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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Why was he supposed to be the "last"? What about all the "evil" people in the south or east?

    Now that I talk about that: maybe that new shadow could be one of the other two Istari that wandered beyond and never returned. Tolkien wrote of this in a letter in 1958 (qouted from Unfinished Tales):

    'I think,' he wrote, 'they went as emissaries to distant regions, East and South, far out of Númenórean range: missionaries to "enemy-occupied" lands, as it were. What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and "magic" traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron.'

    Seems like the right requirements for a come-back of evil :).

  2. Personally I really liked the balrogs on War of the Ring. Adam's idea looked pretty good too. But Joe Swede's ideas were pathetic!  :)  They looked like balls of fire with sticks sticking out. Balrogs are upposed to be strong and huge, big enough to destroy a village! They were Morgoth's (along with dragons) his most lethal weapons. Personaly I think that a lot of people would be disapointed if they came out looking like joe's.

    Actually, Tolkien does not describe Balrogs as "big" or "huge", only as bigger than a man (and don't forget they look bigger because they have shadows of fear around them). In fact one does not have to be big to destroy a village. Compare them with a nuclear bomb => both are relatively small, but have tremendous power, yes power enough to destroy a village.

  3. It would be great if towers/castles/keeps were really just building of stone. I mean with that, that you could capture the place when all of the enemy is killed. That way you will have a far more realistic siege => you will have to fight for every step.

    Maybe I should explain my point a bit more: let's just say that you build stone walls with stairs and such, but they aren't actually yours unless you stay around them. That way there will be battles on the stairs, but those stairs can only be destroyed by siege units.

    That way an enemy will be able to conquer it and use it for his/her own good.

    I got this idea from this strategy game called "Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon". Try to watch the screenshots or even download the demo for a perfect impression (see a review here).

  4. I have two ideas from a neat strategy game called Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns (or see this other site):

    1. An advanced use of independant/gaia units would be very cool. Example: there are three wolves in a spot. WIthin a few minutes there a four, then six, then ten: when there are fifteen 10 will go and roam the map and the other five will continue breeding... That way scenario's will stay a challange even if you are way stronger than your enemies.

    2. The sort of formation that a company is in affects morale/fighting effiency and speed. So let's say that in the quickest setting, the morale drastically lowers, because the soldiers don't get rest. Maybe some leaders/captains could give bonuses to this.

    Hope that what I told is clear :).


    EDIT: Also I want to add this link for a suggestion on sieging.

  5. I know this is a very old thread, but I think there is no harm in reviving it :D.

    You all have made some great models :D ! Curufinwe, I want to say something about that Dwarven treasury: Dwarves are creatures very serious about their possesions, so I find it odd that the treasury you made (seen here) doesn't have doors with locks and is all open! It looks that everyone can take their goods. I doubt that Dwarves would store any valuables in there :o. I know that that building is from a sketch, but maybe you can change it yourself.

    That was all :).

  6. I bought "Unfinished Tales" and on the inside of the back cover is this book displayed called "Roverandom" written by J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. There is a winged dragon above a half moon on the cover.

    So does anyone knows this book and/or what it is about?

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