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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by BreakfastBurrito_007

  1. Ok so I was in a game where I was lagging badly enough for the host to kick, then my brother rejoined the same game and he had no connection issues (same computer and net).
  2. Hi wraitii, It's awesome to hear about the disconnect issue being fixed. As for the lag I cause on certain 0ad hosts, I have logged onto my brother's computer (same model and OS version) and tried the same hosts at the same time and confirmed that he does not experience any lag. I live in Oregon, USA, which is on the West coast. When he comes back I am thinking of copying the settings for 0ad he has arranged on his computer; I don't know if there are some settings that impact connection. Last night I tried finding the ping of the connection to 0ad and it seemed to be averaging around 300 ms. That was on a host who lives in the USA as well. I saw that I was lagging only a little, so it seems my connection is worse across the board, unlike what I observed earlier (about lag only on certain hosts). I will provide an update about the settings experiment sometime soon. The help is much appreciated!
  3. Hello all, I have been having some strange new lag problems that I have never seen before. I used to play 0ad on a 2011 Mac desktop, but I have recently changed to a 2016 macbook pro. On the 2011 mac I had never experienced myself lagging out a server except when my internet was underperforming. On the new computer, I have found that on certain hosts, I consistently lag bad enough that hosts kick me upon entry (even before game launch), while on other hosts my connection has absolutely no lag whatsoever. I tried different hosts soon after one another (to minimize changes in conditions), and considering different days; the lag is always there for the same handful of hosting players and never there for another handful of hosting players. Are there ways I can view my connection statistics to the host or does anyone have any advice on this problem? To me it remains enigmatic. I posted here because I could not find a similar discussion elsewhere and because people in the lobby seem indifferent about the issue. I hope someone can at least shed some light on this issue or what problems I might be facing.
  4. Well I was thinking about getting the testing version for mac and I realized my computer isn't able to update to run the version since its from 2011. Will the new alpha also only be supported on newer versions of Mac OS? If so, it looks like breaky will be squinting at a 13 inch macbook pro rather than the giant 27 inch from 2011 lol.
  5. Hmm these factions in these other mods sound really cool. Is there any talk of adapting them or some of them into a future alpha like there is with the Borg mod?
  6. Post here about any new civ ideas or critique of other's ideas. I have been thinking about what makes a good civilization in 0AD. Ptolemies are a great example of a creative faction, they have some wildly different gameplay options than with other factions in 0AD. I thought another cool civ could be a central asian origin nomadic group. The huns are a good example although they invade Europe later than the 500 BC to beginning of the common era. I am not sure if anyone else has thought of such a civ, but I could not find anything similar on the forums. I think there are a lot of interesting gameplay features that could be put in for the Huns (or whatever group). Mobile buildings. Buildings could have a food or wood (or both) cost to pack them up into carts like the catapults. Larger buildings cost more and take more time to pack up and unpack. Buildings should not be able to train or research when packed. Houses and corrals could have a food cost added like 25 food 50 wood or 50 food 25 wood. Larger buildings should probably just cost wood and mineables like other factions. Fort might be hard to balance... maybe adjusted to a strong military camp type thing 3000 hp? Also the buildings could maybe be built to start or maybe you have to train them from cc. Territory rules apply for unpacking-placement just as for other civs. Units. Huns could be another faction to use the stables to train horses. The huns should have access to a horse archer unit that has similar cost and power as skiritai commandos as well as champion melee and ranged cav and other, cheaper citizen cav. Only siege would be ram unless someone finds another good siege unit for them to operate. Economy. The Huns should be a civ that encourages or forces corrals to be used (I'm not sure which) since they were pastoral. They could have a better corral system plus some interesting not op upgrades. Hopefully the huns would wind up being the least wood intensive faction but not so much that they would be the only option on maps with less wood. They would also require more food thanks to cavalry and food in building costs. I am sure there are other people with creative ideas out there, this one was bugging me so I wanted to see if anyone else thought this was a good idea. Also there could be some very interesting artwork for this civ.
  7. For the 60 slings to 1 enemy issue there could be a volley mode set as a working formation. The sum of all the damage from all the archers or slingers shooting at once could be cut by a ratio and then randomly distributed to a formation that is attacked. It might be possible to create an algorithm that estimates the population density of the formation being attacked by archers and then uses that to assign a ratio for how many arrows hit. Parts of the attacked formation that lie outside the range of the center of the archer group that is attacking should not be factored into the area of the formation or the number in the formation. That way the damage done from the formation of archers is naturally varied between the formation under fire and the range of the archers is not violated. Also a really cool trajectory animation for arrows could be made. ;D. This might also be a good way to give archers something that slingers and skirmishers don't. I have no experience developing anything, but this does seem rather difficult to do. Yikes. I was frankly just wondering if you guys thought this would be cool or even a good gameplay addition.
  8. There is the opportunity cost of workers' labor... could be mining shooting whatever. However I think adding a repair cost might also be good.
  9. Hmm, I am a noob and all but I thought about melee infantry only being able to walk up to enemies to kill them, even at similar speed to ranged infantry. From my experience some melee units seem to have difficulty chasing down lone rams, which seems weird. I think infantry should be able to break into a run when attacking units within a certain distance. This would mean you would need to protect your ranged infantry from melee units and rams could be more easily stopped. I think the run speed for infantry should be their current run speed unless it needs balancing. I think this could help make archers more effective since their range would allow them to stay behind melee infantry and still shoot units. If this is dumb please don't lambast me, but do let me know what you think. I posted this on some other balance related forum but I then realized it was very old.
  10. Hmm, I am a noob and all but I thought about melee infantry only being able to walk up to enemies to kill them, even at similar speed to ranged infantry. From my experience some melee units seem to have difficulty chasing down lone rams, which seems weird. I think infantry should be able to break into a run when attacking units within a certain distance. This would mean you would need to protect your ranged infantry from melee units and rams could be more easily stopped. I think the run speed for infantry should be made up their current run speed unless it needs balancing.
  11. Ah, very impressive! I was able to stop the fgod mod and then I could disable TLS which I found in the settings in the regular version of OAD. Thank you so much for your help!
  12. Here are the versions of the macs: bad mac: Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 good mac: Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.6 And also I don't know what TLS is or where to find it in the settings. Here is a screenshot of the error
  13. I am not good with computers. I directly downloaded a23 (new) from the website and found that when it completed it changed the date modified to december 12 which does not make sense. Also when I finished the process, I opened the game and started to go to the multiplayer lobby which made the game show *connecting* for a while, then OAD quit unexpectedly. I had previously tried the indirect download which turned out to be "seeding" indefinitely in UTorrent. I am not sure what the issue is since it worked on another mac just fine.
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