor Gondorian men.

    And this one just because it look nice: some siege weapons.

    Again: it's a shame it isn't (directly) inspired by the books. Would be even better then :brow:.

  7. Maybe a point of interest for you: here (talking about The Netherlands, and maybe Europe too) it doesn't really matter from which university one comes, but more that you made it trough.

    From what I understand about the USA, is that there are many different colleges and that the quality between them differs much.

    And then there is the payment issue too, because here we get money from the government (not much though, and I hope it won't grow even less :)). Don't know exactly how this is in the USA, but I think it's more expensive there.

  8. Well IIRC, Merry used a Numerorean blade he got from the Barrow Downs to injure the Witch King allowing Eowyn to finish him off. So if you want to be realistic, normal units run away from the Nazgul and captain, unique, Leader and Hero units can injure the Witch King, provided they use a weapon of Elven, Dwarven or Numenorean make. If WiKi gets injured beyond a certain point, that allows for a female unit to kill him (or just a Rohirrim shieldmaiden).

    That shieldmaiden thing sounds like a great idea to me! It would then serve as a anti-nazgûl (or only anti-WiKi unit).

    And don't mistake: they did have great power. They have been given rings because they were great and these added to their power.

    Maybe normal units should run away from them, and others have a small (Elves) or large (captains/other leaders) drop in morale.

  9. That's why I always used the "defensive" stance in before mentioned game. That way my troops didn't went on the aggresive. And if your troops don't show discipline whos fault is that :brow:?

    well the defensive stance still alows your units to chase the scout a little bit, and in a serious game i have no time to go through every grouping of my people and put "defensive" when i might even need aggressive later on

    I never had a problem with that. Do you use the ctrl+ [put a number here] shortkeys? I think that should solve all inconviniences. And you can set archers on that stance that won't allow them to walk, but still enables them to shoot.

  10. Well, because they are wraiths and are bound to the One Ring, they won't be able to "die" I think. Maybe they will be reïncarnated with zero experience and after a short period of penalty time (to give their spirits time to travel back to their master).

    Caedus, you're wrong on this: the Witch King was actually killed by Eowyn (with a little help from her friend Merry :brow: )

    So Nazguls can be killed, but not by common weapons welded by common people.

    I forgot about that and you're right, but then what about their fall when they were "attacked" by the river near Rivendell? I was more thinking about that event.

  11. Yeah, I have that habit too Anco ;) The only thing I didn't push up until the last minute this year (schoolyear) was an essay I started a week ahead. Turns out I didn't finish it until an hour or so before it was to be handed in...

    Same here. I planned on doing last week: 2 book reports, 1 "to-be-handed-in" excersice and writing 1 story for WFG. I only did the last. Now I'll have some work to do, as those others things should be finished on friday. But I don't worry too much. Still a whole week to do stuff :).

  12. I'm one of those that always makes plans, writes in his agenda and then finds out he does it at the last possible moment. Yes, that includes writing a story for a certain contest :).

    Strange as it may seem, I do finish everything on time, but sometimes it takes some night rest.

    It's a habit I must change sometime, but not just yet.

    So I'll vote 5, cuz I make plans, but don't live up to them.

  13. Well, because they are wraiths and are bound to the One Ring, they won't be able to "die" I think. Maybe they will be reïncarnated with zero experience and after a short period of penalty time (to give their spirits time to travel back to their master).

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