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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. I think it's artistic license, and I liked how the movie portrayed this, except I would have rather seen Elendil and Gil-galad having some kind of epic battle against Sauron before he slew them.

    Yes, that would have been even better. But I think Peter wanted to limit the cast of characters as much as possible, so viewers of the movies wouldn't be so confused. So Isildur took the place of his father and Elrond took the place of Gil-galad (instead of being his banner bearer as I recall).

  2. I thought that that was the case with mithril.

    So that will cause orcs and dwarfs to fight underground. Is it possible to take dwarves captive and let them mine mithril? That would be cool, as it could be a cause for war and struggle underground.

  3. Nicely done table in excel!

    But what is this:


    -1 Relationship with all good-aligned races and independent civilizations

    Effect is multiplied for every 5 slaves.

    Then what is the use of slaves :)? I guess they have some other use, but what is that?

  4. You're right, on the island of Numenore itself, I was thinking of the Realms in Exile, sorry.  But anyway, they did enjoy riding as a passtime.  But if their cavalry isn't like Rohan's, then at least their archers are the best, with their steel-bows and all, (also from Unfinished Tales, somehwhere in the story of the disaster at Gladden Fields)

    Yes, they had steel (and I thought hollow too) arrows. Feared by their enemies.

    And about those horses: it would have been difficult to put those on ship during long voyages. So I can understand from a practical point of view why they didn't use them for militairy (as all their wars weren't on Numenor itself).

  5. Ok sounds even better :)! So the Mountain Orcs independent will be able to dig too! Will you program the AI, so that it will actually dig. That would be a great strat for the computer to use => going underground then dig a path to your opponent and then attack behind their walls.

    I suppose there will be at least two tiles of underground blocks: clay and granite, like in Age of Wonders, so that if you build on granite ground your more safe.

    How about switching from ground to underground? Will there be preset places or can those civs make their own stairs where they want?

  6. That's rude! :D

    *after being reincarnated as an orc*

    *sneeks up behind Black Op, without him noticing, because he thinks the orc is his servant*

    *stabs Black Op in his back*

    HAHA! Now the dragons will listen to me again! "Here dragons!"

    *forgets that dragons like to toast orc*


  7. Concept idea sounds very good and solid. Will only Dwarves be able to delve new areas? And will flyable units be able to go underground (==> Smaug lived in the cave build by dwarves, but he can be considerd a flying unit and it would not be logical for a unit to fly underground, unless there is MUCH space.

  8. will the units have a "right" relative height, compared with buildings?

    It's going to be proportionally better than AoK, for instance, but perfect proportions in a RTS are impossible.

    If it's going to be better than in AoK, then it is good enough for me :)!

    Did anyone look into my idea, about sieging? If so, what do you think about that demo/screenshots from that other game? I would appreciate it, if someone take his/her time, though I can understand it if you don't want to do it. I'm just hoping... :D

  9. Well, most of the people around me have watched the movies and one even started because of that with Lord of the Rings, but last time I heard he was stuck in the Shire. Maybe he now has left Bilbo's party...I should ask him :D.

    Curufinwe, what are those two titles then in French? I'm curious how they sound (if you write them, I can say them out loud, at least my French is that well :)).

  10. Well, the way I see it, is that Sauron trapped his mind. He didn't want to join Sauron, but wanted to replace him, and he just allied so that Sauron wouldn't crush him (yet). But Sauron proved to be a more powerful Maia. But I do not doubt that, if Saruman had the chance, he would overthrow Sauron and take his place, having no loyalty towards him.

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