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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. I wondered. I can remember that when Saruman was striked in his back, by Wormtongue, his lifefore in the form of some sort of smoke was blown away by a wind from the west. Does that mean he is really dead, or can he take shape again (after a great time) like Sauron did?

  2. I know of that shrine in Numénor. Also, the orcs and foul people of the west and south, worshipped the dark (Morgoth, and Sauron later on). Can't say I'm an expert on this topic, though.

    And, of course, I don't know if this is part of the game.

  3. I have Knights & Merchants, and I remember that option. Would be more fit for orcs i think, because they just mindless charge into battle.

    I remember that when I used it, half of my company charged past the enemy ;).


    One more thing. I would really love an advanced sieging system. Part of that is indeed units walking on walls. There is one game in Medieval China (can't remember the title now) that has that. Sieging plays an important role in, for example. the siege of Minas Tirith.

  4. @Mithrandil

    In the Races section on the webpage there can be found exactly how the people of Mirkwood will be represented: here

    It shows the Silvan Elves (of Mirkwood) are independant.

    Also, Adam made a fantastic diagram, concerning the houses of the Elves (a bit like the one found in the Silmarillion): here is the forum post


    I voted Galadhrim, couse I admire the power of Galadriel, the ringbearer, last close heir of Finwë, in Middle-Earth. Though I like the people of Rohan too ;).

  5. "of which there can only be one" idea.

    Well I don't know that anything in Tolkien's works is THAT unique, except the heroes of course. So you won't be seeing any normal units that only appear once like this, but the leaders that come with the civs of course would be unique.

    Well, that was just my way of making sure people won't stick to only building super units (like dragons, mûmakil, balrogs and such). But this is just for random scenario's and not for campaigns. Maybe I'm asking a stupid thing, but hey, faults are to be learned from ;).

    THen I should rephrase it to this:

    * making sure there is a population limit (like 5 or so) on "über units"

    Hope you can understand my point B)!

  6. Is that an Elvish language, or are you referring to Latin???

    After the scream he gave when Ungoliant wanted to take the Silmarilli? I think that's when he was past all hope of redemption.

    That reminds me: Melkor was a very special Vala, in that he knew fear, where the others didn't. Quite remarkable, if you think about the fact, he was the most powerfull being in Arda.

    Or maybe, he somewhere expects his "ultimate" punishment from Eru, at the end. B)

    On that foot-thing: maybe he had a metal replacement after that battle. Hehe, Melkor as Darth Vader ;)

    Just forget that I wrote this. B)

  7. Started, when I was twelve (Hobbit) and thirteen (LotR). That was in 1998/1999 (Fortunately before the movies, so I'm a "original" fan B))

    * Hobbit: Dutch about 3/4 times, English 1 time

    * LotR (whole): Dutch 3 times, English 2 times

    * Silmarillion: Dutch 2/3 times (I really don't count the times so well), English 1 time (Just finished it, I really luv the use of language ;)).

    I also read 'Smith of Wootton Major', 'Farmer Giles of Ham' (hilarious!) and 'Leaf by Niggle' a few times, though in Dutch only.

    Planning to order: Unfinished Tales.

    Eventually I want to read all his work, but then I need more $$$ :(. But I will get there though B).

  8. My wants:

    * an entertaining game, containing (a part of) the world of Tolkien

    * original strategy twists

    * the use of different strategies for short, medium and long games

    * some sort of super/unique unit for each race, of which there can only be one at the time (like a balrog for FOD, or some kind of huge ship for the Numénoreans).

    * nice little details to spice up the (sphere in the) game (like birds flying around the edge of a forest, or something

    Can't think of more atm ;).

  9. Well, I know that here in The Netherlands "Ros" means "Horse".


    About Dragons: the first dragons actually weren't able to fly. Ancalagon was the first known dragon who had that ability. That means Glaurung, father of dragons, could only walk (and run for that matter). Ow, wait I forget the breath-fire ability. Pretty @#$%, if you were a warrior in battle that forgets a dragon can breath fire :unsure:.


  10. We know of Saruman, Gandalf and Radagast (though not that much about the last one). What happened to the other two (because there were five in total)?

    All I remember is that they went further into the continent. But they were dispatched to prevent Sauron from claiming the world as his own. What did they do then, so far away?

    Any speculation?

  11. Based on your answers, you should settle in

    The Long Lake

    It is the location that meets most of your preferences.

    You would also probably like to live in

    The Grey Havens


    So... Actually, I would like the Grey Havens more, I think.

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