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Posts posted by Caedus

  1. Yes, the Huorns. Would be cool, if forest could grow and that the amount of Huorns and Ents within those forest would slowly grow too. Well maybe not those Ents, since they lost their wives, but the amount of Huorns could increase.

    Would be even better if players will not be able to distinguish Ents/Huorns from normal trees, till it's too late (like when you're attacked).

  2. Sounds great!

    And I agree that specialised dragons should be used for which they should be used.

    I think that Morgoth made the ground-dragons really tough and fierce charging beasts, and the winged-dragons were his arial support that breathed flame and scorched the battlefields.

    Whoa! I would LOVE to see the battle between Eärendil and Ancalagon (did I mention my real name is Anco...;)?) made by you guys.

  3. i think thats too compliacted, its better if you hint at possible wings, just like Tolkien did, so if we merely hint, then everyone's happy

    You make it sound very easy ;). But don't forget that people are arguing about this topic a very long time already.

    I would make the balrog a very dark shadow, taller than a man or elf, with large shadowy wings, that aren't used for flying, but to strangle an opponent with fear. On fire should be it's weapons (the whip), the nostrils, the eyes, but not the mouth. I say that the worst nightmare can't be painted, the viewer must only get a hint of it's form, and his/her imagination will do the rest.

  4. Maybe as cheat units? ;)

    We could also search the web for already finished, good pieces of work, and ask permission to those writers or so. But maybe this is too complicated. Or it should be worked on after release of TLA as a patch or addon.

  5. * thinks: Shall I offer it or not?*

    Ah well, IF that permission is gained, I volunteer to write a few essays, on these topics. If you trust me with that of course ;). But then I say: it's easier to read and correct than to write it all yourself, wouldn't it?

    So just an suggestion.

  6. Aside from all the usuall desires, I hope TLA becomes the unoffical Encarta of Tolkiendom, with articles on all of the lands, characters, batlles, languages and ect. in Ea. This may not be possible, but still it would be cool if it came into fruition. ;)

    It would be cool indeed, if TLA will have that encyclopedia thingie that AoK also has. To look at the featured races, heroes and such.

    But that's just extra of course.

  7. That would be cool indeed ;)!

    But do I understand you right Adam. You say that Amlach wasn't impersonated by a servant of Morgoth? Because that's how I understand that passage.

    But there one who seemed to all to be Amlach son of Imlach, speaking feel words that shook the hearts of aal who heard him

    and after that:

    But afterwards Amlach returned among them, and denied that he had been present at their debate or had spoken such words as they reported;

    followed by:

    Then the Elf-friends said: 'You will now believe this at least: there is indeed a Dark Lord, and his spies and emissaries are among us; for he fears us, and the strength that we may give to his foes'

    and finally:

    But Amlach repented, saying: 'I have now a quarrel of my own with this Master of Lies, which will last to my life's end';

    quotes from chapter 17 of the Silmarillion, page 174

    The way I see it, is that someone disguised himself as Amlach spoke words and left, while the real Amlach was away. Afterwards he notices this and goes into the service of Maedhros, because he has a personal quarrel which he wouldn't have, if he himself said those words.

  8. I still think, a good narator, can set the atmosphere better than any cinematic, being in-game or not. I mean: we agree on that the books, are better than the movies. So why not use the actual text?

    And why not make two versions available? One with the music/sounds/cinematics/whatever and one without.

  9. Aha, sounds good enough. But if Orcs pose a problem, why not use some kind of spirits (some lower-class Maiar or so?).

    In chapter 17 of the Silmarillion, there is given an example, where a servant from Morgoth disguises himself (itself?) as a man, in a meeting of men. It seems to be 'Amlach son of Imlach' but later on this Amlach says he wasn't even there at that meeting. This is, I think, a very good example of Morgoth's cunning and ability to sow distrust amongst his opponents.

  10. Túrins black sword, wasn't that made by the father of Maeglin (can't remember his name now) and didn't that piece of metal it was made out, fall from the skies (like a meteorite, or cast down by Erú himself for this end)?

    darn, I REALLY have to get my hands on the HoME volumes ;).

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