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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Why don't we simply ask Christopher Tolkien, or any other person that has the copyrights to the work of Tolkien? Surely he can appreciate the work that is going on here, as it is a fan-made project, that does not have as goal to make money?

    Maybe I'm a little naïve, but I do think it's not a bad idea.

  2. i'd eat it


    I would use it to gain power and insight, then overthrow Sauron, and become a lord with a land of my own. Would be interesting to find out what the ring would do if Sauron is really eradicated. Maybe it would work, and maybe not. If it didn't work, I would maybe give it to Sauron and take the place of his "Mouth".

  3. I think that the tutorial scenario's Adam proposes, are very well chosen and fit for several game aspects.

    Might I warn, that it is nice to play as the FoD, it get's boring when your numbers are so great you barely fear defeat (Battle of Unnumbered Tears). It should stay a challange for the player.

  4. Then perhaps it was a bit of miscommunication between us.

    Those pictures I showed, weren't supposed to play for model for a balrog. Those are more for the "feeling" (how the viewer experiences the graphic) of a big bad demon. And I can agree that the pic from diablo is more balrog-like (for me), if it is altered in colour and shadow (again, the "feeling").

    I'm sorry, if I expressed myself in a vague manner.

  5. Yup, Joseph is right, those are pics of Morgoth. But I posted them, because I wanted to show that the height of the Balrog is often mistaken for being far to giant-like (at least, that's how I think about it). Plus I wanted to show that demons can be scary, even though they aren't gigantic.

    The Balrog from the movie was drawn very profesionally, but I didn't like, because it was so "over-done".


    On the Tyreal pic (that angel from diablo): well he has the right height, I guess, being a bit taller than a man. But his form is not entirely what I would expect from a demon: but that's because he is a angel :). I like the idea about his wings though, they're a good fit for a Balrog.

  6. First I must admit, this work was very well written (style and such), but for me the story was not captivating. I find it a bit vague => about the elves and their battles, their land and their king & queen. There is very little explained. That's why I didn't enjoy it as much as "Farmer".

  7. well one official version

    Ha ;)!

    And what about casualties? Say that you're guiding the people of Rohan and you've just won the battle of Helms Deep. You did extroardinary well and have made many soldiers survive the battle. Then you could have a bonus company of Rohirrim in the battle for Minas Tirith.

  8. Well, this is not a Balrog, but it (or rather: he) has much to do with it.

    These are two paintings from John Howe of Morgoth (they are big, I know):

    This is the first one.

    This is the second one.

    Both pics are from Rolozo Tolkien fanart site

    Especially the first one, shows that Dark creatures, don't have to be giants to be scary. I think Morgoth has just about the right measurements and the Balrog should be just a little smaller, more dark, and have fiery edges (and different face/weapon and such).

    Maybe this strays a bit off-topic, but those are still nice pics to see ;).

  9. Well, that was one thing I really liked in the movies: the interaction between Legolas and Gimli (that counting is part of it). It added a nice bit of humor.

    But I think that making the scenarios shouldn't be so much work. Just prepare yourself decently, with a hand-drawn map with important places on it, and write down the scripting in words or diagrams and then work it out. However, maybe I see things to lightly ;).

    One more question: are you guys planning on "moving over" objects from one scenario from another? Like, for example, if you have to choose a path, you will have a different "end-scenario"? Roughly put: I decide to help the elves, so in the last scenario they will help me, but the dwarves will then be neutral or enemies and vice-versa when I do it the other way around.

  10. I can't choose ;) .

    I love the hobbit, because of it's simple yet captivating style; the LotR is great because of it's largeness and intruging story; I like the Silmarillion because of it's mythical aproach; I have just begon reading Unfinished Tales, because I just bought it! It's the English version, which is kinda hard for me, cuz that is not my primairy language, but I like it sofar. B)

  11. Personally, I really like Farmer Giles of Ham! True, it's not the great story (;)), but it is the style in which it was written. Just hilarious. I can recommend it, when you like a good laugh. Just don't try to be serious when reading it.


    I read Smith, and I think it is not that great. Well it's ok, I guess, but it is a strange piece of work. I can tell you more about it, if you like.

  12. What will and what won't be included? Since Tolkien has wrote an enormous amount of work, I think it would be a Herculian task (did I say that correct?) to include it all.

    So what may we expect? Two large campaigns? Or seven smaller ones? Or even something else?

    Or will you ask us, to become scenario designer?s...would be nice, hehe ;)

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