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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Yes, I agree. Though I only recently have gotten cable, I can still remember those days that I had to wait like 20 second for one page to load...

    But if the size really is a problem, I think that there are other ways to gain the game, by downloading it in a library and then burning it on a cd-rom or putting it on a usb portable disc or so.

  2. Dwarf women

    Well, Tolkien wrote that Dwarf women are so difficult to recognise, because they look so alike to their man-counterparts (an Appendix from LotR). But my main question here is: did they have beards? I'm just so curious, as I find it difficult to imagine :) .

    Orc women

    I can be short on this one: what is known about them? Do they actually exist, as I have never (not that I remember anyway) read something about them in the work of Tolkien.

  3. From where came the wyrms and dragons? I mean, he was supposed not to be able to create new beings (as this was only in the power of Eru), but he could horribly alter the form of existing beings (the orcs are altered forms of higher beings: men or elf).

    So I think that he took some existing monstrous beasts, bred them to make create a monster race and then ordered foul spirits to enter the bodies of those creatures. Those should be spirits from a high rank, as even Dragons were even higher rated than Balrogs (that's how I experienced it).

    So what's your hypothesis, or can you give links to a site that discusses this topics?

  4. @Adam: thx for that link. I hope this thread will last longer and gains more links.

    @Curufinwe: it was late last night, and I just put a few of them as example in each category. And what is "etc." exactly? Please just post the links, as I may not know them all.

  5. @Caedus: You could do what Decipher did and give an Elvish (or Black Speech) translation of Nazgûl #2, Nazgûl #3, ect.

    I feel a bit dumb :), but I'm afraid I can't follow you. Can you explain who/what Decipher is and how they translated those numbers?

  6. First, I thought it would be nice to exchange our links to sites about Tolkien/Arda. I figured this forum would be a good place to start.

    Secondly, I was wondering where I could get that "Middle-Earth" style font. Adam's brother used it on his website, both the Latin alphabet and the Elvish characters.

    Does someone know where to get them (I assume it is legal)?

    Also it would be cool if you could post links to sites that have more resources, maybe not only fonts, but pictures, poems, whatever. Or let's just say, any site that has content which has to do with Tolkien/his work.

    I think I will edit this first post to update the links and such.

    So let's start :D !



    http://www.theonering.net/ - All sorts of stuff here

    http://www.tolkiensociety.org/ - Info about the man and his work

    http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/default.htm - The Encyclopedia of Arda :D

    http://rover.wiesbaden.netsurf.de/~lalaith...th/M-earth.html - A site with a scientifical approach at the work of Tolkien

    http://tolkienion.com/index2.html - An encyclopedia with lots of maps too

    http://www.warofthering.net/ - Again lots of stuff

    http://www.tolkienonline.com/ - Online fan community

    http://wildfiregames.com/tla/ - Fan community trying to research the works of Tolkien in a onorthodox way => by making a game :o


    http://www.tednasmith.com/ - Artist website

    http://www.eldalamberon.com/ - graphics site

    http://fan.theonering.net/~rolozo/ - Gallery with lots of fan art :D

    http://www.nightrunner.com/gallery/html/in...html/index.html - Tolkien inspired artwork gallery

    http://www.diar.ru/tolkien/texts/eng/pbjrr...jrrt/index.html - Pictures made by the Professor himself :D


    http://aok.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/aokcgi/...&fn=9&f=9,,0,10 - Several Middle Earth mods are discussed here

    http://www.elendor.net/ - Roleplaying in Middle Earth, also lots of other info

    http://larsen-family.us/~1066/index.html - Wargames in Middle Earth with miniatures

    http://www.vanacreative.com/bome/ - Middle Earth mod for AoK :D

    http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/sb...sbg/default.htm - LotR board battle game

    http://www.warofthering.com - RTS game based on the movies


    http://www.jrrvf.com/hisweloke/sindar/index.html - About Sindarin

    http://elvish.org/ - About all the elvisch languages

    http://ardalambion.com/ - About all (?) the languages from Arda :)

    http://www.elvish.org/gwaith/ - The premier tolkien language guild, true masters of their craft.


    http://tolkien.start4all.com/ - Many links here, though mostly movie oriented

    http://www.suite101.com/articles.cfm/4786 - articles about several topics

  7. Adam, it seems you're not the only one in your family that knows of Age of Wonders. I believe the pictures of the Olog-hai and the Wyrm are both from part 2... :)

    See this link.

    And isn't Orthanc a bit too black? I mean it was originally build by the good guys (the Numénoreans whom fled).

  8. No I'm just humbly trying to put some nice words together in English :D. But it is kind of you to ask.

    As for that word holy, why not make it bounding?

    "And after that bounding ritual, she saw dead maiden elf."

    I think this poem has great potential, but it's not quite there yet.

    You could ask Adam for some help, he also gave his thoughts in this thread. I think he's a native English speaker, so it's likely he can help you more than I (as I'm not).

    I hope that I'm helping you in the right direction :)!

  9. Is the word "vain" not misplaced here, as the only meaning I know is synonym to "futile"?

    I took the freedom to rewrite that part into this:

    Talira, Orion’s sage and bard,

    Found her loved Master dead and slain.

    She wept and cried and told her guard:

    "His pure soul in this world should remain.

    So bring me a white Angel's pearl; for they are deep and blessed!"

    And after that holy ritual, she saw dead golden maiden elf.

    She revived the girl, then used a pole to put herself to rest,

    For she loved Orion more than she had ever loved herself.

    And could not bear to live in the same world as Orion his love,

    So she passed and was no longer Talira, shining morning dove.

    I'm not sure about this, but I think it sounds better. I have had two problems:

    1. The correct use of syllables, as the lines should match when saying it out loud.

    2. The story shouldn't be to "jumpy", as in jumping from one part to another.

    So what do you think?

  10. For myself I wouldn't like using names, that are not given free by Tolkien (or his son for that matter). On the other hand, it isn't that nice to give each Nazgûl a number like: Witch-King, Nagzûl #2, Nazgûl #3, and so on...

    Maybe we can find a more creative solution, that doesn't conflict with Tolkien's work and the vision of purists.

  11. It doesn't rule my life, but Tolkien's creative genius certainly does make life more interesting.  The depth of Arda is astounding, and learning all about it helps one to better understand humanity, its darkness and glory.

    Yes, I think that too. The books he made didn't directly change my life, but they changed the way I experience life.

    Medium fan

    ... On the other hand I haven't read HoME and I can't do stuff like name all the kings of Numenor (Tar-Minyatur, Tar-Palantir, Ar-Pharazon, and that's about it) which means that I definately don't qualify as a Zealot.

    I don't think that any of us can name all those kings out of his/her head :).

  12. I like the story that is told, but could have been more captivating I think. It's good, but it can be better :).

    “Find me an Angel’s pearl, for they are deep and vain,

    And in such a gem I shall bind my Master’s soul,”

    And when finished, she saw golden maiden elf,

    She revived her and cast herself onto a pole,

    For example, in the part above, it's unclear who the she is/are. First you're talking about an elf maiden, and then about the immortals servant. Then in that part you mix them up, or so it seems to me.

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